Publications of the Institute of Computer Engineering
University of Lübeck 1995 - 2025



[ARM24] Ayache, M.; Rama, E.; Mulhem, S.; Berekovic, M.; Korb, M.: Holistic Framework for Evaluating the Trustworthiness of Integrated Circuits. 2024 IFIP/IEEE 32nd International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), IEEE, Tanger, Morocco 2024 [Paper]
[BLB24] J. Bouhlila, F. Last, R. Buchty, M. Berekovic and S. Mulhem: Machine Learning for SRAM Stability Analysis. 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-5, IEEE, Singapore 2024 [Abstract]
[BWS24] Badri-Hoeher, S.; Wilts, T.; Schaefer, L.; Westphalen, J. ; Winkler, J.; Isokeit, C.; Harlakin, A.; Hott, M.; Placzek, J.; Marx, S.; Volz, M.; Maehle, E.; Hoeher, P.: Multiheterogeneous AUV Swarm Technology Exemplified by the MAUS Project: Cooperation, Mission Planning and Hybrid Communication. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 1-24, IEEE, 2024 [Paper]
[FNT24] Foudhaili, W.; Nechi, A.; Thermann, C.; Al Johmani, M.; Buchty, R.; Berekovic, M.; Mulhem, S.: Reconfigurable Edge Hardware for Intelligent IDS: Systematic Approach. In International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, 48-62, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland 2024
[MEN24] Mulhem, S.; Ewert, C.; Neskovic, A.; Poudel, A.; Hübner, C.; Berekovic, M.; Buchty, R.: Secure Software/Hardware Hybrid In-Field Testing for System-on-Chip. 2024 IFIP/IEEE 32nd International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), IEEE, Tanger, Morocco 2024 [Paper]
[MME24] Mulhem, S.; Muuss, F.; Ewert, C.; Buchty, R.; and Berekovic, M.: ML-Based Trojan Classification: Repercussions of Toxic Boundary Nets. in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, IEEE, 2024 [Paper]
[MNM24] Moualhi, A.; Nezami, M.; Mulhem, S.; Schildbach, G.: Experimental Evaluation of Deep Neural Networks for Vehicle Model Identification. 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), IEEE, Stockholm, Sweden 2024 [Abstract] [Paper]
[RAB24] Rama, E.; Ayache, M.; Buchty, R.; Bauer, B.; Korb, M.; Berekovic, M.; Mulhem, S.: Trustworthy Integrated Circuits: From Safety to Security and Beyond. IEEE Access, IEEE, 2024 [Paper]
[STS24] P. Schmidt et al.: EMDRIVE Architecture: Embedded Distributed Computing and Diagnostics from Sensor to Edge. 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 1-6, IEEE, Valencia, Spain 2024 [Abstract]


[CKV23] Cavdan, M.; Kaduk, J.; Vatakis, A.; Hamann, H.; Drewing K.: Time perception and emotion in a real-life human-robot swarm interaction. Journal of Vision, 4798-4798, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2023 [Abstract]
[GMB23] Grothe, P.; Mulhem, S.; Berekovic, M.: An Almost Fully RRAM-Based LUT Design for Reconfigurable Circuits. In: Palumbo, F., Keramidas, G., Voros, N., Diniz, P.C. (eds) Applied Reconfigurable Computing. Architectures, Tools, and Applications. ARC 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14251, Springer, Cham 2023 [Paper]
[HHN23] Hirsch, D.; Hoffmann, F.; Neskovic, A.; Thermann, C.; Buchty, R.; Berekovic, M; Mulhem, S.: Efficient AI-based Attack Detection Methods for Sensitive Edge Devices and Systems. Book: Advancing Edge Artificial Intelligence System Contexts, 177-196, River Publishers, 2023 [Abstract] [Paper]
[KCD23] Kaduk, J.; Cavdan, M.; Drewing, K.; Vatakis, A.; Hamann H.: Effects of Human-Swarm Interaction on Subjective Time Perception: Swarm Size and Speed. Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 456-465, IEEE/ACM, 2023 [Abstract]
[KNK23] Kapoor, G.; Nienaber, S.; Köken, O.; Maehle, E.: Monitoring of Vegetation and Water Quality with MONSUN Micro-AUV Swarms. OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast, MTS/IEEE, Biloxi, USA 2023
[NGM23] Nechi, A.; Groth, L.; Mulhem, S.; Merchant, F.; Buchty,R.; Berekovic, M.: FPGA-based Deep Learning Inference Accelerators: Where Are We Standing?. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, ACM, New York 2023 [Paper]
[NMH23] Nechi, A.; Mahmoudi, A.; Herold, C.; Widmer, D.; Kürner, T.; Berekovic, M.; Mulhem, S: Practical Trustworthiness Model for DNN in Dedicated 6G Application. 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada 2023 [Paper]
[NMT23] Neskovic, A.; Mulhem, S.; Treff, A.; Buchty, R.; Eisenbarth, T.; Berekovic, M.: SystemC Model of Power Side-Channel Attacks Against AI Accelerators: Superstition or not?. in ICCAD '23: Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, IEEE/ACM, 2023 [Paper]
[NSG23] Nienaber, S.; Soorati, M. D.; Ghasemzadeh, A.; Ghofrani, J.: Software Product Lines for Development of Evolutionary Robots. SPLC '23: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume B, 77–84, Association for Computing Machinery, Tokyo, Japan 2023 [Paper]
[PWZ23] Petzold, J.; Wahby, M.; Ziad, Y.; ElSheikh, M.; Dawood, A.; Berekovic, M.; Hamann, H.: Protecting Vulnerable Road Users: Semantic Video Analysis for Accident Prediction. 2023 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 463-469, IEEE, 2023 [Abstract]
[StG23] Starck, C.; Ghofrani, J.: Improving Load Balancing of Long-lived Streaming RPCs for gRPC-enabled Inter-service Communication. 15th ZEUS Workshop, ZEUS 2023, 45-51, Hannover, Germany 2023 [Paper]


[ATD22] Aust, T.; Talamali, M.S; Dorigo, M.; Hamann, H.; Reina, A.: The hidden benefits of limited communication and slow sensing in collective monitoring of dynamic environments. International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, 234-247, Springer International Publishing, 2022 [Abstract]
[BAM22] Bauer, B.; Ayache, M.; Mulhem, S.; Nitzan, M.; Athavale, J.; Buchty, R.; Berekovic, M.: On the Dependability Lifecycle of Electrical/Electronic Product Development: The Dual-Cone V-Model. in Computer, vol. 55, no. 9, 99-106, 2022 [Paper]
[BGD22] Blochwitz, C.; Grothe, P.; Dreier, S.; Aljnabi, W.; Buchty, R.; Berekovic, M.: RemEduLa - Remote Education Laboratory for FPGA Design Technology. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1773-1777, IEEE, 2022 [Abstract]
[BIM22] Behrje, U.; Isokeit, C.; Meyer, B.; Ehlers, K.; Maehle, E.: AUV-based Quay Wall Inspection Using a ScanningSonar-based Wall Following Algorithm. OCEANS 2022 Chennai, MTS/IEEE, Chennai, India 2022
[BRH22] Buss, E.; Rabbel, T.; Horvat, V.; Krizmancic, M.; Bogdan, S.; Wahby, M.; Hamann, H.: Phytonodes for environmental monitoring: stimulus classification based on natural plant signals in an interactive energy-efficient bio-hybrid system. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, 258-264, ACM, 2022 [Abstract]
[DHL22] Dorigo, M.; Hamann, H.; López-Ibáñez, M.; García-Nieto, J.; Engelbrecht, A.; Pinciroli, C.; Strobel, V.; Camacho-Villalón, C.: Swarm Intelligence: 13th International Conference, ANTS 2022, Málaga, Spain, November 2–4, 2022, Proceedings. 13th International Conference, ANTS 2022, Springer Nature, Málaga, Spain 2022
[GHB22] Ghofrani, J.; Heravi, P.; Babaei, K. A.; Soorati, M. D.;: Trust challenges in reusing open source software: an interview-based initial study. SPLC '22: 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, 110–116, ACM, New York, NY, United States 2022 [Abstract]
[IOB22] Isokeit, C.; Osiik, A.; Behrje, U.; Maehle, E.: Efficient Complete Coverage Path Planning for Collaborative Survey Tasks by AUVs. OCEANS 2022 Chennai, MTS/IEEE, Chennai, India 2022
[KaH22] Kaiser, T. K.;Hamann, H.: Minimize Surprise MAP-Elites: A Task-independent MAP-Elites Variant for Swarms. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '22 Companion), Boston, MA, USA, ACM, New York, USA 2022 [Paper]
[KaH22b] Kaiser, T. K.;Hamann, H.: Innate Motivation for Robot Swarms by Minimizing Surprise: From Simple Simulations to Real-World Experiments. in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE, 2022 [Paper]
[KBP22] Kaiser, T. K.; Begemann, M. J.; Plattenteich, T.; Schilling, L.; Schildbach, G.; Hamann, H.: ROS2swarm - A ROS 2 Package for Swarm Robot Behaviors. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022
[KLM22] Kaiser, T. K.; Lang, C.; Marwitz, F. A.; Charles, C.; Dreier, S.; Petzold, J.; Hannawald, M. F.; Begemann, M. J.; Hamann, H.: An Innate Motivation to Tidy Your Room: Online Onboard Evolution of Manipulation Behaviors in a Robot Swarm. In: Matsuno F., Azuma S., Yamamoto M. (eds) Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems. DARS 2021. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, vol 22, Springer, Cham 2022 [Abstract] [Paper]
[KRB22] Križmancic, M.; Rabbel, T.; Buss, E.; Wahby, M.; Hamann, H.; Bogdan, S.: Distributed connectivity control in bio-hybrid wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, 250-257, ACM, 2022 [Abstract]
[PfH22] Pfister, K.; Hamann, H.: Collective decision-making with Bayesian robots in dynamic environments. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 7245-7250, IEEE, Kyoto, Japan 2022 [Abstract]
[PWS22] Petzold, J.; Wahby, M.; Stark, F.; Behrje, U.; Hamann, H.: “If you could see me through my eyes”: Predicting Pedestrian Perception. 2022 8th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), 184-190, IEEE, 2022 [Abstract]
[WPE22] Weißbrich, M.; Ewert, C.; Schmidt, K.; Hagenah, D.; Weide-Zaage, K.; Payá-Vayá, G.: SRAM Test Chip for Radiation Experiment. Pan Pacific Symposium 2022, 2022 [Abstract]
[XSP23] Xue, H.; Song, R.; Petzold, J.; Hein, B.; Hamann, H.; Rueckert, E.: End-To-End Deep Reinforcement Learning for First-Person Pedestrian Visual Navigation in Urban Environments. 2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 350-357, IEEE, 2022 [Abstract]


[BDH21] Jean Botev, Knut Drewing, Heiko Hamann, Yara Khaluf, Pieter Simoens, Argiro Vatakis: ChronoPilot: Modulating Time Perception. IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), 2021
[BPB21] Blochwitz, C.;Philipp, L.; Berekovic, M.; Pionteck T.: StreamGrid - An AXI-Stream-Compliant Overlay Architecture. International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, ARC 2021, 156-170, Springer, Cham, 2021 [Paper]
[DAK21] Dörflinger, A.; Albers, M.; Kleinbeck, B.; Guan, Y.; Michalik, H.; Klink, R.; Blochwitz, C.; Nechi, A.; Berekovic, M.: A comparative survey of open-source application-class RISC-V processor implementations. CF '21: Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, ACM, 2021 [Abstract] [Paper]
[DSB21] Dorigo, M.; Stützle, T.; Blesa, M. J; Blum, C.; Hamann, H.; Heinrich, M. K.: ANTS 2020 Special Issue: Editorial. ANTS 2020 Special Issue, 311-313, Springer US, 2021 [Abstract]
[GBD21] Garcia-Carmona, L.; Bogdan, S.; Diaz-Espejo, A.; Dobielewski, M.; Hamann, H.; Hernandez-Santana, V.; Kernbach, A.; Kernbach, S.; Quijano-Lopez, A.; Roxhed, N.; Salamat, B.; Wahby, M.: Biohybrid Systems for Environmental Intelligence on Living Plants: WatchPlant Project. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, 210–215, Association for Computing Machinery, Roma, Italy 2021 [Paper]
[GhS21] Javad Ghofrani, Tassilo Söldner: Kreislaufwirtschaft durch digitale Transformation ? Die Bedeutung der digitalen Transformation für die Kreislaufwirtschaft. Industrie 4.0 Management Report number: 5/2021, 2021
[Ham21] Hamann, H.: Designing Robot Swarms and Bio-hybrid Systems for Adaptivity and Robustness., 2021 [Paper]
[HaR21] Hamann, H.; Reina, A.: Scalability in Computing and Robotics. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2021 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HBD21] Hamann, H.; Bogdan, S.; Diaz-Espejo, A.; García-Carmona, L.; Hernandez-Santana, V.; Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, A.; Quijano-López, A.; Salamat, B.; Wahby, M.: WatchPlant: Networked Bio-hybrid Systems for Pollution Monitoring of Urban Areas. ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, 2021 [Abstract]
[HMA21] Hamadaqa, E.; Mulhem, S.; Adi, W.; Berekovic, M.: Contemporary Physical Clone-Resistant Identity for IoTs and Emerging Technologies. Cryptography 2021, 2021 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HST21] Hamann, H.; Schwarzat, J.; Thomsen, I. and Tomforde, S.: A Self-organising System Combining Self-adaptive Traffic Control and Urban Platooning: A Concept for Autonomous Driving. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems - VEHITS, 2021 [Abstract] [Paper]
[KLM21] Tanja Kaiser, Christine Lang, Florian Andreas Marwit, Christian Charles, Sven Dreier, Julian Petzold, Max Ferdinand Hannawald, Marian Johannes Begemann, Heiko Hamann: An Innate Motivation to Tidy Your Room: Online Onboard Evolution of Manipulation Behaviors in a Robot Swarm. DARS and SWARM, 2021
[NSA21] Ngoc Thinh Nguyen, Lars Schilling, Michael Sebastian Angern, Heiko Hamann, Floris Ernst, Georg Schildbach: B-spline Path Planner for Safe Navigation of Mobile Robots. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021
[RHR21] Mohsen Raoufi, Heiko Hamann, Pawel Romanczuk: Speed-vs-Accuracy Tradeoff in Collective Estimation: An Adaptive Exploration Exploitation Case. International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2021
[SCG21] Soorati, M. D.;Clark, J.;Ghofrani, J.;Tarapore, D.;Ramchurn, S. D.: Designing a User-Centered Interaction Interface for Human–Swarm Teaming. Drones 2021, 5(4):131, 2021 [Abstract] [Paper]
[SSH21] Salamat, B.; Starck, C. J.; Hamann, H.: Automatic Centralized Control of Underactuated Large-scale Multi-robot Systems using a Generalized Coordinate Transformation. arXiv:2108.10153, 2021 [Abstract]
[SZH21] Schmickl, T.; Zahadat, P.; Hamann, H.: Wankelmut: A Simple Benchmark for the Evolvability of Behavioral Complexity.. Applied Sciences 11, 2021 [Abstract] [Paper]
[WPH21] Wahby, M.; Petzold, J.; Hamann, H.: A Concept of Full Plant Morphology Modeling for Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids. ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, 2021 [Abstract] [Paper]
[ZMA21] Zarrouk, R.; Mulhem, S.; Adi, W.; Berekovic, M.: Clone-Resistant Secured Booting Based on Unknown Hashing Created in Self-Reconfigurable Platform. In: Derrien S., Hannig F., Diniz P.C., Chillet D. (eds) Applied Reconfigurable Computing. Architectures, Tools, and Applications. ARC 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12700, Springer, Cham 2021 [Paper]


[DSB20] Dorigo, M.;Stützle, T.;Blesa, M. J.;Blum, C.;Hamann, H.;Heinrich, M. K.;Strobel, V.: ANTS: International Conference on Swarm Intelligence: Proceedings. ANTS: International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, Springer, Barcelona, Spain 2020 [Paper]
[EHB20] Eckert, M.; Haase, J.; Klauer, B.: Unifying Timer and Interrupt Management for an ARM-RISC-V-Heterogeneous Multi-Core. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2020, IEEE, 2020
[EIM20] Ehlers, K.; Isokeit, C.; Meyer, B.; Behrje, U.; Maehle E.: Using Generalised Self-Organizing Maps as Part of Underwater Localisation for Quay Wall Inspections. Proceedings of Global OCEANS 2020, MTS/IEEE, Singapore - U.S. Gulf Coast, USA 2020
[GrH20a] Grothe, P.; Haase, J.: Controlling Real Memristors in Embedded Systems.. Proceedings of 29th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) 2020, IEEE, 2020
[GrH20b] Grothe, P.; Haase, J.: Potential of Memristors in Medical Image Processing and Concerns in the Clinical Context.. Proceedings of IEEE HYDCON, IEEE, 2020
[GSH20] Gunjan, V., Suganthan, P.; Haase, J.; Kumar, A.; Raman, B. (ed.): Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications.. ISBN: 978-981-15-1631-3, Springer, 2020
[HAR20] Hamann, H.; Aust, T.; Reina, A.: Guerrilla Performance Analysis for Robot Swarms: Degrees of Collaboration and Chains of Interference Events. In: Dorigo M. et al. (eds) Swarm Intelligence. International Conference on Swarm Intelligence ANTS 2020, 134-147, Springer, Cham, 2020 [Paper]
[HBS20] Hamann, H.; Berekovic, M.; Stoll, N.; Irfan Ali, M.; El-sayed, H. F. M.: Guest Editorial: Evolutionary Computation for Image Processing (Retracted article. See vol. 17, pg. 301, 2023). Evolutionary Computation for Image Processing, WILEY, 2020 [Abstract]
[HSE20] Hamann, H.; Schranz, M.; Elmenreich, W.; Trianni, V.; Pinciroli, C.; Bredeche, N.; Ferrante, E.: Designing Self-Organization in the Physical Realm. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 597859, Frontiers Media SA, 2020 [Abstract]
[HWB20] Heinrich, D.; Werner, S.;Blochwitz, C.;Pionteck, T.;Groppe, S.: Hardware-aided update acceleration in a hybrid Semantic Web database system. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2020
[JZW20] Jamshidpey, A.; Zhu, W.; Wahby, M.; Allwright, M.; Heinrich, M.; Dorigo, M.: Multi-robot Coverage Using Self-organized Networks for Central Coordination. In: Dorigo M., Stützle T., Blesa M., Blum C., Hamann H., Heinrich M., Strobel V. (eds) Swarm Intelligence, 216-228, Springer International Publishing, Cham 2020 [Abstract]
[KaH20] Kaiser, T.;Hamann, H.: Diversity in Swarm Robotics with Task-independent Behavior Characterization. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '20 Companion), July 8-12, 2020, Cancún, Mexico, ACM, New York, USA 2020 [Paper]
[KaH20a] Kaiser, T.;Hamann, H.: Evolution of Diverse Swarm Behaviors with Minimal Surprise. Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 2020 NO. 32, 384-392, 2020 [Paper]
[KLW20] Kolms, T.; Lang, C.; Waldner, A.; Grothe, P.; Haase, J.: Towards In-Memory Computing: Arithmetic Operations on Real Memristors. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2020, IEEE, 2020
[KWL20] Kolms, T.; Waldner, A.; Lang, C.; Grothe, P.; Haase, J: Analog Implementation of Arithmetic Operations on Real Memristors.. Proceedings of 23rd International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES), ACM, 2020
[LSS20] Lin, H.;Sun, C.; Sheu, M.;Berekovic, M. : A new low-complexity approximate DCT for image and video compression. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 580-591, Chinese Institute of Engineers, Taipei, Taiwan 2020 [Abstract]
[MAH20] Moayedi, S.; Almaghrebi, A.; Haase, J.; Nishi, H.; Zucker, G.; Aljuhaishi, N.; Alahmad, M.: Optimization Technologies in Smart Homes. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2020, IEEE, 2020
[MMI20] Maehle, E.; Meyer,B.; Isokeit, C.; Behrje, U.: MONSUN: a swarm AUV for environmental monitoring and inspection. In: Ehlers, Frank (editor): Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - Design and Practice. IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 329 - 355, 2020
[NEP20] Niemann, C.;Ewert, C.;Puttnies, H.;Rethfeldt, M.;Timmermann, D.;Danielis, P.: Modeling Energy Consumption for Task-Offloading Decisions on Mobile and Embedded Devices. 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech), 400-404, IEEE, Kyoto, Japan 2020 [Abstract] [Paper]
[TMA20] Tayachi, M.; Mulhem, S.; Adi, W.; Nana, L.; Pascu, A.; Benzarti, F.: Tamper and Clone-Resistant Authentication Scheme for Medical Image Systems. Cryptography 2020, 4(3), 19, 2020 [Paper]
[WVH20] Wever, M.; van Rooijen, L.; Hamann, H.: Multi-Oracle Coevolutionary Learning of Requirements Specifications from Examples in On-The-Fly Markets. Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA 2020 [Paper]


[AmM19] Amory, A.; Maehle, E.: Energy Efficiency of the Swarm-Capable Micro AUV SEMBIO. Proceedings of OCEANS 2019, MTS/IEEE, Marseille, France 2019, 2019
[DHG19] Divband Soorati, M.; Heinrich, M. K.; Ghofrani, J.; Zahadat, P.; Hamann, H.: Photomorphogenesis for Robot Self-assembly: Adaptivity, Collective Decision-making, and Self-repair. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, IOPScience, 2019 [Paper]
[DKM19] Divband Soorati, M.; Krome, M.; Mora-Mendoza, M.; Ghofrani, J.; Hamann, H.: Plasticity in Collective Decision-Making for Robots: Creating Global Reference Frames, Detecting Dynamic Environments, and Preventing Lock-ins. 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, Macau, China 2019 [Abstract]
[DZG19] Divband Soorati, M.; Zahadat, P.; Ghofrani, J.; Hamann, H.: Adaptive Path Formation in Self-Assembling Robot Swarms by Tree-like Vascular Morphogenesis. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, vol. 9, 299-311, Springer International Publishing, Cham 2019 [Paper]
[Ehl19] Ehlers, Kristian: Echtzeitfähige 3D Posenbestimmung des Menschen in der Robotik: Methoden und Anwendungen. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Springer Vieweg, 2019
[EHW19] Eschke, C.; Heinrich, M. K.; Wahby, M.; Hamann, H.: Self-organized adaptive paths in multi-robot manufacturing: reconfigurable and pattern-independent fibre deployment. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, Macau, China 2019
[GrH19a] Grothe, P.; Haase, J.: Analog Implementation of a Decision Tree Using Memristors. Student Conference 2019, Infinite Science Publishing, 2019
[GrH19b] Grothe, P.; Haase, J.: Memristors as Adjustable Boundaries for an Analog Implementation of Decision Trees. 28th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) 2019, IEEE, 2019
[GrH19c] Grothe, P.; Haase, J.: Memristors for Programmable Circuits Controlled by Embedded Systems. Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES) 2019, ACM, 2019 [Paper]
[Ham19] Hamann, Heiko: Schwarmintelligenz. Springer Spektrum, Springer Spektrum, 2019 [Paper]
[HDK19] Heinrich, M. K.; Divband Soorati, M.; Kaiser, T. K.; Wahby, M.; Hamann, H.: Swarm robotics: Robustness, scalability, and self-X features in industrial applications. it - Information Technology , 159-167, DE GRUYTER , 2019 [Paper]
[HMH19] Heinrich, M. K.; von Mammen, S.; Hofstadler, D. N.; Wahby, M.; Zahadat, P.; Skrzypczak, T.; Divband Soorati, M.; Krela, R.; Kwiatkowski, W.; Schmickl, T.; Ayres, P.; Stoy, K.; Hamann, H.: Constructing Living Buildings: A Review of Relevant Technologies for a Novel Application of Biohybrid Robotics. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 20190238, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2019 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HPV19] Hamann, H.; Pinciroli, C.; von Mammen, S.: A Gamification Concept for Teaching Swarm Robotics. EWME 2018, IEEE, 2019 [Abstract]
[HVM19] Hamann, H.; Von Mammen, S.; Mauser, I.; Ayres, P.; Banzhaff, W.; Bentley, P.; Dittrich, P.; Dorigo, M.; Doursat, R.; Hensen, J.; Höhl, W.; Jacob, C.; Menges, A.; Michel, O.; Napp, N.; Petersen, K.; Sayama, H.; Schmickl, T.; Stoy, K.; Theraulaz, G.; Werfel: SOCO 2018 Foreword: 2nd International Workshop on Self-Organised Construction. Proceedings-2018 IEEE 3rd International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems, FAS* W 2018, XIX, 2019 [Abstract]
[JuB19] Jungklass, P.; Berekovic, M. : MemOpt: Automated Memory Distribution for Multicore Microcontrollers with Hard Real-Time Requirements. 2019 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NORCAS): NORCHIP and International Symposium of System-on-Chip (SoC), IEEE, Helsinki, Finland 2019 [Abstract]
[JuB19a] Jungklass, P.; Berekovic, M.: Cache-Kohärenz für embedded Multicore-Mikrocontroller mit harter Echtzeitanforderung. Echtzeit 2019, 129-138, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2019 [Paper]
[KaH19a] Kaiser, T. K.; Hamann, H.: Self-Assembly in Patterns with Minimal Surprise: Engineered Self-Organization and Adaptation to the Environment. Correll N., Schwager M., Otte M. (eds) Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, vol 9. , 183-195, Springer International Publishing, Cham 2019 [Paper]
[KaH19b] Kaiser, T. K.; Hamann, H.: Self-Organized Construction by Minimal Surprise. 2019 IEEE 4th International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W), 213-218, IEEE, 2019 [Paper]
[KaH19d] Kaiser, T. K.; Hamann, H.: Engineered self-organization for resilient robot self-assembly with minimal surprise. Robotics and Autonomous Systems , 2019 [Paper]
[KhH19] Khaluf, Y.; Hamann, H.: Modulating Interaction Times in an Artificial Society of Robots. Int. Conf. of Alife, MIT Press, 2019 [Paper]
[KHH19b] Khaluf, Y.; Hamann, H.: Modulating Interaction Times in an Artificial Society of Robots. Alife, MIT Press, 2019 [Paper]
[KSH19] Khaluf, Y.; Simoens, P.; Hamann, H.: The Neglected Pieces of Designing Collective Decision-Making Processes. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2019 [Paper]
[Maa19] Moayedi, S.; AlJuheshi, F.; Almaghrebi, A.; Haase, J.; Nishi, H.; Tsang, K. F.; Alahmad, M.: An Overview of Technologies for Lower Energy Consumption in Smart Buildings. 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2018, IEEE, 2019 [Paper]
[Mey19] Meyer, Benjamin: Der schwarmfähige Unterwasserroboter Monsun. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Lübeck 2019 [Paper]
[MHE19] Meyer, D., Haase, J., Eckert, M., Klauer, B.: HDL FSM Code Generation Using a MIPS-based Assembler. 28th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) 2019, IEEE, 2019
[NiH19] Niess, M.; Hamann, H.: Self-organized Construction by Population Coding. Int. Workshop on Self-organised Construction (SOCO), IEEE, 2019 [Paper]
[SKM19] Divband Soorati, M.; Krome, M.; Mora-Mendoza, M.; Ghofrani, J.; Hamann, H.: Plasticity in collective decision-making for robots: Creating global reference frames, detecting dynamic environments, and preventing lock-ins. 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 4100-4105, IEEE, 2019 [Abstract]
[WHH19] Wahby, M.; Heinrich, M. K.; Hofstadler, D. N.; Petzold, J.; Kuksin, I.; Zahadat, P.; Schmickl, T.; Ayres, P.; Hamann, H.: Robotic Sensing and Stimuli Provision for Guided Plant Growth. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), 149, Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), 2019 [Abstract] [Paper]
[WPE19] Wahby, M.; Petzold, J.; Eschke, C.; Schmickl, T.; Hamann, H.: Collective change detection: adaptivity to dynamic swarm densities and light conditions in robot swarms. The International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE), 642-649, Artificial life (ALIFE), Newcastle, UK 2019 [Abstract] [Paper]


[AmM18] Amory, A.; Maehle, E.: Modelling and CFD Simulation of a Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle SEMBIO. Proceedings of OCEANS 2018, MTS/IEEE, Charleston, USA 2018 [Abstract]
[BAM18] Behrje, U.; Amory, A.; Meyer, B.; Maehle, E.: System Identification and Sliding Mode Depth Control of the Micro AUV SEMBIO. ISR’18 VDE München, München, Deutschland 2018
[BBH18] Berekovic, M.; Buchty, R.; Hamann, H.; Koch, D.; Pionteck T.: Architecture of Computing Systems-ARCS 2018. Architecture of Computing Systems-ARCS 2018, Springer International Publishing, 2018 [Paper]
[BHM18] Behrje, U.; Himstedt, M.; Maehle, E.: An Autonomous Forklift with 3D Time-of-Flight Camera-Based Localization and Navigation. ICARCV 2018, Singapore 2018
[BIM18] Behrje, U.; Isokeit, C.; Meyer, B.; Maehle, E.: A Robust Acoustic-Based Communication Principle for the Navigation of an Underwater Robot Swarm. OCEANS’18 MTS/IEEE, Kobe, Japan 2018
[BWB18] Blochwitz, C.; Wolff, J.; Berekovic, M.;Heinrich, D.; Groppe, S.; Joseph, JM.; Pionteck T.: Hardware-Triplestore – a Hardware-centric Database for Semantic Web. International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, 2018
[DGZ18] Divband Soorati, M.; Ghofrani, J.; Zahadat, P.; Hamann, H.: Robust and Adaptive Robot Self-Assembly Based on Vascular Morphogenesis. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 4282-4287, IEEE, Madrid 2018 [Paper]
[Haa18a] Haase, Jan: Verbrauchssteuerung in intelligenten Privathaushalten – wird der Bewohner entmündigt?. 3rd Smart Assist Conference (TCST) 2018, 2018
[Haa18b] Haase, Jan: An HTML5-based Interactive Simulation Tool for Teaching and Self-Study of Electronic Circuits. EWME 2018, IEEE, 2018 [Paper]
[Ham18a] Hamann, H.: Opinion Dynamics With Mobile Agents: Contrarian Effects by Spatial Correlations. frontiers in Robotics and AI, frontiers, 2018 [Paper]
[Ham18b] Hamann, Heiko: Superlinear Scalability in Parallel Computing and Multi-Robot Systems: Shared Resources, Collaboration, and Network Topology. 31st International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), 31-42, Springer, Berlin 2018 [Paper]
[Ham18c] Hamann, Heiko: The Role of Largest Connected Components in Collective Motion. ANTS 2018, 290-301, Springer, 2018 [Paper]
[Ham18d] Hamann, Heiko: Swarm Robotics: A Formal Approach. Swarm robotics: A formal approach, Springer International Publishing, 2018 [Paper]
[HaV18] Hamann, H.; von Mammen, S.: Swarm Robotics. Organic Computing - Technical Systems for Survival in the Real World, 2018 [Paper]
[Him18] Himstedt, Marian: Robust Localization and Mapping in Changing Environments using Semantic Perception. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, 2018 [Paper]
[HMM18] Hamann, H.; Markarian, C.; Meyer auf der Heide F.; Wahby, M.: Pick, Pack, & Survive: Charging Robots in a Modern Warehouse based on Online Connected Dominating Sets. 9th Int. Conf. on Fun with Algorithms, 22:1--22:13, Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, La Maddalena, Italy 2018 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HPV18] Hamann, H.; Pinciroli, C.; Von Mammen, S.: A gamification concept for teaching swarm robotics. 2018 12th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME), 83-88, IEEE, 2018 [Abstract]
[HVM18] Hamann, H.; von Mammen, S.; Mauser I.: Special issue on self-organised construction. Swarm Intelligence, 97-99, Springer US, 2018 [Abstract]
[PrH18] Preuße, L.; Haase, J.: Integration of a label printer into the software system of a cleaning and disinfection device for hygiene documentation. Studierendentagung Lübeck 2018, 2018
[WHH18a] Wahby, M.; Heinrich, MK.; Hofstadtler, DN.; Zahadat, P.; Risi, S.; Ayres, P.; Schmickl T.; Hamann, H.: A Robot to Shape your Natural Plant: The Machine Learning Approach to Model and Control Bio-Hybrid Systems. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 165--172, ACM, Kyoto, Japan 2018 [Abstract] [Paper]
[WHH18b] Wahby, M.; Heinrich, MK.; Hofstadler, DN.; Neufeld, N.; Kuksin, I.; Zahadat, P.; Schmickl, T.; Ayres, P.; Hamann, H.: Autonomously Shaping Natural Climbing Plants: A Bio-hybrid Approach. Royal Society Open Science, Royal Society Open Science, 2018 [Abstract] [Paper]


[BKJ17] Blochwitz, C.; Klink, R.; Joseph, J. M.; Pionteck, T.: Contentious Live-Tracing as Debugging Approach on FPGAs. To Appear: ReConFig 2017, IEEE, Cancun, Mexiko 2017
[BoH17] Borkowski, R.; Hamann, H.: Evolving robot swarm behaviors by minimizing surprise: results of simulations in 2-d on a Torus. The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2017, 1679-1680, ACM, Berlin 2017 [Abstract] [Paper]
[BWJ17] Blochwitz, C.; Wolff, J.; Joseph, J. M.; Werner, S.; Heinrich, D.; Groppe, S.; Pionteck, T.: Hardware-accelerated Radix-Tree based string sorting for Big Data applications. 30TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARCHITECTURE OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS, Wien, 47-58, Springer, Cham 2017 [Paper]
[EMH17] Eckert, M.; Meyer, D.; Haase, J; Klauer, B.: Comparison and Evaluation of Cache Parameters for Softcores on FPGAs. FPGA4GPC 2017, 6, IEEE Xplore, 2017
[Haa17] Haase, J.: New Arrangement Opportunities and Safety Challenges for Offices of the Future. INFORMATIK 2017 - 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) 2017, Chemnitz, DE 2017
[HAN17] Haase, J.; Aljuheshi, F.; Nishi, H.; Ploennigs, J.; Tsang, K.F.; Aljuhaishi, N.; Alahmad, M.: Analysis of Batteries in the Built Environment. 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2017, Beijing, CN 2017
[HDH17] Hamann, H.; Divband Soorati, M.; Heinrich, MK:; Hofstadler, D.N.; Kuksin, I.; Veenstra, F.; Wahby, M.; Nielsen, S.A.; Risi, S.; Skrzypczak, T.; Zahadat, P.; Wojtaszek, P.; Støy, K.; Schmickl, T.; Kernbach, S.; Ayres P.: Flora robotica--An Architectural System Combining Living Natural Plants and Distributed Robots. arXiv:1709.04291, arXiv preprint, 2017 [Abstract]
[HiM17a] Himstedt, M.; Maehle, E.: Online Semantic Mapping of Logistic Environments using RGB-D Cameras. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2017 [Paper]
[HiM17b] Himstedt, M.; Maehle, E.: Semantic Monte-Carlo Localization in Changing Environments using RGB-D Cameras. European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR) 2017, 2017
[HKA17] Hrabia, Christopher-Eyk; Kaiser, Tanja Katharina; Albayrak, Sahin: Combining self-organisation with decision-making and planning. Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies, 385-399, Springer International Publishing, Cham 2017 [Paper]
[HWB17] Heinrich D.; Werner, S.; Blochwitz C.; Pionteck T.;Groppe S.: Search & Update Optimization of a B+ Tree in a Hardware aided Semantic Web Database System. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Emerging Databases (EDB), 2017, 2017 [Paper]
[HWH17] Hofstadler, D. N.; Wahby, M.; Heinrich, M. K.; Hamann, H.; Zahadat, P.; Ayres, P.; Schmickl, T.: Evolved Control of Natural Plants: Crossing the Reality Gap for User-defined Steering of Growth and Motion. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) - Special Issue on SASO 2016, Volume 12, Issue 3, Article No. 15, ACM, New York 2017 [Abstract] [Paper]
[IGR17] H. Isakovic, R. Grosu, D. Ratasich, J. Kadlec, Z. Pohl, S. Kerrison, K. Georgiou, K. Eder, et al.: A Survey of Hardware Technologies for Mixed-Critical Integration Explored in the Project EMC^2. Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security - SAFECOMP 2017 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, TELERISE, and TIPS, Trento, Italy 2017
[IMM17] Isokeit, C.; Meyer, B.;Maehle, E.: Cooperative Swarm Behaviour For In Situ Underwater Environmental Measurements. OCEANS17 MTS/IEEE, IEEE, Aberdeen, Schottland 2017
[JBT17] Joseph, J.M; Blochwitz, C.; García-Ortiz, A.; Pionteck, T.: Area and power savings via buffer reorganization in asymmetric 3D-NoCs for heterogeneous 3D-SoCs. MICPRO 2460, 36–47, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2017 [Paper]
[JME17] Joseph, J. M.; Mey, M.; Ehlers, K.;Blochwitz, C.; Winker, T.; Pionteck, T.: Design Space Exploration for a Hardware-accelerated Embedded Real-Time Pose Estimation using Vivado HLS. ReConFig 2017, 2017
[KHM17] Klauer, B.; Haase, J.; Meyer, D.; Eckert, M.: Wireless sensor/actuator device configuration by NFC with secure key exchange. IEEE AFRICON 2017, Cape Town, ZA 2017
[KPV17] Khaluf, Y; Pinciroli, C.; Valentini, G.; Hamann, H.: The Impact of Agent Density on Scalability in Collective Systems: Noise-Induced vs Majority-Based Bistability. Swarm Intelligence, Volume 11, Issue 2, 155–179, Springer US, 2017 [Abstract] [Paper]
[MFS17] Meyer, R.;Farkas, B.; S. A. A. Shah; Berekovic, M.:: Transparent SystemC Model Factory for Scripting Languages. Design and Verification Conference (DVCon) United States 2017, San Jose, CA USA 2017
[MHE17] Meyer, D.; Haase, J.; Eckert, M.; Klauer, B.: New attack vectors for building automation and IoT. 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2017, Beijing, CN 2017
[MIM17] Meyer, B.; Isokeit, C.; Maehle, M.; Baschek, B.: Using Small Swarm-Capable AUVs for Submesoscale Eddy Measurements in the Baltic Sea. OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE, IEEE, Anchorage, USA 2017
[MMD17] L. Mattii, D. M. Milojevic, P. Debacker, Y. Sherazi, M. Berekovic, and P. Raghavan: IR-drop aware Design technology co-optimization for N5 node with different device and cell height options. 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2017
[SBB17] P. Siegl, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: A Bandwidth Accurate, Flexible and Rapid Simulating Multi-HMC Modelling Tool. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Memory Systems, MEMSYS 2017, ACM, Washington, DC, USA 2017
[SHF17] S. A. A. Shah, S. Horsinka, B. Farkas, R. Meyer, and M. Berekovic: Automatic Exploration of Hardware/Software Partitioning. Design and Verification Conference (DVCon) United States 2017, San Jose, CA USA 2017
[VBP17] van Rooijen, L.; Bäumer, F.; Platenius, M. C.; Geierhos, M.; Hamann, H.; Engels, G.: From User Demand to Software Service: Using Machine Learning to Automate the Requirements Specification Process. Fourth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Requirements Engineering (AIRE 17) workshop - in conjuction with RE 17, IEEE, Lisbon 2017 [Abstract] [Paper]
[WHH17] Wagner, D.; Hofmann, C.; Hamann, H.; von Mammen, S.: Design and Exploration of Braiding Swarms in VR. 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Article No. 13, ACM, Gothenburg 2017 [Abstract] [Paper]
[WVH17] Wever, M.; van Rooijen, L.; Hamann, H.: Active Coevolutionary Learning of Requirements Specifications from Examples. The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2017, Berlin, ACM, 1327-1334 , ACM, Berlin 2017 [Abstract] [Paper]
[WVL17] Wever, M.; van Rooijen, L.; Hamann, H.: Active Coevolutionary Learning of Requirements Specifications from Examples. GECCO, 1327-1334, ACM, 2017 [Paper]


[AmM16] Amory, A.; Maehle, E: SEMBIO - A Small Energy-Efficient Swarm AUV. Proceedings of OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, USA, 2016
[BMH16] P. Bahmanyar, M. Maymandi-Nejad, S. Hosseini-Khayat, and M. Berekovic: Design and Analysis of an Ultra-low-power Double-tail Latched Comparator for Biomedical Applications. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 86(2), 2016
[EhB16] Ehlers, K.; Brama, K.: A Human-robot Interaction Interface for Mobile and Stationary Robots based on Real-time 3D Human Body and Hand-finger Pose Estimation. 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 1-6, 2016 [Paper]
[EHM16] Eckert, M.; Haase, J.; Meyer, D.; Klauer, B.: System Virtual Machines in the Context of Reconfigurable Computing. Fifth International Conference On Advances in Computing, Control and Networking (ACCN) 2016, 8, Bangkok, TH 2016 [Paper]
[EMH16] Eckert, M.; Meyer, D.; Haase, J.; Klauer, B.: Operating System Concepts for Reconfigurable Computing: Review and Survey. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, 11, Hindawi, 2016 [Abstract] [Paper]
[FGM16] Forouher, D., Große Besselmann, M., Maehle, E.: Sensor Fusion of Depth Camera and Ultrasound Data for Obstacle Detection and Robot Navigation. The 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2016, Phuket, Thailand 2016
[FSW16] B. Farkas, S. A. A. Shah, J. Wagner, R. Meyer, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: An Open and Flexible SystemC to VHDL Workflow for Rapid Prototyping. Design and Verification Conference (DVCon) Europe 2016, Munich, Germany, 2016
[GHB16] Groppe, S.; Heinrich, D.; Blochwitz, C.; Pionteck, T.: Constructing Large-Scale Semantic Web Indices for the Six RDF Collation Orders. Open Journal of Big Data (OJBD), 2016 [Paper]
[GHK16] Graßhoff, J.; Hansen, L.; Kuhlemann, I.; Ehlers, K.: 7DoF Hand and Arm Tracking for Teleoperation of Anthropomorphic Robots. 47th International Symposium on Robotics ISR 2016, 555-562, VDE Verlag, München 2016
[HaM16a] Haase, J.; Meyer, D.: New Trends in Building Automation for Offices of the Future. INFORMATIK 2016 - 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) 2016, 7, GI-Jahrestagung 2016, Klagenfurt, AT 2016
[HaM16b] Haase, J.; Meyer, D.: Configuration of smart embedded devices in the field using NFC. Smart AdjuStable Soft and Intelligent Support Technologies (SmartASSIST) 2016, 11, Hamburg, DE 2016
[HiM16] Himstedt, M.; Maehle, E.: Camera-based Obstacle Classification for Automated Reach Trucks using Deep Learning. International Symposium on Robotics, ISR, Munich, Germany 2016 [Paper]
[HKB16] Hamann, H.; Khaluf, Y.; Botev, J.; Divband Soorati, M.; Ferrante, E.; Kosak, O.; Montanier, J.; Mostaghim, S.; Redpath, R.; Timmis, J.; Veenstra, F.; Wahby, M.; Zamuda, A.: Hybrid Societies: Challenges and Perspectives in the Design of Collective Behavior in Self-organizing Systems. In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI Volume 3, 14, 2016 [Paper]
[HWS16] Heinrich, M.; Wahby, M.; Soorati, M. D.; Hofstadler, D. N.; Zahadat, P.; Ayres, P.; Støy, K.; Hamann, H.: Self-Organized Construction with Continuous Building Material: Higher Flexibility Based on Braided Structures. 2016 IEEE 1st International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W), 154-159, IEEE, Augsburg, Germany 2016 [Abstract]
[JBP16] Joseph, J.M.; Blochwitz, C.; Pionteck, T.: Adaptive Allocation of Default Router Paths in Network-on-Chips for Latency Reduction. 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS) , Innsbruck 2016 [Paper]
[JWB16] Joseph, J. M.; Wrieden, S.; Blochwitz, C.; García-Ortiz, A.; Pionteck, T.: A Simulation Environment for Design Space Exploration for Asymmetric 3D-Network-on-Chip. 11th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC 2016), Tallinn 2016 [Paper]
[JWE16] Joseph, J. M.; Winker, T.; Ehlers, K.; Blochwitz, C.; Pionteck, T.: Hardware-Accelerated Pose Estimation for Embedded Systems using Vivado HLS . ReConFig, Cancun, Mexiko 2016 [Paper]
[KHE16] Klauer, B.; Haase, J.; Eckert, M.; Meyer, D.: Print your gadget: New sales channels for manufacturers using locally available 3D printers. Internationale Konferenz zur Zukunft der Wertschöpfung (IZW) 2016, 7, Hamburg, DE 2016
[MHE16a] Meyer, D.; Haase, J.; Eckert, M.; Klauer, B.: Cloudsynth — outsourcing hardware synthesis into the cloud. 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2016, 8, Firenze, IT 2016
[MHE16b] Meyer, D.; Haase, J.; Eckert, M.; Klauer, B.: Digital Hardware Synthesis as a Cloud Service. Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL) 2016, 6, Bremen, DE 2016
[MRM16] Meyer, B.; Renner, C.; Maehle, M.: Versatile Sensor and Communication Expansion Set for the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle MONSUN. 19th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR 2016), 250-257, London 2016
[MWF16] R. Meyer, J. Wagner, B. Farkas, S. Horsinka, P. Siegl, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: A Scriptable Standard-Compliant Reporting and Logging Framework for SystemC. ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., 16(1), ACM, 2016
[NMS16] J. Naghmouchi, S. Michalik, R. Scheiber, A. Reigber, P. Aviely, R. Ginosar, O. Bischoff, H. Gellis, et al.: MacSpace - High-performance DSP for onboard image processing. DSP Day: COTS DSP chips and boards, 2016
[RGM16] Renner, C.; Gabrecht, A.; Meyer, B.; Osterloh, C.; Maehle, E.: Low-Power Low-Cost Acoustic Underwater Modem. B. Zerr et al. (eds.), Quantitative Monitoring of the Underwater Environment, Ocean Engineering & Oceanography 6, 59-65, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 2016
[RGM16a] Renner, C.; Golkowski, A. J.; Maehle, E.: Affordable Acoustic Modem for Small-Sized Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, EWSN ’16, Graz, Austria 2016
[SBB16] P. Siegl, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: Data-Centric Computing Frontiers: A Survey On Processing-In-Memory. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Memory Systems, MEMSYS 2016, ACM, Washington, DC, USA 2016
[SBB16a] P. Siegl, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: Towards Bridging the Gap Between Academic and Industrial Heterogeneous System Architecture Design Space Exploration. Proceedings of the 2016 Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation - Methods and Tools, RAPIDO@HiPEAC 2016, ACM, Prague, Czech Republic 2016
[SBF16] P. Siegl, R. Buchty, B. Farkas, S. A. Horsinka, R. Meyer, J. Wagner, and M. Berekovic: The Past, Present and Future of the Open-Source Virtual Platform SoCRocket. Proceedings of the 2016 Workshop on Mixed Criticality Applications and Implementation Approaches, EMC^2@HiPEAC 2016, Prague, Czech Republic 2016
[SFM16] S. A. A. Shah, B. Farkas, R. Meyer, and M. Berekovic: Accelerating MPSoC Design Space Exploration Within System-Level Frameworks. The IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NORCAS), Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
[TSF16] Tosik, T.; Schwinghammer, J.; Feldfoß, M. J.; Maehle, E.: MARS: A Simulation Environment for Marine Swarm Robotics and Environmental Monitoring. Proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 16, Shanghai, China, IEEE Xplore, 2016
[WHG16] Werner, S.; Heinrich, D.; Groppe, S.; Blochwitz, C.; Pionteck, T.: Runtime Adaptive Hybrid Query Engine based on FPGAs. Open Journal of Databases (OJDB), 2016 [Paper]
[WHH16] Wahby, M.; Hofstadler, D.; Heinrich, M.; Zahadat, P.; Hamann, H.: An Evolutionary Robotics Approach to the Control of Plant Growth and Motion: Modeling Plants and Crossing the Reality Gap. 2016 IEEE 10th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO), 21-30, IEEE, Augsburg, Germany 2016 [Abstract]
[WWH16] Wahby, M.; Weinhold, A.; Hamann, H.: Revisiting BEECLUST: Aggregation of Swarm Robots with Adaptiveness to Different Light Settings. In: Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-Inspired Information and Communications, 272–279, ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering), Brussels, BEL 2016 [Abstract]


[AFM15] Al-Homsy, A.; Frost, J.; Maehle, E.: Adaptive Walking on Uphill Sandy Surface Based on Organic Computing and Somatosensory Feedback. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China - Nature-Inspired Mobile Robotics, 157-166, World Scientific, Singapore 2015
[AmM15] Amory, A.; Maehle, E.: SEMBIO: An Energy Efficient Underwater Swarm Robot for Environmental Monitoring. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE/RSJ, Hamburg, Germany 2015
[BDM15] Berns, K.; Dillmann, R.; Maehle, E. (Eds): Robot Control Architectures. Special Issue it - Information Technology 57 (2), De Gruyter, 2015
[BHP15] Backasch, R.; Hempel, G.; Pionteck, T.; Groppe, S.; Werner, S.: An Architectural Template for Composing Application Specific Datapaths at Runtime. To Appear: International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), IEEE, Cancun, Mexiko 2015
[BJP15] Blochwitz, C.; Joseph, J. M.; Pionteck, T.; Backasch, R.; Werner, S.; Heinrich, D.; Groppen, S.: An optimized Radix-Tree for hardware-accelerated index generation for Semantic Web Databases. To Appear: International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), IEEE, Cancun, Mexiko 2015
[Buc15] R. Buchty: Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Platforms -- R5-COP. The Parliament Magazine, 423, 40-41, 2015
[Buc15a] R. Buchty: Robots on the rise -- one year into the R5-COP project. ARTEMIS news, 2015
[EhK15] Ehlers, K.; Klüssendorff, J. H.: Self-scaling Kinematic Hand Skeleton for Real-time 3D Hand-finger Pose Estimation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 185-196, Berlin 2015 [Abstract] [Paper]
[FSM15] Frost, J.; Stechele, W.; Maehle, E.: Self-reconfigurable control architecture for complex mobile robots. it - Information Technology 57 (2), 122-129, De Gruyter, 2015
[GHW15] Groppe, S.; Heinrich, D.; Werner, S.; Blochwitz, C.; Pionteck, T.: PatTrieSort - External String Sorting based on Patricia Tries . Open Journal of Databases (OJDB), 2015 [Paper]
[HiM15] Himstedt, M.; Maehle, E.: Geometry matters: Place Recognition in 2D Range Scans using Geometrical Surface Relations. European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), ECMR, Lincoln, UK 2015 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HWS15] Heinrich, D.; Werner, S.; Stelzner, M.; Blochwitz, C.; Pionteck, T.; Groppe, S.: Hybrid FPGA Approach for a B+ Tree in a Semantic Web Database System. To Appear: 10th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), IEEE, Bremen 2015
[HWS15a] Hamann, H.; Wahby, M.; Schmickl, T.; Zahadat, P.; Hofstadler, D.; Stoy, K.; Risi, S.; Faina, A.; Veenstra, F.; Kernbach, S.; Kuksin, I.; Kernbach, O.; Ayres, P.; Wojtaszek, P.: Flora Robotica - Mixed Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids. 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, IEEE, Cape Town, South Africa 2015 [Abstract]
[JBP15] Joseph, J. M.; Blochwitz, C.; Pionteck, T.; Garcia-Ortiz, A.: Area and power savings via buffer reorganization in asymmetric 3D-NoCs for heterogeneous 3D-SoCs. Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NORCAS), IEEE, Oslo 2015
[MMS15] S. Michalik, R. Meyer, P. Siegl, M. Berekovic, and L. Fossati: TLM Design Space Exploration for a Hardware CFDP Transmission Accelerator. SEA-Publications, 2015
[MWB15] R. Meyer, J. Wagner, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: Universal Scripting Interface for SystemC. DVCon Europe Conference Proceedings 2015, 2015
[NAB15] R. Nair, S. Antao, C. Bertolli, P. Bose, J. Brunheroto, T. Chen, C. Cher, C. Costa, et al.: Active Memory Cube: A processing-in-memory architecture for exascale systems. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 59(23), 2015
[NAG15] J. Naghmouchi, P. Aviely, R. Ginosar, G. Over, O. Bischoff, R. Nadler, D. Guiser, M. Citroen, et al.: QI2S - Quick Image Interpretation System. Data Systems in Aerospace, Proceedings of the conference, ESA-SP Vol. 732, 2015, id.51, 2015
[ONB15] G. Ober, J. Naghmouchi, O. Bischoff, P. Aviely, R. Nadler, D. Guiser, V. Messina, R. Freddi, et al.: A rad-hard many-core computing platform for on-board quick hyperspectral image processing and interpretation. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International, 2015
[QiB15] S. Qin and M. Berekovic: A Comparison of High-Level Design Tools for SoC-FPGA on Disparity Map Calculation Example. CoRR, 150900036, 2015
[ReN15] Renner, C.; Nguyen, P. A. T.: A System for Efficient Dissemination of Weather Forecasts for Sustainable Solar-Powered Sensors. 4th IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, Madrid, Spain 2015
[ReR15] Reinhardt A.; Renner, C.: RoCoCo: Receiver-initiated Opportunistic Data Collection and Command Multicasting for WSNs. European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, Springer, Porto, Portugal 2015
[SBB15] P. Siegl, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: Revealing Potential Performance Improvements By Utilizing Hybrid Work-Sharing For Resource-Intensive Seismic Applications. Proceedings of the 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2015, IEEE Computer Society, Turku, Finland 2015
[SMB15] A. Seraj, M. Maymandi-Nejad, P. Bahmanyar, and M. Sachdev: A Linear Comparator-Based Fully Digital Delay Element. IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2015
[WaH15] Wahby, M.; Hamann, H.: On the Tradeoff Between Hardware Protection and Optimization Success: A Case Study in Onboard Evolutionary Robotics for Autonomous Parallel Parking. In: Mora A., Squillero G. (eds) Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 759-770, Springer International Publishing, Cham 2015 [Abstract]
[WaM15] J. Wagner and R. Meyer: TLM Modeling for Space Applications. ACACES 2015 Poster Abstracts: Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems, HiPEAC, 2015
[WDM15] Wahby, M.; Divband Soorati, M.; von Mammen, S.; Hamann, H.: Evolution of Controllers for Robot-Plant Bio-Hybdrids: A Simple Case Study Using a Model of Plant Growth and Motion. In: Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on Computational Intelligence, 67-86, KIT Scientific Publishing, 2015
[Wei15] Weiss, P.: Robotic Rehabilitation After Stroke - A Modular System for Training Distal Upper Limb Functions. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, 2015
[WGH15] Weiss, P.; Gabrecht, A., Heldmann, M.; Schweikard, A.; Maehle, E.: A Cost-efficient Tele-Rehabilitation Device for Training Distal Upper Limb Functions After Stroke. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer, 78-90, Springer, 2015 [Paper]
[WHP15] Werner, S.; Heinrich, D.; Piper, J.; Groppe, S.; Backasch, R.; Blochwitz, C.; Pionteck, T.: Automated Composition and Execution of Hardware-accelerated Operator Graphs. To Appear: 10th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), IEEE, Bremen 2015
[WHS15] Werner, S.; Heinrich, D.; Stelzner, M.; Linnemann, V.; Pionteck, T.; Groppe, S.: Accelerated join evaluation in Semantic Web databases by using FPGAs. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley, 2015 [Abstract]
[WMB15] J. Wagner, R. Meyer, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: A scriptable, standards-compliant reporting and logging extension for SystemC. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS), 2015 International Conference on, 2015


[ABM14] H. Al-Khalissi, M. Berekovic, and A. Marongiu: On the Relevance of Architectural Awareness for Efficient Fork/Join Support on Cluster-Based Manycores. MES14: Proceedings of International Workshop on Manycore Embedded Systems, ACM, 2014
[ASB14] H. Al-Khalissi, S. A. A. Shah, and M. Berekovic: An Efficient Barrier Implementation for OpenMP-Like Parallelism on the Intel SCC. PDP14: Proceedings of the 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, IEEE Computer Society, 2014
[ATM14] Amory, A.; Tosik, T.; Maehle, E.: A Load Balancing Behavior for Underwater Robot Swarms to Increase Mission Time and Fault Tolerance. 19th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, Phoenix, USA 2014
[BGS14] R. Buchty, M. Geelen, H. Sandee, and V. Beran: R5-COP: Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems. ARTEMIS Book of Projects Volume Three, ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking, 2014
[BHG14] Backasch, R.; Hempel, G.; Groppe, S.; Werner, S.; Pionteck, T.: Identifying Homogenous Reconfigurable Regions in Heterogeneous FPGAs for Module Relocation. International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 1-6, IEEE, Cancun, Mexiko 2014 [Abstract]
[EMM14] Ehlers, K.; Meyer, B.; Maehle, E.: Full Holonomic Control of the Omni-directional AUV SMART-E. ISR/Robotik 2014 - 41st International Symposium on Robotics; 6th German Conference on Robotics, VDE Verlag, München 2014 [Paper]
[FHM14] Forouher, D.; Hartmann, J.; Maehle, E.: Data Flow Analysis in ROS. ISR/Robotik 2014; 41st International Symposium on Robotics; Proceedings of, 1 - 6, VDE, Munich, Germany 2014 [Abstract]
[FSB14] B. Farkas, H. Schrom, and M. Berekovic: BEM: Der Building-Energy-Manager fuer das Smart-Home der Zukunft. VDE Kongress 2014, 2014
[HFH14] Himstedt, M.; Frost, J.; Hellbach, S.; Böhme, H.-J.; Maehle, E.: Large Scale Place Recognition in 2D LIDAR Scans using Geometrical Landmark Relations. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IROS, Chicago, USA 2014 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HHB14a] Hellbach, S.; Himstedt, M.; Bahrmann, F.; Riedel, M.; Villmann, T.; Böhme, H.-J. : Some room for GLVQ: Semantic Labeling of occupancy grid maps. Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps 2014 (WSOM), Mittweida, Germany 2014 [Paper]
[HHB14b] Hellbach, S.; Himstedt, M.; Bahrmann, F.; Riedel, M.; Villmann, T.; Böhme, H.-J. : Find rooms for improvement: Towards semi-automatic labeling of occupancy grid maps. 21st International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2014 (ICONIP), Sarawak, Malaysia 2014 [Paper]
[HMW14] S. A. Horsinka, R. Meyer, J. Wagner, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: On RTL to TLM Abstraction to Benefit Simulation Performance and Modeling Productivity in NoC Design Exploration. NoCArc14: Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures, ACM, 2014
[JoP14] Joseph, J. M.; Pionteck, T.: A Cycle-Accurate Network-on-Chip Simulator with Support for Abstract Task Graph Modeling. Symposium on System-on-Chip (SOC), Tampere, Finland 2014
[KEM14] Klüssendorff, H.; Ehlers, K.; Maehle, E.: Visual Mapping in Light-Crowded Indoor Environments. 13th Intelligent Autonomous System Conference, Springer Verlag, Padua, Italien 2014
[Maa14] Maas, R.: Adaptive Kontrollstrategien für mobile Roboter basierend auf Organic Computing Prinzipien. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, 2014
[MaM14] Maas, R.; Maehle, E.: Health Signal Generation in the ORCA (Organic Robot Control Architecture) Framework. Lecture Notes in Informatics, INFORMATIK 2014, Workshop Roboterkontrollarchitekturen, 1327-1338, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2014
[MEI14] Meyer, B.; Ehlers, K.; Isokeit, C.; Maehle, E.: The development of the modular Hard- and Software Architecture of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle MONSUN. ISR/Robotik 2014 - 41st International Symposium on Robotics; 6th German Conference on Robotics, VDE Verlag, München 2014 [Paper]
[ReN14] Renner, C.; Nguyen, P.A.T.: Lossless Compression of Cloud-Cover Forecasts for Low-Overhead Distribution in Solar-Harvesting Sensor Networks. 2nd International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems, ACM, Memphis, TN, USA 2014
[Ren14a] Renner, C.: Energieautarker Betrieb drahtloser Sensorknoten mit regenerativen Energiequellen und Superkondensatoren. GI-Edition Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2013, Bonner Köllen Verlag, 2014
[ReR14] Reinhardt, A.; Renner, C.: Remote Node Reconfiguration in Opportunistic Data Collection Wireless Sensor Networks. International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, IEEE, Sydney, Australia 2014
[RMB14] Renner, C.; Meyer, B.; Bimschas, D.; Gabrecht, A.; Ebers, S.; Tosik, T.; Amory, A.; Maehle, E.; Fischer, S.: Poster Abstract: Hybrid Underwater Environmental Monitoring. 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, ACM, Memphis, TN, USA 2014
[RUT14] Renner, C.; Unterschütz, S.; Turau, V.; Römer, K.: Perpetual Data Collection with Energy-Harvesting Sensor Networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 12:1-12:45, ACM, New York, NY, USA 2014 [Paper]
[RVH14] Raitza, M.; Vogt, M.; Hochberger, C.; Pionteck, T.: Influence of Magnetic Fields and X-Radiation on Ring Oscillators in FPGAs. 21th Reconfigurable Architecture Workshop (RAW), IEEE, Phoenix, USA 2014
[SMB14] T. Schuster, R. Meyer, R. Buchty, L. Fossati, and M. Berekovic: SoCRocket - A virtual platform for the European Space Agency`s SoC development. Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), 2014 9th International Symposium on, 2014
[SWS14] S. A. A. Shah, J. Wagner, T. Schuster, and M. Berekovic: A lightweight-system-level power and area estimation methodology for application specific instruction set processors. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), 2014 24th International Workshop on, 2014
[ToM14] Tosik, T.; Maehle, E.: MARS: A Simulation Environment For Marine Robotics. OCEANS 14 MTS/IEEE St. Johns, St. Johns, Kanada 2014
[TRG14] I. Tsekoura, G. Rebel, P. Glosekotter, and M. Berekovic: An evaluation of energy efficient microcontrollers. Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), 2014 9th International Symposium on, 2014
[WGM14] Weiss, P.; Gabrecht, A.; Münte T. M.; Heldmann, M.; Schweikard, A.; Maehle, E.: A low cost tele-rehabilitation device for training of wrist and finger functions after stroke. PervasiveHealth , 422-425, ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, S, Belgium 2014
[WHS14] Werner, S.; Heinrich, D.; Stelzner, M.; Groppe, S.; Backasch, R.; Pionteck, T.: Parallel and Pipelined Filter Operator for Hardware-Accelerated Operator Graphs in Semantic Web Databases. 14th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT2014), IEEE, Xi´an, China 2014
[WMM14] Weiss, P.; Männel, G.; Münte, T. F.; Schweikard, A. ; Maehle, E.: Parametrization of an Exoskeleton for Robotic Stroke Rehabilitation. Replace, Repair, Restore, Relieve – Bridging Clinical and Engineering Solutions in Neurorehabilitation - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2014), Aalborg, 24-26 June, 2014, 833-843, Springer International Publishing, 2014 [Abstract]
[WRT14] Weigel, A.; Renner, C.; Turau, V.; Ernst, H.: Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Metering. IEEE International Energy Conference (EnergyCon) 2014, IEEE, 2014


[ABB13] H. Al-Khalissi, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: Efficient Barrier Synchronization for OpenMP-Like Parallelism on the Intel SCC. ICPADS `13: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Computer Society, 2013
[AHM13] Al-Homsy, A.; Hartmann, J.; Maehle, E.: Adaptive Control of Leg Position for Hexapod Robot Based on Somatosensory Feedback and Organic Computing Principles. Proc. of CLAWAR 2013, 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Sydney, Australia: Nature-Inspired Mobile Robotics, 215-223, World Scientific, Singapore 2013
[AMB13] H. Al-Khalissi, A. Marongiu, and M. Berekovic: An approach for Supporting OpenMP on the Intel SCC. SPLASH-MARC, 2013
[AMO13] Amory, A.; Meyer, B.; Osterloh, C.; Tosik, T.; Maehle, E.: Towards Fault-Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Swarms of Underwater Robots. 18th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, Boston, USA 2013
[BaH13] P. Bahmanyar and S. Hosseini-Khayat: Design of a Low-power Compressive Sampling Circuit for Gaussian Sensing Matrices. 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2013
[BKB13] Baccour, N.; Koubâa, A.; Boano, C. A.; Mottola, L.; Fotouhi, H.; Alves, M.; Youssef, H.; Zúñiga, M. A.; Puccinelli, D.; Voigt, T.; Römer, K.; Noda, C.: Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks. SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Cooperating Objects, 158, Springer, 2013 [Paper]
[BLR13] Boano, C. A.; Lasagni, M.; Römer, K.: Non-invasive Measurement of Core Body Temperature in Marathon Runners. IEEE Body Sensor Networks Conference (BSN 2013), IEEE Press, Cambridge, USA 2013 [Paper]
[BoR13] Boano, C.A.; Römer, K.: Non-Invasive Measurement of Core Body Temperature in Marathon Runners. Adjunct Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Ghent, Belgium 2013 [Paper]
[BRo13a] Bernauer, A.; Römer, K.: A comprehensive compiler-assisted thread abstraction for resource-constrained systems.. 12th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2013), 167-178, ACM Press, Philadelphia, USA 2013 [Paper]
[BWZ13] Boano, C. A.; Wennerström, H.; Zúñiga, M. A.; Brown, J.; Keppitiyagama, C.; Oppermann, F.J.; Roedig, U.; Nordén, L.-Å.; Voigt, T.; Römer, K.: Hot Packets: A Systematic Evaluation of the Effect of Temperature on Low Power Wireless Transceivers. Proceedings of the 5th Extreme Conference on Communication (ExtremeCom), Thorsmork, Iceland 2013 [Paper]
[FSM13] L. Fossati, T. Schuster, R. Meyer, and M. Berekovic: SoCRocket: A virtual platform for SoC design. Proceedings of DASIA 2013 : DAta Systems In Aerospace : 14-16 May 2013, Porto, Portugal 2013
[HHP13] Hempel, G.; Hoyer, J.; Pionteck, T.; Hochberger, C.: Register Allocation for High-Level Synthesis of Hardware Accelerators Targeting FPGAs. 8th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC) , 1 - 6, IEEE, Darmstadt, Germany 2013
[HKM13] Hartmann, J.; Klüssendorff, J. H.; Maehle, E.: A unified visual graph-based approach to navigation for wheeled mobile robots. Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 1915-1922, IEEE, Tokyo 2013 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HKM13a] Hartmann, J.; Klüssendorff, J. H.; Maehle, E.: A comparison of feature descriptors for visual SLAM. European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), 56-61, Barcelona 2013 [Abstract]
[HSM13] Hartmann, J.;Stechele, W.; Maehle, E.: Self-Adaptation for Mobile Robot Algorithms Using Organic Computing Principles. Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), 232-243, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Prag 2013 [Abstract] [Paper]
[KHF13] Klüssendorff, Jan Helge; Hartmann, Jan; Forouher, Dariush; Maehle, Erik: Graph-Based Visual SLAM and Visual Odometry using an RGB-D Camera. 9th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, RoMoCo 13, Wasowo 2013
[MBB13] Mietz, R.; Buschmann, C.; Boldt, D.; Römer, K.; Fischer, S.: Poster Abstract: iBAST - Instantantaneous Bridge Assessment Based on Sensor Network Technology. ACM Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (RealWSN), Springer, Berlin 2013
[MDA13] B. Motruk, J. Diemer, P. Axer, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: Safe Virtual Interrupts Leveraging Distributed Shared Resources and Core-to-Core Communication on Many-Core Platforms. PRDC `13: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 19th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, IEEE Computer Society, 2013
[MDB13] B. Motruk, J. Diemer, R. Buchty, and M. Berekovic: Power monitoring for mixed-criticality on a many-core platform. ARCS`13: Proceedings of the 26th international conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2013
[MEO13] Meyer, B.; Ehlers, K.; Osterloh, C.; Maehle, E.: SMART-E: An Autonomous Omnidirectional Underwater Robot. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, ISSN (Print) 2081-4836, DOI: 10.2478/pjbr-2013-0015, 1-7, De Gruyter, 2013 [Paper]
[MGK13] Mietz, R.; Groppe, S.; Kleine, O.; Bimschas, D.; Fischer, S.; Römer, K.; Pfisterer, D.: A P2P Semantic Query Framework for the Internet of Things. PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 2013 [Abstract]
[MGR13] Mietz, R.; Groppe, S.; Römer, K.; Pfisterer, D: Semantic Models for Scalable Search in the Internet of Things. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 172-195, MDPI, 2013 [Abstract] [Paper]
[MiR13] Mietz, R.;Römer, K.: Smart City Search: A User Survey. Sociable Smart City 2013 Workshop, 635 - 646, IOS Press, 2013 [Paper]
[MiR13a] Mietz, R.; Römer, K.: Real-Time Search in the Sensor Internet. Building Sensor Networks: From Design to Applications, CRC Press, 2013 [Abstract]
[MOM13] Meyer, B.; Osterloh, C.; Maehle, E.: MONSUN - A Modular Testbed for Swarms of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. ICRA2013 - Workshop on Many Robot Systems: Crossing the Reality Gap – From Single to Multi- to Many Robot Systems , Karlsruhe 2013 [Paper]
[PiO13] Pionteck, T.; Osterloh, C.: Prioritizing Semi-Static Data Streams in Network-on-Chips for Runtime Reconfigurable Systems. Interantional Workshop on Dynamic Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip (DRNoC), 229 - 232 , IEEE, Helsinki, Finland 2013
[Ren13] Christian Renner: Solar Harvest Prediction Supported by Cloud Cover Forecasts. 1st International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems, Rome, Italy 2013
[RoB13] Römer, K.; Boano, C. A.: Körperkerntemperatur bei Marathonläufern: Drahtlose Überwachung per Infrarotsensor. Medical Sports Network, 02.13, 28-29, Succidia, 2013
[RTR13] Renner, C.; Turau, V.; Römer, K.: Online Energy Assessment with Supercapacitors and Energy Harvesters. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Elsevier, 2013 [Paper]
[WBS13] J. Wagner, R. Buchty, C. Schubert, and M. Berekovic: Designing a low-power wireless sensor node rASIP architecture. Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), 2013 IEEE Workshop on, 2013
[WGL13] Werner, S.; Groppe, S.; Linnemann, V.; Pionteck, T.: Hardware-accelerated Join Processing in Large Semantic Web Databases with FPGas. International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 131 - 138 , IEEE, Helsinki, Finland 2013
[WHM13] Weiss, P.;Heldmann, M.; Münte, T.;Schweikard, A.; Maehle, E.: A Rehabilitation System for Training based on Visual Feedback Distortion. Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation, 299-303, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 2013
[WHM13a] Weiss, P.; Heyer, L.; Münte, T.F.; Heldmann, M. ; Schweikard, A. ; Maehle, E.: Towards a Parameterizable Exoskeleton for Training of Hand Function After Stroke. Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, 1-6, IEEE, 2013 [Abstract]


[AHM12] Al-Homsy, A.; Hartmann, J.; Maehle E.: Inclination Detection and Adaptive Walking for Low-Cost Six-legged Walking Robots Using Organic Computing Principles. Climbing and Walking Robot (CLAWAR), 173-182, Baltimore, USA 2012
[AHM12a] Al-Homsy, A.; Hartmann, J.; Maehle, E.: Slippery and Sandy Ground Detection for Hexapod Robots Based on Organic Computing Principles and Somatosensory Feedback. Proc. of 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), 43-48, IEEE, Magdeburg 2012
[AMB12] H. Al-Khalissi, A. Marongiu, and M. Berekovic: Low-Overhead Barrier Synchronization for OpenMP-like Parallelism on the Single-Chip Cloud Computer. Many-core Applications Research Community (MARC) Symposium at RWTH Aachen University, 2012
[BCE12] M. Berekovic, S. Chakraborty, P. Eles, and A. D. Pimentel: Introduction to the Special Section on ESTIMedia’08. ACM Transactions in Embedded Computing Systems, ACM, 2012
[BeR12] Bernauer, A.; Römer, K.: Compiler-Assisted Thread Abstractions for Resource-Constrained Systems. Adjunct Proceedings European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Trento, Italy 2012 [Paper]
[BKM12] Baccour, N.; Koubâa, A.; Mottola, L.; Zuniga, M.A.; Youssef, H.; Boano, C.A.; Alves, M.: Radio Link Quality Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks: a Survey. Sensor Networks (TOSN), Volume 8, Issue 4, ACM Press, 2012 [Paper]
[BLM12] Bicocchi, N.; Lasagni, M.; Mamei, M.; Zambonelli, F.: Experiences on Sensor Fusion with Commonsense Reasoning. 9th PERCOM Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning, IEEE CS Press, Lugano, Schweiz 2012 [Paper]
[BLZ12] Bicocchi, N.; Lasagni, M.; Zambonelli F.: Bridging Vision and Commonsense for Multimodal Situation Recognition in Pervasive Systems. 10th IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PERCOM 2012), IEEE CS Press, Lugano, Schweiz 2012 [Paper]
[BRV12] Boano, C. A.; Römer, K.; Voigt, T.; Zuniga, M. A.: Poster Abstract: Agreement for Wireless Sensor Networks under External Interference. Adjunt Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), poster session, 38-39, Trento, Italy 2012 [Paper]
[BZR12] Boano, C.A.; Zuniga, M. A.; Römer, K.; Voigt, T.: JAG: Reliable and Predictable Wireless Agreement under External Radio Interference. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), IEEE Computer Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico 2012 [Paper]
[CDD12] Casati, F.; Daniel, F.; Dantchev, G.; Eriksson, J.; Finne, N.; Karnouskos, S.; Montero, P.M.; Mottola, L.; Oppermann, F.; Picco, G.P.; Quartulli, A.; Römer, K.; Spiess, P.; Tranquillini, S.; Voigt, T.: Towards Business Processes Orchestrating the Physical Enterprise with Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE), IEEE Press, Zurich, Switzerland 2012
[CDD12a] Casati, F.; Daniel, F.; Dantchev, G.; Eriksson, J.; Finne, N.; Karnouskos, S.; Moreno Montero, P.; Mottola, L.; Oppermann, F.J.; Picco, G.P.; Quartulli, A.; Römer, K.; Spiess, P.; Tranquillini, S.; Voigt, T.: Towards Business Processes Orchestrating the Physical Enterprise with Wireless Sensor Networks. Adjunct Proceedings European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Trento, Italy 2012 [Paper]
[FHK12] Forouher, D.; Hartmann, J.; Klüssendorff, J.H.; Maehle, E.; Meyer, B.; Osterloh, C.; Tosik, T.: HANSE - A Low-Cost Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Autonomous Mobile Systems 2012, 147-155, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Stuttgart 2012 [Abstract] [Paper]
[Ham12] Hampel, Volker: Leistungsbewertung und -analyse hybrider Rechnersysteme auf FPGA- und GPU-Basis. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, 2012 [Paper]
[HBR12] S. Hosseini-Khayat, P. Bahmanyar, and E. Rahiminezhad: Ultra-low power encryption engine for wireless implantable medical devices. 55th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2012
[HEB12] Herkersdorf, A.; Römer, K.; Brinkschulte, U. (eds.): Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, ARCS 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7179, Springer, Munich 2012 [Paper]
[HFL12] Hartmann, J.; Forouher, D.; Litza, M.; Klüssendorff, J.H.; Maehle, E.: Real-Time Visual SLAM Using FastSLAM and the Microsoft Kinect Camera. 7th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK 2012), 458-463, München 2012 [Abstract]
[HPM12] Hampel, V.; Pionteck, T.; Maehle, E.: An Approach for Performance Estimation of Hybrid Systems with FPGAs and GPUs as Coprocessors. 25th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS) 2012, 160-171, Springer, 2012 [Abstract]
[HTH12] Hartmann, J.;Tosik, T.;Harder, J.; Fechner, J.; Reddecker, H.; Kampsen, A.; Zenker, P.; Friedrichs, S.; Isokeit, C.; Stahl, P.; Hegen, P.; Maehle, E.: SAUC-E 2012 - The Hanse Team. 7th Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge Europe, 2012 [Paper]
[KNB12] M. Kicherer, F. Nowak, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: Seamlessly portable applications: Managing the diversity of modern heterogeneous systems. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 8, 2012
[MaM12] Maas, R.; Maehle, E.: Fault Tolerant and Adaptive Path Planning in Crowded Environments for Mobile Robots Based on Hazard Estimation via Health Signals. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Volume P-200, ISBN 978-3-88579-294-9, 221-232, Bonner Köllen Verlag (2012) , München 2012 [Paper]
[MaM12a] Maas, R.; Maehle, E.: An Easy to Use Framework for Educational Robots. Proceedings of 7th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK 2012), 245-249, VDE Verlag GMBH, München 2012 [Abstract]
[MDB12] B. Motruk, J. Diemer, R. Buchty, R. Ernst, and M. Berekovic: IDAMC: A Many-Core Platform with Run-Time Monitoring for Mixed-Criticality. HASE `12: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 14th International Symposium on High-Assurance Systems Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, 2012
[MiR12] Mietz, R.; Römer, K.: Work in Progress: Resource-Aware Fault Localization in Large Sensor Networks. Work in Progress Session, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Ssystems (IEEE DCOSS), IEEE Computer Society, Hangzhou, China 2012 [Paper]
[MMG12] Maas, R.; Maehle, E.; Großpietsch, K.-E.: Applying the Organic Robot Control Architecture ORCA to Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey 2012
[MMR12] Meyer, B.; Mietz, R.; Römer, K.: LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Wireless Cameras. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Ssystems (IEEE DCOSS), IEEE Computer Society, Hangzhou, China 2012 [Paper]
[OMA12] Osterloh, C.; Meyer, B.; Amory, A.; Pionteck, T.; Maehle, E.: MONSUN II - Towards Autonomous Underwater Swarms for Environmental Monitoring. IROS2012 - Workshop on Robotics for Environmental Monitoring , 1-6, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal 2012 [Paper]
[OPM12] Osterloh, C.; Pionteck, T.; Maehle, E.: MONSUN II: A small and inexpensive AUV for underwater swarms. 7th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK 2012), 325-330, München 2012 [Abstract]
[PiO12] Pionteck, T; Osterloh, C.: Notion of Time and Parallelism: What Computer Science Students need to know about Digital Circuit Design. 9th European Workshop on Microelectronic, 48-50, EDA Publishing, 2012 [Paper]
[RoB12] Römer, K.; Boano, C.A.: Drahtlose Sensornetze in der Sportmedizin: Laufen, Daten, Sammeln. Gesundheitsland Schleswig-Holstein Jahrbuch 2012/2013, 48, 2012
[TRC12] Truong, C.; Römer, K.; Chen, K.: Sensor Similarity Search in the Web of Things. Internet of Things - Smart Services and Objects (WoWMoM Conference) 2012, San Francisco, USA 2012 [Paper]
[TRC12a] Truong, C.; Römer, K.; Chen, K.: Fuzzy-based Sensor Search in the Web of Things. International Conference on Internet of Things 2012, Wuxi, China 2012 [Paper]
[TrR12] Truong, C.; Römer, K.: Efficient Geocasting to Multiple Regions in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. The 37th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Clearwater, Florida, USA 2012 [Paper]
[WZM12] Weiss, P.; Zenker, P.; Maehle, E.: Feed-forward Friction and Inertia Compensation for Improving Backdrivability of Motors. 12th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2012, 288 - 293 , IEEE Conference Publications , Guangzhou, PRC 2012 [Abstract] [Paper]


[AlB11] H. Al-Khalissi and M. Berekovic: Performance of RCCE Broadcast Algorithm in SCC. MARC Symposium, 2011
[BHH11] Bimschas, D.; Hasemann, H.; Hauswirth, M.; Karnstedt, M.; Kleine, O.; Kröller, A.; Leggieri M.; Mietz, R.; Passant, A.; Pfisterer, D.; Römer, K.; Truong, C.: Semantic-Service Provisioning for the Internet of Things. Workshop on Semantic Services for the Internet of Things (SSIT 2011), Electronic Communications of the EASST, 2011 [Abstract] [Paper]
[BHK11] R. Buchty, V. Heuveline, W. Karl, and J.-P. Weiß: A survey on hardware-aware and heterogeneous computing on multicore processors and accelerators. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2011
[BLR11] Boano, C. A.; Lasagni, M.; Römer. K.; Lange, T.: Accurate Temperature Measurements for Medical Research using Body Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Self-Organizing Real-Time Systems (SORT), 189-198, IEEE Computer Society, Newport Beach, CA, USA 2011 [Paper]
[BLR11a] Boano, C. A.; Lasagni, M.; Römer. K.; Lange, T.: Accurate Monitoring of Circardian Rhythms Using Wearable Body Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), poster session, 169-170, Chicago, IL, USA 2011 [Paper]
[BMG11] Brockmann, W.; Maehle E.; Grosspietsch, K.-E.; Rosemann, N.; Jakimovski, B.: ORCA: An Organic Robot Control Architecture. In: Müller-Schloer, C.; Schmeck, H.; Ungerer, T. (Eds.): Organic Computing - A Paradigm Shilft for Complex Systems, 385-397, Birkäuser-Springer, Basel 2011 [Paper]
[BRM11] Brockmann, W.; Rosemann, N.; Maehle, E.: A Framework for Controlled Self-optimisation in Modular System Architectures. Müller-Schloer, C.; Schmeck, H.; Ungerer, T. (Eds): Organic Computing - A Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems, 281-294, Birkhäuser-Springer, Basel 2011 [Paper]
[BRM11a] Becker, T.; Rapoport, D. H.; Madany Mamlouk, A.; Maas, R.: An agent-based framework to simulate cell–cell communication of adult stem cell populations in vitro. Abstracts of the World Conference on Regenerative Medicine, Vol. 6 No.6 (Suppl.2), ISSN 1746-0751, Leipzig, Germany 2011
[BRO11] Boano, C. A.; Römer, K.; Österlind, F.; Voigt, T.: Demo Abstract: Realistic Simulation of Radio Interference in COOJA. Adjunct Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), demo session, 36-37, Bonn, Germany 2011 [Paper]
[BuW11] R. Buchty and J.-P. Weiß: High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on New Frontiers in High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing (HipHaC`11). KIT Scientific Publishing, 2011
[BVN11] Boano, C. A.; Voigt, T.; Noda, C.; Römer, K.; Zuniga, M.: JamLab: Augmenting Sensornet Testbeds with Realistic and Controlled Interference Generation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 175-186, Chicago, IL, USA 2011 [Paper]
[CDD11] Casati, F.; Daniel, F.; Dunkels, A.; Karnouskos, S.; Montero, P. M.; Mottola, L.; Oppermann, F. J.; Picco, G. P.; Römer, K.; Spieß, P.; Tranquillini, S.; Valleri, P.; Voigt, T.: Invited Poster: makeSense: Easy Programming of Integrated Wireless Sensor Networks. Adjunct Proceedings European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), 53-54, Bonn, Germany 2011 [Paper]
[FHL11] Forouher, D.; Hartmann, J.; Litza, M.; Maehle, E.: Sonar-based FastSLAM in an Underwater Environment Using Walls as Features. 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2011), 588-593, IEEE, Tallinn, Estonia 2011 [Abstract] [Paper]
[GMK11] R. Gerndt, S. Michalik, and S. Krupop: Embedded vision system for robotics and industrial automation. Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on, 2011
[HaM11] Hampel, V.; Maehle, E.: A SSE-Based Implementation of a Ray Tracer for the Comparision with Coprocessors in Hybrid Computing Systems. 24th PARS - Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms, 131-140, Rüschlikon, Schweiz 2011 [Paper]
[HFL11] Hartmann, J.; Forouher, D.; Litza, M.; Klüssendorff, H.; Meyer, B.; Mintzlaff, T.; Stahl, P.; Strakerjahn, C.; Tosik, T.; Zenker, P.; Maehle, E.: SAUC-E 2011 - The Hanse Team. 6th Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge Europe, 2011 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HGM11] Hampel, V.; Goronzy, G.; Maehle, E.: A Code-Based Analytical Approach for Using Separate Device Coprocessors in Computing Systems. 24th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS) 2011, BEST PAPER AWARD, 1-12, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg 2011 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HKK11] Hochberger, Ch.; Karl, W.; Kröger, R.; Maehle, E.; Marwedel, P.; Schmidtmann, U.; Waldschmidt, K.: Curriculum Technische Informatik in Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen Informatik. GI-Empfehlungen, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2011 [Paper]
[Jak11] Jakimovski, B.: Biologically Inspired Approaches for Locomotion, Anomaly Detection and Reconfiguration for Walking Robots. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 2011 [Paper]
[KBK11] M. Kicherer, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: Cost-aware function migration in heterogeneous systems. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on High Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers, ACM, 2011
[KBK11a] D. Kramer, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: A Light-Weight Approach for Online State Classification of Self-organizing Parallel Systems. Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2011, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011
[KBK11b] D. Kramer, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: Monitoring and Self-awareness for Heterogeneous, Adaptive Computing Systems. Organic Computing — A Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems (10.1007/978-3-0348-0130-0_10), Springer Basel, 2011
[LLR11] Liu, J.; Levis, P.; Römer, K. (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems. ACM Sensys 2011, ACM Press, Seattle 2011 [Paper]
[MaM11] Maas, R.; Maehle, E.: Fault Tolerant and Adaptive Path Planning for Mobile Robots Based on Health Signals. 24th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS) 2011, VERFE, The 7th Workshop on Dependability and Fault-Tolerance, 58-63, VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin und Offenbach, Como, Italy 2011 [Paper]
[MBG11] Maehle, E.; Brockmann, W.; Grosspietsch, K.-E., El Sayed Auf, A.; Jakimovski, B.; Krannich, S.; Litza, M.; Maas, R.; Al-Homsy, A.: Application of the Organic Robot Control Architecture ORCA to the Six-legged Walking Robot OSCAR. In: Müller-Schloer, C.; Schmeck, H.; Ungerer, T. (Eds.): Organic Computing - A Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems, 517-530, Birkhäuser-Springer, Basel 2011 [Paper]
[MiR11] Mietz, R.; Römer, K.: Exploiting Correlations for Efficient Content-Based Sensor Search. IEEE SENSORS 2011, 187 - 190, 2011 [Abstract] [Paper]
[MPM11] Maas, R.; Pionteck, T.; Maehle, E.: Wave front-based Colour Reduction for Colour Segmentation. Biomed Tech 2011; 56 (Suppl. 1); ISSN 0939-4990 DOI 10.1515/BMT.2011.578, Walter de Gruyter, Freiburg 2011
[NPA11] Noda, C.; Prabh, S.; Alves, M.; Boano, C.A.; Voigt, T.: Quantifying the Channel Quality for Interference-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN), 41-46, Porto, Portugal 2011 [Paper]
[NPA11a] Noda, C.; Prabh, S.; Alves, M.; Boano, C.A.; Voigt, T.: Quantifying the Channel Quality for Interference-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks. ACM SIGBED Review, Volume 8 Issue 4, 2011 [Paper]
[NPB11] Noda, C.; Prabh, S.; Boano, C. A.; Voigt, T.; Alves, M.: A Channel Quality Metric for Interference Aware Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), poster session, 167-168, Chicago, IL, USA 2011 [Paper]
[POA11] Pionteck, T.; Osterloh, C.; Albrecht, C.: Linking Formal Description and Simulation of Runtime Reconfigurable Systems. International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 158-164, 2011 [Abstract]
[PRB11] Pfisterer, D.; Römer, K.; Bimschas, D.; Hasemann, H.; Hauswirth, M.; Karnstedt, M.; Kleine, O.; Kröller, A.; Leggieri, M.; Mietz, R.; Pagel, M.; Passant, A.; Richardson, R.; Truong, C.: SPITFIRE: Towards a Semantic Web of Things. IEEE Communications Magazine, 40-48 , 2011 [Abstract] [Paper]
[RoM11] Römer, K.; Mattern, F.: Adaptation without Anticipation. A. Ferscha (ed.): Pervasive Adaptation: The Next Generation Pervasive Computing Agenda, 31, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz 2011
[SHM11] Stechele, W.; Hartmann, J.; Maehle, E.: An Approach to Self- Learning Multicore Reconfiguration Management Applied on Robotic Vision. Conference on Design and Architecture for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 217-222, Tampere, Finland 2011
[SHM11a] G. Selimis, L. Huang, F. Mass: A Lightweight Security Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks: Design, Energy Evaluation and Proposed Microprocessor Design. J. Med. Syst., 35(5), 2011
[SRL11] Stamatescu, G.; Römer, K.; Ludwig, R.; Ibrahim, S. M.; Sgarciu, V.: MiceNet: Monitoring Behaviour of Laboratory Mice with Sensor Networks. IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), IEEE Press, Barcelona, Spain 2011 [Paper]
[ZIH11] Zuniga, M.; Irzynska, I.; Hauer, J; Voigt, T.; Boano, C. A.; Römer, K.: Link Quality Ranking: Getting the Best out of Unreliable Links. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), IEEE Computer Society, Barcelona, Spain 2011 [Paper]


[Alb09] Albrecht, Carsten: Modellierung und Simulation dynamisch rekonfigurierbarer Architekturen am Beispiel eines laufzeitadaptiven Netzwerk-Coprozessors. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, Logos Verlag, Berlin 2010
[BaM10] P. Bahmanyar and K. Mafinezhad: Switching Performance Analysis in RF MEMS Capacitive Shunt switches by Geometric Parameters Trade-Offs. Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2010
[BBB10] D. Bode, M. Berekovic, A. Borkowski, and L. Buker: QoR Analysis of Automated Clock-Mesh Implementation under OCV Consideration. Euromicro Symposium on Digital Systems Design, 2010
[BeP10] M. Berekovic and A. D. Pimentel: Editorial. J. Signal Process. Syst., 60(2), 2010
[BeR10] Bernauer, A; Römer, K.: Meta-Debugging Pervasive Computers. Intl. Workshop on Programming Methods for Mobile and Pervasive Systems at Pervasive 2010, Helsinki, Finland 2010
[BFF10] Bimschas, D.; Fekete, S.; Fischer, S.; Hellbrück, H.; Kröller, A.; Mietz, R.; Pagel, M.; Pfisterer, D.; Römer, K.; Teubler, T.: Poster Abstract: Real-World G-Lab: Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks with the Future Internet. TridentCom 2010: The 6th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities, Berlin 2010 [Paper]
[BHP10] Bimschas, D.; Hellbrück, H.; Pfisterer, D.; Mietz, R.; Römer, K.; Teubler, T.: Middleware for Smart Gateways Connecting Sensornets to the Internet. ACM MidSens 2010, ACM Press, Bangalore, India 2010 [Abstract] [Paper]
[BLM10] Bicocchi, N.; Lasagni, M.; Mamei, M; Prati, A.; Cucchiara, R.; Zambonelli, F: Unsupervised Learning In Body-Area Networks. ACM International Conference on Body Area Networks (BODYNETS 2010), Corfu, Greece 2010 [Abstract] [Paper]
[BRS10] Bernauer, A.; Römer, K.; Santini, S.: Threads for the Programmer, Events for the Machine. EWSN 2010, Coimbra, Portugal 2010 [Paper]
[BRS10a] Bernauer, A.; Römer, K.; Santini, S.; Ma, J.: Threads2Events: An Automatic Code Generation Approach. Workshop on Hot Topics in Embedded Networked Sensors, Killarney, Ireland 2010
[BTV10] Boano, C. A.; Tsiftes, N.; Voigt, T.; Brown, J.; Roedig, U.: The Impact of Temperature on Outdoor Industrial Sensornet Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 6, Number 3, 451-459, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2010 [Paper]
[BVT10] Boano, C. A.; Voigt, T.; Tsiftes, N.; Mottola, L.; Römer, K.; Zuniga, M.: Making Sensornet MAC Protocols Robust Against Interference. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), 272-288, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Coimbra, Portugal 2010 [Paper]
[BZV10] Boano, C. A.; Zuniga, M.; Voigt, T.; Willig, A.; Römer, K.: The Triangle Metric: Fast Link Quality Estimation for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), IEEE Communications Society, Zurich, Switzerland 2010 [Paper]
[DPH10] Dohler, M.; Pister K.; Heinzelman, W.R.; Srivastava, M.B.; Stojmenovic, I.; Römer, K.; Steenstrup, M.: Simple Wireless Sensor Networking Solutions. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 969-972, 2010
[ElS10] El Sayed Auf, Adam-Pharaoun: Eine Organic Computing basierte Steuerung für einen hexapoden Laufroboter unter dem Aspekt reaktiver Zuverlässigkeit und Robustheit. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, 2010 [Paper]
[FrS10] Frahm, O. J.; Sobe, P.: A Block Device Driver for Parallel and Fault-tolerant Storage. 23 rd PARS-Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms, 55-62, VDE Verlag, Berlin, Offenbach 2010
[GGR10] Geihs, K.; Gruner, S.; Römer, K.: Report about 1st ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA 2010). ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 34-37, 2010
[GGR10a] Geihs, K.; Gruner, S.; Römer, K.: SESENA 2010: Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications. ICSE (2), 978-1-60558-969-5, Cape Town, South Africa 2010
[GMR10] Glombitza, N.; Mietz, R.; Römer, K.; Fischer, S.; Pfisterer, D.: Poster Abstract: Integrating Wireless Sensor Network and Enterprise IT Web Services . 7th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, 2010
[GMR10a] Glombitza, N.; Mietz, R.; Römer, K.; Fischer, S.; Pfisterer, D.: Self-Description and Protocol Conversion for a Web of Things. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, 229-236, IEEE, Newport Beach, California, USA 2010 [Abstract]
[HaM10] Hampel, V.; Maehle, E.: High-Level Application Design for Hybrid Computing Systems. 23rd PARS-Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms, 113-119, VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin und Offenbach 2010
[HBH10] M. Hartmann, T. V. Aa, M. Berekovic, and C. Hochberger: Still Image Processing on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array Architectures. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 60, 2010
[HKR10] Harris, I.; Kiyavash, N.; Römer, K. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing. IEEE computer Society, ISBN 978-1-4244-7087-7, 2010
[JaM10] Jakimovski, B.; Maehle, E.: In situ self-reconfiguration of hexapod robot OSCAR using biologically inspired approaches. Climbing and Walking Robots by Behnam Miripour (Ed.), INTECH, ISBN: 978-953-307-030-8, 311-332, 2010 [Paper]
[JHK10] Jakimovski B.; Hörenz M.; Kotke M.; Maehle E.: Design of a hybrid wheeled-legged robot – WheeHy. 41st International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2010) and the 6th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK 2010), München, Germany 2010 [Abstract] [Paper]
[JKH10] Jakimovski, B.; Kotke, M.; Hörenz, M.; Maehle, E.: SelSta - A Biologically Inspired Approach for Self-Stabilizing Humanoid Robot Walking. Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2010, Volume 329/2010, 302-313, Brisbane, Australia 2010 [Abstract] [Paper]
[JMM10] Jakimovski, B.; Meyer, B.; Maehle, E.: Firefly flashing synchronization as inspiration for self-synchronization of walking robot gait patterns using a decentralized robot control architecture. Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2010, 23rd International Conference, pp. 61-72, Hannover, Germany, 2010 [Abstract] [Paper]
[JMM10a] Jakimovski, B.; Meyer, B.; Maehle, E.: Design ideas and development of a reconfigurable robot OSCAR-X. 13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines - CLAWAR, 31 August – 03 September 2010, 391-398, Nagoya, Japan, 2010
[KBL10] S. Khailaie, P. Bahmanyar, and C. Lucas: Decision Making Strategy in the Designing of a Fuzzy Controller for Inverted Pendulum-Cart System. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2010
[KNB10] M. Kicherer, F. Nowak, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: Extending a Light-weight Runtime System by Dynamic Instrumentation For Performance Evaluation. ARCS 2010 Workshop Proceedings, VDE, 2010
[KOT10] Kiss Iakab, K.; Oppermann, F. J.; Theel, O.; Kamenik, J.: Exploiting Semantic Quorum-Based Data Replication in Wireless Sensor Networks. 9. Fachgespräch Sensornetze der GI/ITG Fachgruppe Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme, 55-58, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany 2010 [Paper]
[KrB10] T. Kranich and M. Berekovic: NoC Switch with Credit Based Guaranteed Service Support Qualified for GALS Systems. DSD `10: Proceedings of the 2010 13th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools, IEEE Computer Society, 2010
[LPC10] Laika, A.; Paul, C.; Stechele,W.; El Sayed Auf, A.; Maehle, E.: FPGA-based Real-time Moving Object Detection for Walking Robots. 8th IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2010, Bremen, Germany 2010
[Mae10] Maehle, Erik: Service Robotics as an Application for the Grand Challenges in Computer Engineering. Information Technology (it), 153-159, Oldenbourg Verlag, München 2010
[Mae10a] Maehle, Erik: Service-Robotik - Herausforderungen für die Technische Informatik. VDE-Kongress 2010, DVD, Paper ZJ13.4.2, VDE Verlag, Berlin, Offenbach 2010
[MaR10] Ma, J.; Römer, K.: Visibility Levels: Managing the Tradeoff between Visibility and Resource Consumption. REALWSN 2010, Springer, Colombo, Sri Lanka 2010
[MaR10a] Ma, J.; Römer, K.: Balancing Visibility and Resource Consumption for Long-Term Monitoring of Sensornets (Poster Abstract). ACM Sensys 2010, ACM Press, Zurich, Switzerland 2010
[NKB10] F. Nowak, M. Kicherer, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: Delivering Guidance Information in Heterogeneous Systems. ARCS 2010 Workshop Proceedings, VDE, 2010
[NSB10] J. Naghmouchi, D. P. Scarpazza, and M. Berekovic: Small-ruleset regular expression matching on GPGPUs: quantitative performance analysis and optimization. ICS `10: Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, ACM, 2010
[OFH10] Osterloh, C.; Forouher, D.; Hartmann, J.; Litza, M.; Meyer, B.; Kluessendorff, J. H.;Tosik, T.; Maehle, E. : HANSE - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for the SAUC-E Competition 2010. 5th Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge Europe, 2010 [Paper]
[OpP10] Oppermann, F. J.; Peter, S.: Inferring Technical Constraints of a Wireless Sensor Network Application from End-User Requirements. Sixth International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN), 169-175, IEEE Computer Society, Hangzhou, China 2010
[ORM10] Ostermaier, B.; Römer, K.; Mattern, F.; Fahrmair, M.; Kellerer, W.: DYSER: A Real-Time Search Engine for the Web of Things. IOT 2010, IEEE Press, Tokyo, Japan 2010
[OsM10] Osterloh, C.; Maehle, E.: Low-Power Microcontroller-based Acoustic Modem for Underwater Robot Communication. Joint 41th International Symposium on Robotics and 6th German Conference on Robotics, 262-267, München 2010
[OSR10] Ostermaier, B., Schlup, F., Römer, K.: WebPlug: A Framework for the Web of Things. IEEE PerCom Workshop on the Web of Things, Mannheim, Germany 2010
[PiB10] Pionteck, T; Brockmann, W.: A Concept of a Trust Management Architecture to Increase the Robustness of Nano Age Devices. 4th Workshop on Dependable and Secure Nanocomputing (in conjunction with the 40th Annual IEEE/IFIP Int. Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks - DSN-2010), 142-147, 2010
[POA10] Pionteck, T.; Osterloh, C.; Albrecht, C.: Latency Reduction of Selected Data Streams in Network-on-Chips for Adaptive Manycore Systems. 28th IEEE Norchip Conference, 1-6, Tampere/Finnland 2010
[PSA10] Pionteck, T.; Sammann, S.; Albrecht, C.: Optimizing Runtime Reconfiguration Decisions. International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), 39-46, IEEE Computer Society, 2010 [Abstract]
[ROM10] Römer, K.; Ostermaier, B.; Mattern, F.; Fahrmair, M.; Kellerer, W.: Real-Time Search for Real-World Entities: A Survey. Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 98, No. 11, 1887-1902, IEEE Press, 2010
[Sob10] Sobe, P.: Parallel Reed/Solomon Coding on Multicore Processors. International Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os, 71-80, IEEE , 2010 [Abstract] [Paper]
[TKS10] Truong, C.; Khan, M. A.; Sivrikaya, F.; Albayrak, S.: Cooperative Game Theoretic Approach to Energy-Efficient Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems, Kassel, Germany 2010 [Abstract]
[TSH10] I. Tsekoura, G. N. Selimis, J. Hulzink, F. Catthoor, J. Huisken, H. de Groot, and C. E. Goutis: Exploration of cryptographic ASIP designs for wireless sensor nodes. ICECS`10, 2010


[AFK09] Albrecht, C.; Foag, J.; Koch, R.; Maehle, E.; Pionteck, T.: DynaCORE – Dynamically Reconfigurable Coprocessor for Network Processors. Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems Architectures: Design Methods and Applications, Springer, 2009 [Abstract]
[AKP09] Albrecht, C.; Koch, R.; Pionteck, T.; Glösekötter, P.: Towards a Flexible Fault-Tolerant System-on-Chip. 22th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems - Workshop Proceedings, 83-90, VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin 2009 [Abstract] [Paper]
[AKP09a] Albrecht, C.; Koch, R.; Pionteck, T.: On the Impact of Buffer Size on Packet Loss in Adaptable Network-on-Chips for Runtime Reconfigurable System-on-Chips. NORCHIP, 1-4, Trondheim 2009 [Abstract]
[BBH09] Boano, C. A.; Brown, J.; He, Z.; Roedig, U.; Voigt, T.: Low-Power Radio Communication in Industrial Outdoor Deployments: The Impact of Weather Conditions and ATEX-compliance. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sensor Networks Applications, Experimentation and Logistics (Sensappeal), 159-176, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Athens, Greece 2009 [Paper]
[BCD09] M. Berekovic, V. Chaudhary, A. Dean, and J. Fritts: Editorial. Microprocess. Microsyst., 33(4), 2009
[BGH09] C. Bachmann, A. Genser, J. Hulzink, M. Berekovic, and C. Steger: A low-power ASIP for IEEE 802.15.4a ultra-wideband impulse radio baseband processing. DATE `09: Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe, European Design and Automation Association, 2009
[BHL09] Boano, C. A.; He, Z.; Li, Y.; Voigt, T.; Zuniga, M.; Willig, A.: Controllable Radio Interference for Experimental and Testing Purposes in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp), 865-872, IEEE Computer Society, Zurich, Switzerland 2009 [Paper]
[BHS09] M. Berekovic, M. Hanke, T. Schuster, T. Kranich, and R. Ernst: ESL design in the context of embedded systems education. WESE `09: Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Embedded Systems Education, ACM, 2009
[BKK09] R. Buchty, D. Kramer, M. Kicherer, and W. Karl: A Light-weight Approach to Dynamical Runtime Linking Supporting Heterogenous, Parallel, and Reconfigurable Architectures. Architecture of Computing Systems -- ARCS 2009, 22nd International Conference (LNCS 5455), Springer, 2009
[BKK09a] R. Buchty, M. Kicherer, D. Kramer, and W. Karl: An Embrace-and-Extend Approach to Managing the Complexity of Future Heterogeneous Systems. SAMOS `09: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, Springer-Verlag, 2009
[BKM09] M. Berekovic, A. Kanstein, B. Mei, and B. D. Sutter: Mapping of nomadic multimedia applications on the ADRES reconfigurable array processor. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 33, 2009
[BKN09] R. Buchty, D. Kramer, F. Nowak, and W. Karl: A Seamless Virtualization Approach for Transparent Dynamical Function Mapping targeting Heterogeneous and Reconfigurable Systems. ARC2009 -- Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (LNCS 5453), Springer, 2009
[BRH09] Boano, C. A.; Römer, K.; He, Z.; Voigt, T.; Zuniga, M.; Willig, A.: Demo Abstract: Generation of Controllable Radio Interference for Protocol Testing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), 301-302, ACM Press, Berkeley, California, USA. 2009 [Paper]
[BRW09] Beutel, J.; Römer, K.; Woehrle, M.; Ringwald, M.: Deployment Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensor Networks: Where Theory Meets Practice (Springer), Springer, Heidelberg 2009 [Paper]
[BVD09] Boano, C. A.; Voigt, T.; Dunkels, A.; Österlind, F.; Tsiftes, N.; Mottola, L.; Suárez, P.: Exploiting the LQI Variance for Rapid Channel Quality Assessment. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), poster session, 369-370, IEEE Computer Society, San Francisco, California, USA 2009 [Paper]
[EDM09] El Sayed Auf, A.; Dudek, N.; Maehle, E.: Hexapod Walking as Emergent Reaction to Externally Acting Forces. Proceedings of Robotica 2009, BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD, 67-72, Portugal 2009 [Paper]
[FMR09] Fischer, S.; Maehle, E.; Reischuk, R. (Hrsg.): Informatik 2009 "Im Focus das Leben". Proceedings 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics. Informatik 2009 "Im Focus das Leben". Proceedings 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics, Köllen Druck + Verlag GmbH, Bonn 2009
[GBS09] A. Genser, C. Bachmann, C. Steger, J. Hulzink, and M. Berekovic: Low-Power ASIP Architecture Exploration and Optimization for Reed-Solomon Processing. ASAP `09: Proceedings of the 2009 20th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, IEEE Computer Society, 2009
[Jak09] Jakimovski, B.: Patent - Robot Leg Amputation Mechanism R-LEGAM (DPMA-Az: 10 2009 006 934.8). 2009
[JMM09] Jakimovski, B.; Meyer, B.; Maehle, E.: Self-reconfiguring hexapod robot OSCAR using organically inspired approaches and innovative robot leg amputation mechanism. International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems, ARCS-09, Orlando, USA, July 13-16, 2009 [Paper]
[KAP09] Koch, R.; Albrecht, C.; Pionteck, T.: Adaptive Health Monitoring in a Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip. Workshop on Diagnostic Services in Network-on-Chips (DSNOC), Nice 2009
[KBK09] D. Kramer, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: A Scalable and Decentral Approach to sustained System Monitoring. Proceedings of ACACES 2009 Poster Abstracts: Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems, Academia Press, Ghent 2009
[KRM09] Krannich, S.; Maehle, E.;: Analysis of Spatially Limited Local Communication for Multi-Robot Foraging. Fira 2009 / AMiRE; Communications in Computer and Information Science, 322--331, Springer, Heidelberg 2009
[KTT09] Khan, M. A.; Truong, C.; Toker, A.C.; Sivrikaya, F.; Albayrak, S.: Cooperative Game Theoretic Approach to Integrated Bandwidth Sharing and Allocation. 2009 International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (Gamenets 2009), IEEE, Istanbul, Turkey 2009 [Abstract]
[KVB09] D. Kramer, T. Vogel, R. Buchty, F. Nowak, and W. Karl: A general purpose HyperTransport-based Application Accelerator Framework. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on HyperTransport Research and Applications (WHTRA 2009) (ISBN 978-3-00-027249-3), Universitätsbibliotek Heidelberg, 2009
[LPM09] E. Ladis, I. Papaefstathiou, R. Marchesani, K. Tuinenbreijer, P. Langendorfer, T. Zahariadis, H. C. Leligou, L. Redondo, et al.: Secure, Mobile Visual Sensor Networks Architecture. SECON Workshops IEEE Annual Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks Workshops, 2009
[MaB09] O. Mattes and R. Buchty: A Universal Framework for Simulating Hierarchical Network Topologies in a Distributed Memory System. Parallel-Algorithmen, -Rechnerstrukturen und -Systemsoftware, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2009
[Mae09] Maehle, E.: Dependability and Fault Tolerance -- The Organic Computing Way. Keynote Talk, 6th Workshop on Dependability and Fault Tolerance. ARCS 09 Workshop Proceedings, 69, VDE-Verlag, 2009
[MaM09] Maas, R.; Maehle, E.: Swarm based construction of large scale maze-like environments. Second International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination, 2009 ROBOCOMM 09, 1-6, IEEE, Odense, Denmark 2009 [Abstract] [Paper]
[MNB09] O. Mattes, F. Nowak, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: Augmenting the Curriculum targeting Hardware-aware System Design. CDNLive! EMEA 2009, Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 2009
[MRO09] Maryam Elahi, B.; Römer, K.; Ostermaier, B.; Fahrmair, M.; Kellerer, W.: Sensor Ranking: A Primitive for Efficient Content-Based Sensor Search. ACM/IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), ACM Press, San Francisco, CA, USA 2009
[NBK09] F. Nowak, R. Buchty, D. Kramer, and W. Karl: Exploiting the HTX-Board as a Coprocessor for Exact Arithmetics. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on HyperTransport Research and Applications (WHTRA 2009) (ISBN 978-3-00-027249-3), Universitätsbibliotek Heidelberg, 2009
[OLM09] Osterloh, C.; Litza, M.; Maehle, E.: Hard- and Software Architecture of a Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Environmental Monitoring Tasks. German Workshop on Robotics 2009, 347-356, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Braunschweig 2009 [Abstract] [Paper]
[OVT09] Osterloh, C.; Volkening, N.; Tosik, T.; Hartmann, J.; Forouher, D.; Hocke, J.; Gaifulin, Y.; Litza, M.; El Sayed Auf, A.: HANSE - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for the SAUC-E Competition 2009. Gosport, England 2009 [Paper]
[PKA09] Pionteck, T.: Koch, R.; Albrecht, C.; Maehle, E.: A Design Technique for Adapting Number and Boundaries of Reconfigurable Modules at Runtime. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 2009, Article ID 942930,, Hindawi Publishing Corporation , New York 2009 [Abstract] [Paper]
[RiR09] Ringwald, M; Römer, K.: BurstMAC - An Efficient MAC Protocol for Correlated Traffic Bursts. Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), SICE, Pittsburgh, USA 2009
[RoM09] Römer, K.; Ma, J.: Passive Distributed Assertions for Sensor Networks. ACM/IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, Spots Track (IPSN/SPOTS), ACM Press, San Francisco, CA, USA 2009
[SGT09] Sivrikaya, F.; Geithner, T.; Truong, C.; Khan, M. A.; Albayrak, S.: Stochastic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Communications, Dresden, Germany 2009 [Abstract]
[SKW09] Schultz, Ch. ; Koch, K.; Wagner, G.; Roebel, M.; Schachtzabel, C.; Nenadic, I.; Albrecht, C.; Reichenbach J.; Sauer, H.; Schlösser R.: Psychopathological correlates of the entorhinal cortical shape in schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, Springer, 2009 [Paper]
[Sob09] Sobe, P.: Coding for Reliable Data Storage on Different Hardware Platforms . ARCS-Workshop "Dependability and Fault Tolerance", 95-100, VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenbach 2009
[Sob09a] Sobe, P.: Pre-calculated Equation-based Decoding in Failure-tolerant Distributed Storage. IPDPS 2009 Proceedings, Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-centric Systems, CDROM, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos CA 2009
[YNH09] L. Yseboodt, M. D. Nil, J. Huisken, M. Berekovic, Q. Zhao, F. Bouwens, J. Hulzink, and J. V. Meerbergen: Design of 100 μW Wireless Sensor Nodes for Biomedical Monitoring. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 57, 2009


[AHM08] Avresky, D.R.; Hwang, K.; Maehle, E. (eds): Proceedings of The Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Networking Computing and Applications (NCA08). The Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Networking Computing and Applications July 10-12, 2008, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos 2008
[AOP08] Albrecht, C.; Osterloh, Ch.; Pionteck, T.; Koch, R.; Maehle, E.: An Application-Oriented Synthetic Network Traffic Generator. European Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2008, 299-305, ECMS, Nicosia, Cyprus 2008
[ARK08] Albrecht, C.; Roß, P.; Koch, R. ; Pionteck, T. ; Maehle, E.: Performance Analysis of Bus-Based Interconnects for a Run-Time Reconfigurable Co-Processor Platform. PDP 08, 200-205, IEEE Computer Society, Toulouse, France 2008 [Abstract] [Paper]
[AWP08] Albrecht, C.; Werner, M.; Pionteck, T.; Fuchsen, R.; Koch, R.; Maehle, E.: WCET Determination Tool for Embedded Systems Software. SIMUTools08 Proceedings, 1, ICST, Marseille, France 2008 [Abstract] [Paper]
[BBA08] M. Berekovic, F. Bouwens, T. V. Aa, and D. Verkest: Interconnect Power Analysis for a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array Processor. Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, 2008
[BBS08] F. Bouwens, M. Berekovic, B. D. Sutter, and G. Gaydadjiev: Architecture enhancements for the ADRES coarse-grained reconfigurable array. HiPEAC`08: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on High performance embedded architectures and compilers, Springer-Verlag, 2008
[BBS08a] F. Bouwens, M. Berekovic, B. D. Sutter, and G. Gaydadjiev: Architecture Enhancements for the ADRES Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array. High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers, 2008
[BDW08] M. Berekovic, N. J. Dimopoulos, and S. Wong: Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, 8th International Workshop, SAMOS 2008, Samos, Greece, July 21-24, 2008. Proceedings. Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, 2008
[BeN08] M. Berekovic and T. Niggemeier : A distributed, simultaneously multi-threaded (SMT) processor with clustered scheduling windows for scalable DSP performance. J. Signal Process. Syst., 50(2), 2008
[BeN08a] M. Berekovic and T. Niggemeier: A Distributed, Simultaneously Multi-Threaded (SMT) Processor with Clustered Scheduling Windows for Scalable DSP Performance. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 50, 2008
[BHK08] M. Berekovic, C. Hochberger, and A. Koch: Rekonfigurierbare Architekturen. Informatik Spektrum, 31, 2008
[BKK08] R. Buchty, D. Kramer, and W. Karl: An Organic Computing Approach to Sustained Real-time Monitoring. Proceedings of WCC2008/BICC (IFIP Vol.268) (ISBN 978-0-387-09654-4), Springer, 2008
[BLM08] Bicocchi, N; Lasagni, M; Mamei, M; Prati, A.; Cucchiara, R.; Zambonelli F.: Pervasive Self-Learning with Multimodal Distributd Sensors. 1st SASO International Workshop on Pervasive Adaptation, Venice, Italy 2008 [Paper]
[BMK08] R. Buchty, O. Mattes, and W. Karl: Self-aware Memory: Managing Distributed Memory in an Autonomous Multi-Master Environment. Architecture of Computing Systems -- ARCS 2008, 21st International Conference (ISBN 978-3-540-78152-3), 2008
[BPH08] M. Berekovic, A. D. Pimentel, and T. D. Hämäläinen: Editorial. J. Syst. Archit., 54(11), 2008
[BuK08] R. Buchty and W. Karl: Design Aspects of Self-Organizing Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures. it Information Technology 5/2008 (Issue on Computer Architecture Challenges), 293-299, 2008
[BuW08] R. Buchty and J.-P. Weiß: High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on New Frontiers in High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing (HipHaC`08). Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, 2008
[ELM08] El Sayed Auf, A.; Litza, M.; Maehle, E.: Distributed Fault-Tolerant Robot Control Architecture Based on Organic Computing Principles. Biologically-Inspired Collaborative Computing, 115-124, Springer, Boston 2008 [Abstract] [Paper]
[GBA08] A. Garcia, M. Berekovic, and T. V. Aa: Mapping of the AES cryptographic algorithm on a Coarse-Grain reconfigurable array processor. ASAP `08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, IEEE Computer Society, 2008
[GHB08] J. Govers, J. Huisken, M. Berekovic, O. Rousseaux, F. Bouwens, M. de Nil, and J. V. Meerbergen: Implementation of an UWB impulse-radio acquisition and despreading algorithm on a low power ASIP. HiPEAC`08: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on High performance embedded architectures and compilers, Springer-Verlag, 2008
[GHB08a] J. Govers, J. Huisken, M. Berekovic, O. Rousseaux, F. Bouwens, M. D. Nil, and J. L. V. Meerbergen: Implementation of an UWB Impulse-Radio Acquisition and Despreading Algorithm on a Low Power ASIP. High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers, 2008
[Goe07] Gönne, Marco: Konzeption und Evaluation einer echtzeitfähigen Testplattform für das kabellose perioperative Vitaldatenmonitoring. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 2008
[HSM08] Hampel, V.; Sobe, P.; Maehle, E.: Designing Coprocessors for Hybrid Compute Systems. Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop, CD-ROM, IEEE Computer Society, Miami, Florida, USA 2008
[HSM08a] Hampel, Volker; Sobe, Peter; Maehle, Erik: Experiences with a FPGA-based Reed/Solomon-encoding coprocessor. Microprocessors and Microsystems 32, 313-320, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2008 [Abstract] [Paper]
[JaM08] Jakimovski, B.; Maehle, E.: Artificial Immune System Based Robot Anomaly Detection Engine for Fault Tolerant Robots. 5th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-08), Oslo, Norway, 2008, 177-190, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008 [Abstract] [Paper]
[JMM08] Jakimovski, B.; Meyer, B.; Maehle, E.: Swarm Intelligence for Self-Reconfiguring Walking Robot. Swarm Intelligence Symposium, SIS 2008. IEEE, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Sep. 21-23, 2008 [Abstract] [Paper]
[KTG08] Khan, M. A.; Truong, C.; Geithner, T.; Sivrikaya, F.; Albayrak, S.: Network Level Cooperation for Resource Allocation in Future Wireless Networks. 2008 1st Ifip Wireless Days (Wd), IEEE, Dubai 2008 [Abstract]
[LFM08] Luttenberger, N.; Fischer, S.; Maehle, E.; Timmermann, D.; Turau, V.: Multi-hybride Sensornetze. PIK-Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 141-145, Band 31, Nr. 3, K.G. Saur Verlag, München 2008
[NBK08] F. Nowak, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: Adaptive Cache Infrastructure: Supporting dynamic Program Changes following dynamic Program Behavior. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms (PASA 2008) (ISBN 978-3-88579-218-5), GI e.V, 2008
[PAK08] Pionteck, T.; Albrecht, C.; Koch, R.; Brix, T.; Maehle, E.: Design and Simulation of Runtime Reconfigurable Systems. IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2008 ), 154-157, IEEE, 2008
[PAK08a] Pionteck, T.; Albrecht, C.; Koch, R,; Maehle, E,: Adaptive Communication Architectures for Runtime Reconfigurable System-on-Chips. Parallel Processing Letters, 275-289, World Scientific Publishing, 2008 [Abstract]
[PAK08b] Pionteck, T.; Albrecht, C.; Koch, R.; Maehle, E.: Performance and Reliability Monitoring in Network-on-Chips. Workshop on Diagnostic Services in Network-on-Chips (DSNOC), 2008 [Paper]
[PAK08c] Pionteck, T.; Albrecht, C.; Koch, R.; Maehle, E.: ON THE DESIGN PARAMETERS OF RUNTIME RECONFIGURABLE SYSTEMS. International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 683-686, IEEE, Heidelberg 2008 [Abstract]
[PGB08] F. Pratas, G. Gaydadjiev, M. Berekovic, L. Sousa, and S. Kaxiras: Low power microarchitecture with instruction reuse. CF `08: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Computing frontiers, ACM, 2008
[PGV08] J. Penders, B. Gyselinckx, R. Vullers, O. Rousseaux, M. Berekovic, M. D. Nil, C. V. Hoof, J. Ryckaert, et al.: Human++: Emerging Technology for Body Area Networks. , 2008
[PKA08a] Pionteck, T.; Koch, R.; Albrecht, C.; Maehle, E.; Meitinger, M.; Ohlendorf, R.; Wild, T.; Herkersdorf, A. : SPP1148 booth: Network processors. International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 352, IEEE, Heidelberg 2008 [Abstract]
[SBH07] Sobe, P.; Baum, M.; Heckel, S.; Krueger, J.: A Simulation Methodology for Distributed Storage. BALTIC CONFERENCE Advanced Topics in Telecommunications, 7-16, Univ. Rostock, IuK Wissenschaftsverbund, Rostock 2008 [Paper]
[SBS08] Schmitt, O.;Bethke S.; Sobe P.; Prehn S.; Maehle E.: Parallelized segmentation of a serially sectioned whole human brain. Image and Vision Computing, Volume 26, Issue 2, 1 February 2008, 289-301, Elsevier, Inc, New York 2008 [Abstract] [Paper]
[Sob08] Sobe, P.: Failure-tolerant distributed storage with (1 out-of N) codes. Journal of Systems Architecture, 861-867, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2008
[Sob08a] Sobe, P.: A Partial Distribution Fault Aware Protocol for Consistent Updates in Distributed Storage Systems. EEE SNAPI 2008, 54-61, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos CA 2008
[SoP08] Sobe, P.; Peter, K.: Flexible Parameterization of XOR based Codes for Distributed Storage. 7th, International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, 101-110, IEEE Computer Society, 2008 [Abstract]
[TKN08] J. Tao, M. Kunze, F. Nowak, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: Performance Advantage of Reconfigurable Cache Design on Multicore Processor Systems. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 36(3), 2008
[UFM08] Ungerer, T., Fischer, S.; Maehle, E. et al: Grand Challenges der Technischen Informatik - Report. APS + PC Nachrichten, 5-31, Jahrgang 17, Heft 1, 2008
[WKM08] K. Wu, A. Kanstein, J. Madsen, and M. Berekovic: MT-ADRES: multi-threading on coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture. International Journal of Electronics, 95, 2008


[AKL07] C. Arbelo, A. Kanstein, S. Lopez, J. Lopez, M. Berekovic, R. Sarmiento, and J.-Y. Mignolet: Mapping Control-Intensive Video Kernels onto a Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architecture: the H.264/AVC Deblocking Filter. Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition, 2007. DATE `07, 2007
[AKP07] Albrecht, C.; Koch, R.; Pionteck, T.; Maehle, E.: Simulation System for Run-Time Reconfigurable Networks-on-Chip. Proceedings of the 6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, ARGESIM - ARGE Simulation News, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10, 1040 Vienna 2007
[APK07] Albrecht, C.; Pionteck, T.; Koch, R.; Maehle, E.: Modelling Tile-Based Run-Time Reconfigurable Systems Using SystemC. European Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2007, 509-514, ISBN 978-0-9553018-2-7, Prague, Czech Republic 2007 [Paper]
[BBK07] F. Bouwens, M. Berekovic, A. Kanstein, and G. Gaydadjiev: Architectural exploration of the ADRES coarse-grained reconfigurable array. ARC`07: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Reconfigurable computing, Springer-Verlag, 2007
[BBK07a] F. Bouwens, M. Berekovic, A. Kanstein, and G. Gaydadjiev: Architectural Exploration of the ADRES Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array. Applied Reconfigurable Computing, 2007
[Ber07] M. Berekovic: Ulta-Low-Power Wireless Sensor Node Design on 100 uW Scavenging Energy for Applications In Biomedical Monitoring. DSD `07: Proceedings of the 10th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, IEEE Computer Society, 2007
[ELL07] El Sayed Auf, A; Larionova, S.; Litza, M.; Mösch, F.; Jakimovski, B.; Maehle, E.: Ein Organic Computing Ansatz zur Steuerung einer sechsbeinigen Laufmaschine. AMS, 233-239, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2007 [Abstract] [Paper]
[HAB07] M. Hartmann, T. V. Aa, M. Berekovic, C. Hochberger, and B. D. Sutter: Still Image Processing on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array Architectures. Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, 2007
[HSM07] Hampel, V.; Sobe, P.; Maehle, E.: Experiences with a FPGA-based Reed/Solomon Encoding Coprocessor. 10th Euromicro International Conference on Digital System Design, 77, IEEE Computer Society Press, Lübeck, Germany 2007 [Abstract]
[HZG07] Hinkelmann, H.; Zipf, P.; Glesner, M.; Pionteck, T.: Dynamically Reconfigurable Computing for Wireless Communication Systems. IT-Magazin 3/2007, 174-180, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2007 [Abstract]
[JEK07] J. W. M. Jacobs, L. V. Engelen, J. Kuper, G. J. M. Smit, S. Vassiliadis, M. Berekovic, and T. D. Hamalainen: Image Quantisation on a Massively Parallel Embedded Processor. Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, 2007
[KPA07] Koch, R.; Pionteck, T.; Albrecht, C.; Maehle, E.: A Lightweight Framework for Runtime Reconfigurable System Prototyping. 18th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP 2007), 61-64, IEEE Computer Society, Porto Alegre, Brazil 2007
[LJE07] Larionova, S.; Jakimovski, B.; El Sayed Auf, A.; Litza, M.; Mösch, F.; Maehle, E.; Brockmann, W.: Toward a Fault Tolerant Mobile Robot: Mutual Information for Monitoring of the Robot Health Status. Int. Workshop on Technical Challenges for Dependable Robots in Human Environments, IARP, EURON, IEEE/RAS, Rom, Italien 2007
[LKL07] S. López, A. Kanstein, J. F. López, M. Berekovic, R. Sarmiento, and J.-Y. Mignolet: Toward the implementation of a baseline H.264/AVC decoder onto a reconfigurable architecture. , 2007
[Mae07] Maehle, Erik: Das Fehlertolerante Multiprozessorsystem DIRMU - Rückblick auf Arbeiten bei Prof. Händler 1977 - 1989. 5-9, PARS Mitteilungen Nr. 24 - Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Lübeck/Erlangen 2007
[MLE07] Mösch, F.; Litza. M.; El Sayed Auf, A.; Jakimovski, B.; Maehle, E.; Brockmann, W.: Organic Fault-Tolerant Controller for the Walking Robot OSCAR. Proc. of the Workshop on "Dependability and Fault Tolerance" at ARCS, VDI, 2007
[MLM07] Müller, P.; Liggesmeyer, P.; Maehle, E. (eds): Proceedings 33rd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. . IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 2007
[NBK07] F. Nowak, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: A Run-time Reconfigurable Cache Architecture. Proceedings of the ParaFPGA-Symposium (Parallel Computing with FPGAs), 2007
[NYB07] M. D. Nil, L. Yseboodt, F. Bouwens, J. Hulzink, M. Berekovic, J. Huisken, and J. van Meerbergen: Ultra Low Power ASIP Design for Wireless Sensor Nodes. , 2007
[PAK07] Pionteck, T.; Albrecht, C.; Koch, R.; Maehle, E.; Hübner, M.; Becker, J.: Communication Architectures for Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGA Designs. 14th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop , 162, IEEE Computer Society , Long Beach, USA 2007 [Abstract]
[Pio07] Pionteck, T.: Teaching Informatics Students the Secrets of Hardware Design. IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, 31 - 32 , San Diego, USA 2007 [Abstract]
[PSS07] Pionteck, T.; Stiefmeier, S.; Staake, S.; Glesner, M.: On The Design of A Dynamically Reconfigurable Function-Unit for Error Detection and Correction. VLSI-SoC: From Systems To Silicon, Proceedings of IFIP TC10, WG 10.5, Thirteenth International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration of System on Chip (VLSI-SoC 2005), 283-297, Springer, 2007 [Abstract]
[Sob07] Sobe, P.: Distributed Storage with Compressed (1 out-of N) Codes. 15th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 179-188, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA 2007
[SoH07] Sobe, P.; Hampel, V.: FPGA-Accelerated Deletion-tolerant Coding for Reliable Distributed Storage. ARCS 2007 Proceedings, LNCS 4415, 14-27, Springer , Berlin. Heidelberg 2007
[SoP07] Sobe,P.; Peter, K.: Combining Compression, Encryption and Fault-tolerant Coding for Distributed Storage. IPDPS`07 Proceedings, Workshop on Dependable Parallel and Distributed Network-centric Systems, CDROM, IEEE Computer Society , Los Alamitos, CA 2007
[TSJ07] J. Tao, A. Shahbahrami, B. Juurlink, R. Buchty, W. Karl, and S. Vassiliadis: Optimizing Cache Performance of the Discrete Wavelet Transform Using a Visualization Tool. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM-07), 2007
[VBH07] S. Vassiliadis, M. Berekovic, and T. D. Hämäläinen: Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, 7th International Workshop, SAMOS 2007, Samos, Greece, July 16-19, 2007, Proceedings. Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, 2007
[WKM07] K. Wu, A. Kanstein, J. Madsen, and M. Berekovic: MT-ADRES: Multithreading on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture. Applied Reconfigurable Computing, 2007
[YNB07] L. Yseboodt, M. D. Nil, and M. Berekovic: Electrocardiogram on Wireless Sensor Nodes. Dagstuhl Seminars, 2007
[YNH07] L. Yseboodt, M. D. Nil, J. Huisken, M. Berekovic, Q. Zhao, F. Bouwens, and J. V. Meerbergen: Design of 100 μW wireless sensor nodes on energy scavengers for biomedical monitoring. SAMOS`07: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Embedded computer systems, Springer-Verlag, 2007
[YNH07a] L. Yseboodt, M. D. Nil, J. Huisken, M. Berekovic, Q. Zhao, F. Bouwens, and J. L. V. Meerbergen: Design of 100 muW Wireless Sensor Nodes on Energy Scavengers for Biomedical Monitoring. Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, 2007


[ADP06] Albrecht, C.; Döring, A.C.; Penczek, F.; Schneider, T.; Schulz,H.: Impact of Coprocessor on a Multithreaded Processor Design Using Prioritized Threads. Proc. of the 14th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP 2006), 109-115, IEEE Computer Society, Montbeliard-Sochaux, France 2006 [Abstract] [Paper]
[AEH06] Albrecht, C.; Eibl, C.J.; Hagenau, R.: A Loosely-Coupled Graphical User Interface for Run-Time Control of SystemC Simulation Models. International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology, ISSN 1473-804x, 1 - 11, United Kingdom Simulation Society, United Kingdom 2006 [Paper]
[AFK06] Albrecht, C.; Foag, J.; Koch, R.; Maehle, E.: DynaCORE - A Dynamically Reconfigurable Coprocessor Architecture for Network Processors. Proc. of the 14th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP 2006), 101-108, IEEE Computer Society, Montbeliard-Sochaux, France 2006
[BeN06] M. Berekovic and T. Niggemeier: A Scalable, Multi-thread, Multi-issue Array Processor Architecture for DSP Applications Based on Extended Tomasulo Scheme. Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, 2006
[BeN06a] M. Berekovic and T. Niggemeier: A scalable, multi-thread, multi-issue array processor architecture for DSP applications based on extended tomasulo scheme. SAMOS`06: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Embedded Computer Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2006
[BGM06] Brockmann, W.; Großpietsch, K.-E..; Maehle, E.; Mösch, F.; : ORCA - Eine Organic Computing-Architektur für Fehlertoleranz in autonomen mobilen Robotern. Mitteilungen Fachgruppe Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme, 3-17, Gruner Druck GmbH, Erlangen 2006
[BGM06a] Brockmann,.W.; Großpietsch, K.-E.; Kleinlützum, K.; Maehle, E.; Meyer, D.M.; Mösch, F.: Concept for a Fault-Tolerant Control Architecture for CLAWAR Machines. 9th Int. Conf. Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Brussels, Belgium 2006
[BKM06] M. Berekovic, A. Kanstein, and B. Mei: Mapping MPEG Video Decoders on the ADRES Reconfigurable Array Processor for Next Generation MultiMode Mobile Terminals. , 2006
[BTK06] R. Buchty, J. Tao, and W. Karl: Automatic Data Locality Optimization through Self-Optimization. Self-Organising Systems: First International Workshop (IWSOS2006), LNCS4124 (ISBN 3-540-37658-5), Springer-Verlag, Berlin--Heidelberg 2006
[Buc06] R. Buchty: Reconfigurable Architectures and Instruction Sets: Programmabilty, Code Generation, and Program Execution. Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar 06141 "Reconfigurable Architectures”, 2006
[BuK06] R. Buchty and W. Karl: A Monitoring Infrastructure for the Digital on-demand Computing Organism (DodOrg). Self-Organising Systems: First International Workshop (IWSOS2006), LNCS4124 (ISBN 3-540-37658-5), Springer-Verlag, Berlin--Heidelberg 2006
[BuK06a] R. Buchty and W. Karl: A Monitoring Infrastructure for the Digital on-demand Computing Organism (DodOrg). Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems (ACACES 2006) (ISBN 90-382-0981-9), Academia Press, Ghent 2006
[EML06] El Sayed Auf, A.; Mösch, F.; Litza M.: How the Six-Legged Walking Machine OSCAR Handles Leg Amputations. From Animals to Animals 9 (Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour - SAB`09), Rom, CD, From Animals to Animals 9 (Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour - SAB`09), Rom, Rom, Italy 2006 [Paper]
[Goe06a] Gönne, M.: SimBA: A Simulation Environment for Bluetooth Applications. 20TH EUROPEAN Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 327-332, European Council for Modelling and Sim., Sankt Augustin 2006
[JLM06] Jakimovski B.; Litza, M.; Mösch F.; El Sayed Auf, A.: Development of an Organic Computing Architecture for Robot Control. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, 145-152, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn 2006
[KBG06] Karl W., Becker J., Großpietsch K.-E., Hochberger C., Maehle E.: ARCS´06 - Workshop Proceedings. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2006
[KPA06] Koch, R.; Pionteck, T.; Albrecht, C.; Maehle, E.: An Adaptive System-on-Chip for Network Applications. 13th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW 2006 ) associated with the 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2006), IEEE, Rhodes Island, Greece 2006
[LBK06] H.-P. Löb, R. Buchty, and W. Karl: A Network Agent for Diagnosis and Analysis of Real-time Ethernet Networks. International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2006) (ISBN 1-59593-543-6), ACM Press, New York 2006
[MLE06] Mösch, F.; Litza, M.;El Sayed Auf, A.;Maehle, E;Großpietsch, K.-E.;Brockmann, W.: ORCA – Towards an Organic Robotic Control. Self-Organizing Systems, 1st International Workshop (IWSOS 2006) and 3rd International Workshop on New Trends in Network Architectures and Services (EuroNGI 2006) Proceedings, LNCS 4124, ISSN 0302-9743, 251-253, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2006
[Moe06] Hofmann, U.G.; Folkers, A.; Mösch, F.; Malina, T.; Menne, K.M.L.; Biella, G.; Fagerstedt, P.; De Schutter, E.; Jensen, W.; Yoshida, K.; Hoehl, D.; Thomas, U.; Kindlundh, M.G.; Norlin, P.; De Curtis, M.: A Novel High Channel-Count System for Acute Multisite Neuronal Recordings. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 53, No. 8, 1672-1677, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2006
[PAK06] Pionteck, T.; Albrecht, C.; Koch, R.: A Dynamically Reconfigurable Packet-Switched Network-on-Chip. Design Automation and Test in Europe, Date 2006, 136-137, ACM SIGDA, München 2006
[PKA06] Pionteck, T.; Koch, R.; Albrecht, C.: Applying Partial Reconfiguration to Networks-on-Chips. 16th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 155-160, IEEE, Madrid, Spain 2006
[SKB06] Shih, F.Y.; Klotz, T.; Brockmann, W.: A system for rotational velocity computation from image sequences. 357-362 , 2006
[SMB06] B. D. Sutter, B. Mei, A. Bartic, T. V. Aa, M. Berekovic, J.-y. Mignolet, K. Croes, P. Coene, et al.: Hardware and a Tool Chain for ADRES. Applied Reconfigurable Computing, 2006
[Sob06] Sobe, P.: Adaptations of Block Layout in Distributed Storage Systems. Proceedings of the 14th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 165-172, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA 2006
[SoP06] Sobe, P.; Peter, K.: Construction of Efficient OR-based Deletion-tolerant Coding Schemes. IPDPS 2006 Proceedings, Workshop on Dependable Parallel and Distributed Systems, CDROM, IEEE Computer Society, 2006
[SoP06a] Sobe, P.; Peter, K.: Comparison of Redundancy Schemes for Distributed Storage Systems. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, 196-203, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006
[SoP06b] Sobe, P.; Peter, K. : Flexible Definition of Data and Redundancy Layout for Storage Systems. 6th European Dependable Computing Conference, Proceedings Supplemental Volume, 59-60, FCTUC, University of Coimbra , Coimbra, Portugal 2006
[ZHG06] Zipf, P.; Hampel, V.; Glesner, M.; Pionteck, T.: Eine Scheduling Heuristik zur Minimierung der Verlustleistung. Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen, 51-60, Dresden 2006


[ABS05] Arbenz, P.;Burkhart, H.;Schenk, O.;Maehle, E. (Guest Eds): Special section: SPEEDUP Workshop on Modern algorithms in computational science and information technology. International Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Vol. 21, Issue 8, 1249-1250, ELSEVIER, Amsterdam/Netherlands 2005
[ABT05] G. Acher, R. Buchty, and C. Trinitis: CPU-independent Assembler in an FPGA. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL05) (ISBN 0-7803-9362-7), IEEE CS, 2005
[AKP05] Albrecht, C.; Koch, R.; Pionteck, T.: On the Design of a Loosely-Coupled Run-Time Reconfigurable Network Coprocessor. Workshop on Media and Streaming Processors, 43-49, Barcelona, Spain 2005
[BAJ05] R. Buchty, G. Acher, J. Jeitner, W. Karl, J. Tao, and C. Trinitis: ASoCS: An Architecture Concept for Self-optimizing Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems. PARS Workshop Proceedings, GI/ITG, 2005
[BMM05] Brockmann, W.; Maehle, E.; Mösch, F.: Organic Fault-Tolerant Control Architecture for Robotic Applications. 4th IARP/IEEE-RAS/EURON Workshop on Dependable Robots in Human Environments, Nagoya, Japan, Juni 16-18, 2005, Nagoya University/Japan 2005
[BrM04] Brockmann, W.; Mösch, F.: Climbing Without a Vacuum Pump. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Climbing and Walking Robots - CLAWAR 2004, 935-942, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2005
[Bro05a] Brockmann, W.: Towards Low Cost Climbing Robots. Proc. 1st CLAWAR/EURON Workshop on Robots in Entertainment, Leisure, and Hobby, IHRT – Vienna University of Technology, 13-18, ISBN 3-902161-04-3, Vienna, Austria 2005
[Bro05b] Brockmann, W.: Concept for Energy-Autarkic, Autonomous Climbing Robots. To Appear: 8th Int. Conf. Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines – CLAWAR 2005, London, 13.-15.09.2005, 2005
[EAH05] Eibl, C. J.; Albrecht, C.; Hagenau, R.: gSysC: A Graphical Front End for SystemC. Proceedings of the ECMS 2005, 257-262, ECMS, Riga, Latvia 2005
[FoK05] Foag, J.; Koch, R.: Towards a Runtime Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip-Based Network Processor. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Appplied Reconfigurable Computing 2005 (ARC 2005), 84-91, Algarve, Portugal 2005
[GPM05a] Gönne, M.;Pals, H.;Matz, H.;Gehring, H.: Evaluation of Wireless Communication for Perioperative Realtime Monitoring. IFMBE Proc. Vol. 11, ISSN 1727-1983 (Proceedings of the 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference - EMBEC´05. Prague, Czech Republic, 20-25.11.2005), IFMBE, Prague 2005
[HAM05] Hagenau, R.; Albrecht, C.; Maehle, E.; Döring, A.C.: Parallel Processing in Network Processor Architectures. it - information technology, 123-131, Oldenbourg, München 2005 [Abstract]
[Mae05a] Maehle, E.: Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network - Centric Systems DPDNS05. Proc. 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS 2005. Abstracts and CD-ROM, 277 - 284, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos 2005
[Mae05b] Maehle, E. (Hrsg.): Workshops 2005. Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Parallel-Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen, ISSN 0177-0454, Nr. 22, Lübeck/Erlangen 2005
[PiG05] Pionteck, T.; Glesner, M.: On the Design of A Dynamically Reconfigurable Function-Unit for Error Detection and Correction. IFIP VLSI-SoC 2005, 504-509, IFIP, Perth, Australia 2005
[SBM05] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, S. Moch, L. Friebe, M. B. Kulaczewski, S. Flügel, H. Klußmann, A. Dehnhardt, et al.: HiBRID-SoC: A Multi-Core SoC Architecture for Multimedia Signal Processing. Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, 41, 2005
[SBP05] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, and P. Pirsch: A Platform-Independent Methodology for Performance Estimation of Multimedia Signal Processing Applications. Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, 41, 2005
[SFK05] Sobe, P.; Fechner, B.; Keller, J.: Classification and Unified Modeling for Duplication-based Recovery. EDCC-5 Supplementary Volume, Fast Abstracts, 81-82, University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary 2005
[Sob05] Sobe, P.: Distributed Storage Layout Schemes. IPDPS 2005 Proceedings, DPDNS Workshop, CDROM, IEEE Computer Society, 2005
[Sob05a] P. Sobe: Verteilte Speicher-Layouts und Adaption an das Referenzverhalten. J.-T. Czornack, D. Stodden, C. Trinitis, M. Walter (Hrsg.):Tagungsband Diskussionskreis Fehlertoleranz 2005, 69-79, Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-4427-1, Aachen 2005
[Sob05b] Sobe, P.: Parallel Storage using MPI. PARS Mitteilungen 2005, 2005


[ADH04] Albrecht, C.; Döring, A.; Hagenau, R.: Cooperative Software Multithreading to Enhance Utilization of Embedded Processors for Network Applications. Proceedings of the 12th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 300-307, IEEE Computer Society, A Coruña, Spain 2004 [Abstract] [Paper]
[AHM04] Albrecht, C.; Hagenau, R.; Maehle, E.; Döring, A.; Herkersdorf, A.: A Comparison of Parallel Programming Models of Network Processors. PASA 2004, 7th Workshop Parallel Systems and Algorithms, 390-399, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Augsburg, Germany 2004
[AlD04] Albrecht, C.; Döring, A.C.: A Compiler for Mapping a Rule-Based Event-Triggered Program to a Hardware Engine. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS437) Vol. 124/1, 63-80, Elsevier, Aachen 2004 [Abstract]
[AvM04] Avresky, D. R.; Maehle, E. (eds): Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel, Distributed and Network-centric Systems FTPDS04. Proc. 18th Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS 2004 Abstracts and CD-ROM, 205-213, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos 2004
[BBF04] Brinkschulte, U.; Becker, J.; Fey, D.; Großpietsch, K.-E.; Hochberger, C.; Maehle, E.; Runkler, T. (Edts.): ARCS 2004 Organic Computing and Pervasive Computing. Workshop Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Vol. P-41, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn 2004
[BHO04] R. Buchty, N. Heintze, and D. Oliva: Modelling Cryptonite: On the Design of a Programmable High-Performance Crypto Processor. PARS Newsletter #2 (ISSN 0177-0454), 2004
[BHO04a] R. Buchty, N. Heintze, and D. Oliva: A Programmable Crypto Processor Architecture for High-Bandwidth Applications. ARCS2004 International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems Proceedings (LNCS2981) (ISBN 3-650-21238-8), 2004
[BHO04b] R. Buchty, N. Heintze, and D. Oliva: Modelling Cryptonite: On the Design of a Programmable High-Performance Crypto Processor. ARCS2004 Organic and Pervasive Computing Workshop Proceedings (LNI P-41) (ISBN 3-88579-370-9), 2004
[BKR04] Brockmann, W.; Klingbiel, D.; Radtke, T.: Konzept eines Low Cost-Bodenreinigungsroboters für den Heimbereich. Robotik 2004, VDI-Bericht 1841, 831-838, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 2004
[BMB04] Brockmann, W.; Mösch, F.; Baumgarten, J.-H.; Bullerdiek, S.; Hennings, A.; Kurt: Roboterfuß mit Saugnäpfen zur Fortbewegung an beliebig geneigten, glatten Flächen. Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DE202004003324 U1, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, München 2004
[BMP04] M. Berekovic, S. Moch, and P. Pirsch: A scalable, clustered SMT processor for digital signal processing. ACM Sigarch Computer Architecture News, 32, 2004
[BrK04] Brockmann, W.; Klingbiel, D.: Rating the Performance of Robotic Coverage Tasks. Preprints-CD of 5. IFAC/EURON Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, WA-5.5, IFAC/EURON, Lissabon 2004
[Bro04b] Brockmann, W.: Device for Cleaning Flat Surfaces of Windows. WIPO-Offenlegung, Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum, 2004
[CHR04] Christoph, H.; Runge, M.: Erzeugung XML-basierter Folien aus <ML>³. Tagungsband zum Workshop, S. 113-122, Universität Rostock, Rostock 2004
[DDH04] Dragone, S.; Döring, A. C.; Hagenau, R.: A Large-Scale Hardware Timer Manager. ANCHOR 2004, Advanced Networking and Communications Hardware Workshop, Munich, Germany 2004, 69-76, München 2004
[DGN04] Dai, Z. R.; Grabowski, J.; Neukirchen, H.; Pals, H.: From Design to Test with UML. Testing of Communicating Systems: 16th IFIP International Conference, TestCom 2004 Oxford, UK, LNCS 2978, 33-49, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2004
[DGN04a] Dai, Z. R.; Grabowski, J.; Neukirchen, H.; Pals, H.: Model-based testing with UML applied to a roaming algorithm for Bluetooth devices. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE (JZUS), Vol. 5, No. 11, 1327-1335, Zheijang University, Hangzhou, China 2004
[FBK04] Findeisen, W.; Brockmann, W.; Köhne, J.: Verfahren zum Steuern eines pneumatisch oder hydraulisch betätigten Aktuators. Europäische Patentanmeldung, 03020176.8, Europäisches Patentamt, 2004
[FBK04a] Findeisen, W.; Brockmann, W.; Köhne, J.: Verfahren zum Steuern eines pneumatisch oder hydraulisch betätigten Aktuators. Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DE 10241804 A1, Deutsches Patentamt, München 2004
[FKS04] Fechner, B.; Keller, J.; Sobe, P.: Performance Estimation of Virtual Duplex Systems on Simultaneous Multithreaded Processors. IPDPS 2004 Proceedings, Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, CDROM, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos 2004
[Foa04] Foag, J.: Speculative Network Processor for Quality-of-Service-aware Protocol Processing. Proceedings 3rd IEEE Int. Symp. on Network Computing and Applications, NCA 2004, 207-214, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 2004
[FoK04] Foag, J.; Koch, R.: Architecture Conception of a Reconfigurable Network Coprocessor Platform (DynaCore) for Flexible Task Offloading. ANCHOR 2004, 32-38, München 2004
[FoW04] Foag, J.; Wild, T.: Queuing Algorithm for Speculative Network Processors. HPCS 2004, 3-8, Winnipeg 2004
[GoP04] Gönne, M.; Pals, H.: Wireless Monitoring in Perioperative Environments. Proceedings of the Work-in-Progress Session of the 1st European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2004), TKN Technical Reports Series, 20-24, TU Berlin, Berlin 2004
[KeS04] Keller, J.; Sobe, P.: Virtual Duplex Systems with Forward Error Correction on Simultaneous Multithreaded Processors. 16. ITG/GI/GMM Workshop -Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen, 38-41, Fraunhofer IIS/EAS, Dresden 2004
[Mae04] Maehle, E. (Hrsg.): Workshop 2004. Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V., Parallel-Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen, ISSN 0177-0454, Nr. 21, Lübeck/Erlangen 2004
[MBS04] S. Moch, M. Bereković, H.-J. Stolberg, L. Friebe, M. B. Kulaczewski, A. Dehnhardt, and P. Pirsch: HIBRID-SOC: a multi-core architecture for image and video applications. ACM Sigarch Computer Architecture News, 32, 2004
[MPG04] Matz, H.; Pals, H.; Gönne; Gehring, H.: Kabelloses Perioperatives Monitoring. Biomedizinische Technik, Band 49 Ergänzungsband 2, 264-265, Schiele & Schön GmbH, Berlin 2004
[PGM04] Pals, H.; Gönne, M.; Matz, H.; Gehring, H.: Untersuchungen zur Störanfälligkeit von Bluetooth im perioperativen Bereich. Biomedizinische Technik, Band 49 Ergänzungsband 2, 238-239, Schiele & Schön GmbH, Berlin 2004
[SAM04] Schendel, H.; Albrecht, C.; Maehle, E.: RTeasy - An Algorithmic Design Environment on Register Transfer Level. Workshop on Computer Architecture Education, 29-35, ACM, München 2004 [Abstract] [Paper]
[SMF04] H.-J. Stolberg, S. Moch, L. Friebe, A. Dehnhardt, M. B. Kulaczewski, M. Berekovic, and P. Pirsch: An SoC with two multimedia DSPs and a RISC core for video compression applications. Solid-State Circuits IEEE International Conference, 2004
[Sob04] Sobe, P.: Reconfiguration of RAID-like Data Layouts in Distributed Storage Systems. IPDPS 2004 Proceedings, Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, CDROM, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos 2004
[TrS04] Trojahner, K.; Sobe, P.: File Sharing using IP Multicast. ARCS 2004 Organic and Pervasive Computing, Workshop Proceedings, 380-389, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2004
[Wal04] Walthelm, A.: Enhancing Global Pose Estimation with Laser Range Scans using Local Techniques. Intelligent Autonomous Systems 8, 1120-1127, IOS Press, Amsterdam 2004
[Wal04a] Walthelm, A.: Sensorbasierte Lokalisations-Algorithmen für mobile Service Roboter. Dissertation, Lagos Verlag, Berlin 2004


[ACE03] Allrutz, R; Cap, C.; Eilers, S.; Fey, D.; Haase, H.; Hochberger, Ch.; Karl, W.; Kolpatzik, B.; Maehle, E. et al.: Organic Computing - Computer- und Systemarchitektur im Jahr 2010. VDE/ITG/GI-Positionspapier, VDE - Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik e. V., Frankfurt 2003
[BMP03] M. Berekovic, S. Moch, and P. Pirsch: A scalable, clustered SMT processor for digital signal processing. MEDEA `03: Proceedings of the 2003 workshop on MEmory performance, ACM, 2003
[BrH03] Brockmann, W.; Huwendiek, 0.: NetLiN - An Efficient and Effective Method to Prevent the Spread of Fuzziness in Decomposed Fuzzy Systems. Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems & Control, 288-294, ACTA Press, Anaheim, Calgary, Zurich 2003
[Bro03a] Brockmann, W.: ROBUCATION: Using Mobile Robots for Sophisticated Student Education. Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. on Robotics & Appliactions, 154-160, ACTA Press, Anaheim, Calgary, Zurich 2003
[Bro03c] Brockmann, W.: NetLiN - Eine effektive und effiziente Methode zur Einschränkung des Spread of Fuzziness. J. Biethahn, J. Kuhl, A. Lackner (Hrsg.): Soft-Computing in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, Tagungsband zum 6. Göttinger Symposium Soft-Computing, 13-21, Göttingen 2003
[Bro03d] Brockmann, W.: Vorrichtung zum Reinigen von planen Fensterflächen. Deutsches Patent 102 45 522, Deutsches Patentamt, München 2003
[CHR03] Christoph, H.; Runge, M.: Generating Slides from Enhanced Media Content. 2nd Annual Conference on Scalable Vector Graphics - SVG Open 2003,, Vancouver 2003 [Abstract] [Paper]
[DGN03] Dai, Z. R.; Grabowski, J.; Neukirchen, H.; Pals, H.: UML-Based Testing of Roaming with Bluetooth Devices. Proceedings of the First Hangzhou-Lübeck Conference on Software Engineering (HL-SE `03), Nov. 01-02, College of Computer Science, Zheijang University, Hangzhou, 95-101, Hangzhou, P. R. China 2003
[FSB03] L. Friebe, H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, S. Moch, M. B. Kulaczewski, A. Dehnhardt, and R. Pirsch: HiBRID-SoC: a system-on-chip architecture with two multimedia DSPs and a RISC core. IEEE International System-on-Chip (SoC) Conference, 2003
[Mae03] Maehle, E. (Hrsg.): Workshop 2003. Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V., Parallel-Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen, ISSN 0177-0454, Nr. 20, Lübeck/Erlangen 2003
[MAH03] Maehle, E.; Albrecht, C; Hagenau, R.: Dynamically Reconfigurable Coprocessor for Network Processors. Proc. Work in Progress Session, 29th EUROMICRO Conference and EUROMICRO Symposium on Digital System Design 2003, Institute of System Science, University of Linz, Linz, Austria 2003
[MBS03] S. Moch, M. Berekovic, H. J. Stolberg, L. Friebe, M. B. Kulaczewski, A. Dehnhardt, and P. Pirsch: HIBRID-SOC: a multi-core architecture for image and video applications. MEDEA `03: Proceedings of the 2003 workshop on MEmory performance, ACM, 2003
[OBH03] D. Oliva, R. Buchty, and N. Heintze: AES and the Cryptonite Crypto Processor. CASES`03 Conference Proceedings, 2003
[PaG03] Pals, H.; Grewe C.: Dynamisch-adaptive Lastverwaltung für Mobile Agenten. Proc. 19. PARS Workshop (Basel), Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Parallele Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen, Nr. 20, 97-108, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn 2003
[PBS03] P. Pirsch, M. Berekovic, H.-J. Stolberg, and J. Jachalsky: VLSI architectures for MPEG. International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and ApplicationsInternational Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications, 2003
[PDG03] Pals, H.; Dai, Z. R.; Grabowski, J.; Neukirchen, H.: UML-Based Modeling of Roaming with Bluetooth Devices. Proceedings of the First Hangzhou-Lübeck Conference on Software Engineering (HL-SE `03), Nov. 01-02, College of Computer Science, Zheijang University, Hangzhou, 88-93, Hangzhou, P. R. China 2003
[SBF03] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, L. Friebe, S. Moch, S. Flugel, X. Mao, M. B. Kulaczewski, H. Klusmann, et al.: HiBRID-SoC: A Multi-Core System-on-Chip Architecture for Multimedia Signal Processing Applications. DATE `03: Proceedings of the conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe, IEEE Computer Society, 2003
[SBF03a] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, L. Friebe, S. Moch, M. B. Kulaczewski, A. Dehnhardt, and P. Pirsch: HiBRID-SoC: a multi-core SoC architecture for multimedia signal processing. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, 2003
[SBF03b] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, L. Friebe, S. Moch, M. B. Kulaczewski, and P. Pirsch : HiBRID-SoC: A Multi-Core System-on-Chip Architecture for Multimedia Signal Processing. Very Large Scale Integration, 2003
[SBF03c] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, L. Friebe, S. Moch, S. Flügel, M. B. Kulaczewski, and P. Pirsch: HiBRID-SoC: a multi-core architecture for image and video applications. International Conference on Image Processing, 2003
[Sob03] Sobe, P.: Stable Checkpointing in Distributed Systems without Shared Disks. IPDPS 2003 Proceedings, Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, CDROM, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos 2003
[Sob03a] Sobe, P.: Data Consistent Up- and Downstreaming in a Distributed Storage System. Proc. of Int. Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os, 19-26, IEEE Computer Society, 2003
[STB03] Sprenger, A.; Trillenberg, P.; Brockmann, W.; Heide W.: Verbesserung der Raumkoordinaten-Transformation bei Zeigebewegungen durch foveale und periphere Information. Proc. 6. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (Sixth Perception Conference at Tübingen, TWK 2003), 132, Knirsch Verlag, Kirchentellinsfurt 2003
[WaL03] Walthelm, A.; Litza, M.: Stereo Microphone Sound Source Localization for Service Robots. Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Advances in Service Robotics (ASER `03), Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart 2003
[Wal03a] Walthelm, A.: Humans and Robots - A Comparison with Consequences. Künstliche Intelligenz 2/03 - Vision, Learning, Robotics, 36 f., Arendtab, Bremen 2003
[Wal03b] Walthelm, A.: Wo bleibt der kybernetische Butler?. Gehirn & Geist 4/2003, 63, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Heidelberg 2003


[BHM02] Böhme, M.; Hagenau, R.; Modersitzki, J.; Siebert, B.: Non-Linear Image Registration on PC-Clusters Using Parallel FFT Techniques. Technical Report A-02-08, Institute für Informatik/Mathematik, Universität zu Lübeck 2002
[BPS02] M. Berekovic, P. Pirsch, T. Selinger, K.-i. Wels, C. Miro, A. Lafage, C. Heer, and G. Ghigo: Architecture of an Image Rendering CoProcessor for MPEG4 Visual Compositing. Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, 31, 2002
[BrK02] Brockmann, W.; Kuthe, S.: Different Models to Forecast Electricity Loads. P. Sincák, J. Strackeljan, M. Kolcun, D. Novotný, P. Szathmáry (eds.): Electricity Load Forecast Using Intelligent Technologies, 41-54, ISBN 80-89066-41-0, 2002
[BSP02] M. Berekovic, H.-J. Stolberg, and P. Pirsch: Multicore system-on-chip architecture for MPEG4 streaming video. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 12, 2002
[Dör02] Döring, Andreas C.: Architektur flexibler Router für lokale Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzwerke. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, Berichte aus der Informatik, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2002
[Gre02] Grewe, Claus: Einsatz Mobiler Agenten zur effizienten Nutzung heterogener Clustersysteme. Dissertationsreihe, 230 Seiten, Logos Verlag, Berlin 2002
[GrM02] Großpietsch, K.-E.; Maehle, Erik: Routing to Support Communication in Dependable Networks. Proceedings of the 10th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (Euromicro-PDP`02), 71-77, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 2002
[Lus02] Lustig, Gunther: Adaptives, regelbasiertes Routing in Verbindungsnetzwerken für Parallelrechner und Workstation Cluster. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Universität zu Lübeck, Berichte aus der Informatik, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2002
[Mae02a] Maehle, E.: Fehlertolerante Parallelrechnersysteme: Rückblick auf Forschungsarbeiten in Erlangen, Augsburg, Paderborn und Lübeck 1977-2002. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme, 81-98, St. Augustin 2002
[Mae02b] Maehle, E. (Hrsg.): Workshop 2002. Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V., Parallel-Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen, ISSN 0177-0454, Nr. 19, Lübeck/Erlangen 2002
[MBW02] Maehle, E.; Brockmann, W.; Walthelm, A.: Intelligente autonome Roboter: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Zentralblatt für Chirurgie, 127: 1-7, J. A. Barth Verlag, Heidelberg 2002
[MTM02] Maehle, E.; Tavangarian, D.; Müller-Schloer, C. (Hrsg.): Workshop Mobiles Internet - Infrastruktur und Anwendungen.. In: Schubert, S.: Reusch, B.; Jesse, N. (Hrsg.): `Informatik bewegt`, Proceedings Informatik 2002-32. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI), Lecture Notes in Informatics, GI-Edit, 495-529, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2002
[NHG02] Neumann, J.; Hagenau, R.; Schüle, G.; Schweda, B.; Brinkmann, R.: Finite element calculation of the temperature distribution in a RPE cell during and after µs-laser exposure. Ministére de la Défense, Commissariat á l´Energie Atomique Direction des Science du Vivant, Austrian Research Centers Health Physics, International Comission on Non-Ionizing Radiation (eds.): Proc. Laser Bioeffects Meeting (poster), Paris, 13.-14.06.2002, P2 1-6, Paris 2002
[SBP02] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, and P. Pirsch: A platform-independent methodology for performance estimation of streaming media applications. International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems/International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2002
[Sob02] Sobe, Peter: Cluster-basierter ausfalltoleranter Massenspeicher. Int. Conf. on Architecture of Computing Systems ARCS 2002, Workshop Proceedings 'Dependability and Fault Tolerance', 31-35, VDE Verlag, Berlin, Offenbach 2002
[Sob02a] Sobe, Peter: Checking a Non-Byzantine FT Scheme Against Byzantine Faults. Proc. of the IPDPS 2002, Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, CDROM, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 2002
[Sob02b] Sobe, Peter: Stable Checkpointing without Shared Disks. Supplement of the EDCC-4 Conference, Fast Abstracts, 25-26, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France 2002
[Wal02a] Walthelm, Axel: A New Approach to Global Self-Localization with Laser Range Scans in Unstructured Environments. Proceedings IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV2002), CDROM, IEEE Computer Society, Versailles 2002
[Wal02b] Walthelm, Axel: Addressing and Taking Photos of Passersby by Fusing Color Images and Laser Range Scans. Proceedings of 2002 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, Vol.2, 147-152, Mediamira Science Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2002


[Brk01] Brockmann, W.; Köhne, J.: Towards High Speed Motion Control of Pneumatic Actuators with Low Cost-Valves. In: Berns, K.; Dillmann, R. (eds.): Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR 2001), 339-346, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., Bury St. Edmunds and London 2001
[BSP01] M. Berekovic, H.-J. Stolberg, P. Pirsch, and H. Runge: A programmable co-porcessor for MPEG-4 video. ICASSP `01: Proceedings of the Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 200. on IEEE International Conference, IEEE Computer Society, 2001
[GGP01] Gönne, M.; Grewe, C.; Pals, H.: Monitoring of Mobile Agents in Large Cluster Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications 2001, 340-343, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, USA 2001
[GGP01a] Gönne, M.; Grewe, C.; Pals, H.: Modellierung und Simulation eines randomisierten Lastbalancierungsalgorithmus für Mobile Agenten. Proc. 18. PARS Workshop (München), Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Parallele Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen, Nr. 18, 70-76, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn 2001
[HaB01] Hagenau, R.; Brinkmann R.: Simulation of Laser Treatment on Scalable Parallel Computer Architectures. Jähnichen, S.; Zhou, X. (eds): Proc. The Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies, Ilmenau (Germany), September 17-19, 2001, 137-146, TU Berlin, FhG FIRST, Ilmenau 2001
[Mar01] Markus, Franz-Josef: Verteilte dynamische und fehlertolerante Prozeßzuordnung für Multicomputer mit einer integrierten graphischen Entwicklungsumgebung. Dissertation, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Schriftenreihe: Edition Wissenschaft, Unterreihe "Informatik", Band 29, Tectum Verlag, Marburg 2001
[PDM01] Pals, H.; Döring, A. C.; Maehle, E.: Usage Pattern and their Requirement of Bluetooth Equipped Gadgets in Everyday Life. Arbeitsplatzcomputer 2001 - Pervasive Ubiquitious Computing (APC 2001) - ITG Fachbericht 168, 11-18, VDE Verlag, Berlin, Offenbach 2001
[SBP01] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, P. Pirsch, and H. Runge: The MPEG4 Advanced Simple profile - a complexity study. Workshop and Exhibition on Moving Picture Experts Group, 2001
[SBP01a] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, P. Pirsch, and H. Runge: Implementing The MPEG4 Advanced Simple Profile For Streaming Video Applications. International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems/International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2001
[SBP01b] H. J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, P. Pirsch, and H. Runge: The MPEG4 ad-vanced simple profile-a complexity study. , 2001
[Sob01] Sobe, Peter: Concurrent Updates on Striped Data Streams in Clustered Server Systems. Proc. of the IPDPS 2001, Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, CDROM, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA 2001
[WaL01] Walthelm, A.; Litza, M.: Fast and Occlusion Tolerant Global Localization with Laser Range Scans in Unstructured Environments. Interner Bericht, 2001


[BiM00] Bieker, B.; Maehle, E.: Overhead of Coordinated Checkpointing Protocols for Message Passing Parallel Systems. Avresky, D. R. (ed.): Dependable Network Computing, 359-378, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 2000
[BPS00] M. Berekovic, P. Pirsch, T. Selinger, K. -.-.. Wels, C. Miro, A. Lafage, C. Heer, and G. Ghigo: Architecture of an Image Rendering Co-Processor for MPEG-4 Systems. ASAP `00: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors, IEEE Computer Society, 2000
[BPS00a] M. Berekovic, P. Pirsch, T. Selinger, K.-I. Wels, C. Miro, A. Lafage, C. Heer, and G. Ghigo : Coprocessor architecture for MPEG4 main profile visual compositing. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2000
[BrH00] Brockmann, W.; Huwendiek, O.: Neuro-fuzzy approach for modeling complex functional mappings. Proc. 2000 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - SMC2000, 3734-3739, Omnipress, Madison, USA 2000
[BrK00] Brockmann, W.; Köhne, J.: Mehrpunktregelungen mit Neuro-Fuzzy-Systemen am Beispiel einer adaptiven elektronischen Endlagendämpfung von Pneumatikzylindern. Mikut, R.; Jäkel, J. (Hrsg.): Proc. 10. Workshop "Fuzzy Control" des GMA-FA 5.22, 70-83, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, KZKA 6509, Karlsruhe 2000
[Bro00] Brockmann, W.: Use of the walking machine Flat Freddy in computer science education. Proc. 2000 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - SMC2000, 706-711, Omnipress, Madison, USA 2000
[DoL00a] Döring, A. C.; Lustig, G.: Implementation of Finite Lattices in VLSI for Fault-State Encoding in High-Speed Networks. Parallel and Distributed Processing 15th IPDPS 2000 Workshops, LNCS 1800, 1266-1275, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2000
[DoL00b] Döring, A. C.; Lustig, G.: Generating Addresses for Multi-dimensional Array Access in FPGA On-chip Memory. Field-Programmable Logic and Applications FPL 2000, 626-635, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2000
[HML00] C. Heer, C. Miro, A. Lafage, M. Berekovic, G. Ghigo, T. Selinger, and K.-I. Wels: Coprocessor architecture for MPEG4 video object rendering. Visual Communications and Image Processing, 2000
[Huw00] Huwendiek, Olaf: Funktionsapproximation mit dekomponierten Neuro-Fuzzy-Systemen. Berichte aus der Automatisierungstechnik, 173 Seiten, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2000
[LDM00] Lustig, G.; Döring, A. C.; Maehle, E.: RuBIN: Adaptive Routing in Myrinet Networks. MUG 2000 Proceedings, 107-114, INRIA Institute Nationale de Recherche, Le Chesnay Cedex (France) 2000
[PLD00] Petri, S.; Lustig, G.; Döring, A. C.; Hagenau, R.: The Impact of Switch Technologies on High Performance Cluster Communication. Interner Bericht, 1-10, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 2000
[PPG00] Pals, H.; Petri, S.; Grewe, C.: FANTOMAS: Fault Tolerance for Mobile Agents in Clusters. Rolim, J. et al. (Eds.): Parallel and Distributed Processing - Proceedings of 15 IPDPS 2000 Workshops, Cancun, Mexico, May 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 1800, 1236-1247, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2000
[SBH00] Sprenger, A.; Brockmann, W.; Heide, W.; Moschner, C.; Maehle, E.; Kömpf, D.: Sakkadische Augenbewegungen in Suchaufgaben. Baratoff, G.; Neumann, H. (Hrsg.): Dynamische Perzeption: Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe 1.0.4 Bildverstehen, 215-218, AKA Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin 2000
[SBP00] H.-J. Stolberg, M. Berekovic, P. Pirsch, H. Runge, H. Moller, and J. Kneip: The M-PIRE MPEG4 codec DSP and its macroblock engine. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2000
[Sob00] Sobe, Peter: Reaching Efficient Fault-Tolerance for Cooperative Applications. Proc. 4th International Computer Performance & Dependability Symposium IPDS, March 27-29, Proceedings, 48-57, IEEE Computer Society, Chicago, IL, USA 2000
[SoP00] Sobe, P.; Petri, S.: An Approach for Dependable Storage in Clustered Systems. 11th European Workshop on Dependable Computing (EWDC-11), Web-Publikation, Budapest 2000
[SoP00a] Sobe, P.; Pals, H.: Fast and Efficient Fault Detection for DMR in Parallel Applications. IEEE Int. Workshop on Embedded Fault-Tolerant Systems, Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society, Washington 2000
[WaK00] Walthelm, A.; Kluthe, R.: Active Distance Measurement Based on Robust Artificial Markers as a Building Block for a Service Robot Architecture. Imre J. Rudas, József K. Tar (Ed.): Preprints of the IFAC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Control, 329-334, Budapest Polytechnic, Budapest, Hungary 2000
[Wal00a] Walthelm, A.; Madany Mamlouk, A.: Multisensoric Active Spatial Environment Exploration and Modeling. Dynamische Perzeption: Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe 1.0.4 Bildverstehen, Ulm, November 2000, 141-146, AKA, Akad. Verl.-Ges., Berlin 2000
[Wal00b] Walthelm, Axel: Grundlegende Gedanken zum integrierten Wahrnehmen, Planen, Handeln und Lernen. Interner Bericht, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 2000


[BHK99a] Brockmann, W.; Heide, W.; Kluthe, R.; Kömpf, D.; Maehle, E.; Sprenger, A.: Modellierung der Corticalen Steuerung von Blicksakkaden bei der visuellen Exploration. Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 1/99, 36-38, arenDTaP Verlag, Bremen 1999
[BHK99b] Brockmann, W.; Huwendiek, O.; Klotz, T.: On Stability of a Walking Machine in Dynamic Motion. In: Virk, G. S.; Randall, M.; Howard, D. (Eds.): Proc. 2nd International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots - CLAWAR, 83-92, Professional Engineering Publishing Limited, Burg St Edmund, London 1999
[BJP99] M. Berekovic, K. Jacob, and P. Pirsch: Architecture of a hardware module for MPEG4 shape decoding. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1999
[BKM99] S. Bauer, J. Kneip, T. Mlasko, B. Schmale, J. Vollmer, A. Hutter, and M. Berekovic: The MPEG4 Multimedia Coding Standard: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications. Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, 23, 1999
[BKP99] M. Berekovic, H. Kloos, and P. Pirsch: Hardware Realization of a Java Virtual Machine for High Performance Multimedia Applications. Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, 22, 1999
[BrH99] Brockmann, W.; Huwendiek, O.: Rating the Handiness of Rule-Based Function Approximators. Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. On Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - ASC, 113-118, Honolulu, USA 1999
[BSK99] M. Berekovic, H.-j. Stolberg, M. B. Kulaczewski, P. Pirsch, H. Möller, H. Runge, J. Kneip, and B. Stabernack: Instruction Set Extensions for MPEG4 Video. Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, 23, 1999
[BSM99] M. Berekovic, T. Selinger, C. Miro, G. Ghigo, C. Heer, P. Pirsch, K.-I. Wels, and A. Lafage: The TANGRAM co-processor for MPEG4 visual compositing. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, 1999
[DLA99] Döring, A. C.; Lustig, G.; Albrecht, C.; Obelöer, W.: Building a Compiler for an Application-Specific Language. Draft Proc. 1st Scottish Functional Programming Workshop, Technical Report RM/99/9 Herriot-Watt University, 63-70, Edingburgh 1999
[DLO99] Döring, A. C.; Lustig, G.; Obelöer, W.; Petri, S.: Implementation of Virtual Channels for HIC. Technical Report A-99-07, Medical University of Luebeck, Institute of Computer Engineering, 1999
[DOL99] Döring, A. C.; Obelöer, W.; Lustig, G.; Maehle, E.: Low-Level SCI Protocols and Their Application to Flexible Switches. In: Hermann Hellwagner, Alexander Reinefeld (Eds.): SCI: Scalable Coherent Interface, LNCS 1734, 105-123, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1999
[EGK99] Erhard, W.; Großpietsch, K.-E.; Koch, W.; Maehle, E.; Zehendner, E. (Hrsg.): Workshops zur Architektur von Rechensystemen ARCS. 153-238, Universität Jena, Jena 1999
[GHP99] Grewe, C.; Hagenau, R.; Petri, S.: Medical Application Adaption and Performance Evalvation. ESPRIT Project 20693 "ARCHES" Deliverable 3.4.3, Internal Report, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1999
[GLO99] Grewe, C.; Lustig, G.; Obelöer, W.; Petri, S.: Leistungsvergleich verschiedener Netzwerke mit einer einheitlichen und effizienten Benutzerschnittstelle. In: Rehm, W.; Ungerer, T. (Hrsg): Cluster-Computing - Tagungsband zum 2. Workshop, 25./26. März 1999, Karlsruhe; Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte CSR-99-02, 125-134, Chemnitz 1999
[GOP99] Grewe, C.; Obelöer, W.; Pals, H.: Programmierumgebung für Mobile Agenten in heterogenen Workstation-Clustern. In: W. Erhard, K.-E. Großpietsch, W. Koch, E. Maehle, E. Zehendner (Hrsg.): Workshops zur Architektur von Rechensystemen ARCS, 163-172, VDE Verlag, Berlin 1999
[HML99] C. Heer, C. Miro, A. Lafage, M. Berekovic, G. Ghigo, T. Selinger, and K. I. Wels: Design and architecture of the MPEG4 video rendering co-processor `TANGRAM`. Sealing Technology, 1999
[HMP99] Hlavicka, J.; Maehle, E.; Pataricza, A. (Eds.): Dependable Computing - EDCC-3, Proceedings Third European Dependable Computing Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1667. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 1999
[HuB99a] Huwendiek, O.; Brockmann, W.: Function Approximation with Decomposed Fuzzy Systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 101 (2), 273-286, Elsevier Science, New York, Amsterdam 1999
[HuB99b] Huwendiek, O.; Brockmann, W.: Modellierung nichtlinearer Systeme mit dem NetFAN-Ansatz. 9. GMA-Workshop "Fuzzy Control", Forschungsbericht Nr. 0499, 92-105, Universität Dortmund, Dortmund 1999
[KBP99] H. Kloos, M. Berekovic, and P. Pirsch: Hardware Realisierung einer JAVA Virtual Machine für High Performance Multimedia-Anwendungen. Architektur von Rechensystemen, Systemarchitektur auf dem Weg ins 3. Jahrtausend: Neue Strukturen, Konzepte, Verfahren und Bewertungsmethoden - Vorträge der 15. GI/ITG-Fachtagung ARCS `99 und der APS`99 (Arbeitsplatzrechensysteme), VDE-Verlag GmbH, 1999
[KOG99] Kluthe, R.; Obelöer, W.; Grewe, C.: Agent-Based Load Balancing for Mobile Robot Applications. In: Franz J. Rammig (Ed.): Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems, 117-126, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 1999
[LOD99] Lustig, G.; Obelöer, W.; Döring, A. C.: RUBIN-Lab: Eine Simulationsumgebung für regelbasierte Routing-Algorithmen. 15. GI/ITG-Fachtagung Architektur von Rechensystemen ARCS, 210-219, VDE Verlag, Berlin 1999
[MLS99] Modersitzki, J.; Lustig, G.; Schmitt, O.; Obelöer, W.: Elastic Registration of Brain Images on large PC-Clusters. Schriftenreihe der Institute für Informatik/Mathematik, Bericht: A-99-10, 1-15, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Institut für Technische Informatik, Lübeck 1999
[MOS99] Modersitzki, J.; Obelöer, W.; Schmitt, O.; Lustig, G.: Elastic Matching of Very Large Digital Images on High Performance Clusters. Proc. 7th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking Europe, 141-149, LNCS 1593, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1999
[PeG99] Petri, S.; Grewe, C.: A Fault-tolerant Approach for Mobile Agents. In: Hlavicka, J.; Maehle, E.; Pataricza, A. (Eds.): Dependable Computing - EDCC-3, Third European Dependable Computing Conference, Fast Abstracts, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague 1999 [Paper]
[Pet99] Petri, Stefan: A Common Framework for Transparent Checkpointing, Replication and Migration in Clusters. In: W. Erhard, K.-E. Großpietsch, W. Koch, E. Maehle, E. Zehendner (Hrsg.): Workshops zur Architektur von Rechensystemen ARCS, 79-88, Jena 1999
[PhA99a] Pham, C.; Albrecht, C.: Optimizing Message Aggregation for Parallel Simulation on High Performance Clusters. Proceedings of IEEE MASCOTS`99 Conf., 76-83, College Park, University of Maryland, MD 1999 [Abstract] [Paper]
[PhA99b] Pham, C.; Albrecht, C.: Tuning Message Aggregation for Parallel Simulation on High Performance Clusters. Parallel Processing Letter, Vol. 9(4), 521-532, 1999
[PLG99] Petri, S.; Lustig, G.; Grewe, C.; Hagenau, R.; Obelöer, W.; Boosten, M.: Performance Comparison of Different High-Speed Networks with a Uniform Efficient Programming Interface. Scalable Coherent Interface - Proc. SCI Europe, 83-90, SINTEF Electronics and Cybernetics, Oslo 1999 [Abstract] [Paper]
[ScP99] Schnor, B.; Petri, S.: Using On-Line Job Monitoring for Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel Applications. Proc. Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA, 2561-2567, CSREA Press, Athens, GA 1999
[Sob99a] Sobe, Peter: Forward Error Recovery of Parallel Processes. 29th Annual International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing - FTCS-29, Fast Abstracts, 51-52, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA 1999
[Sob99b] Sobe, Peter: Fault-Tolerant Web Services on a Computer Cluster. In: Hlavicka, J.; Maehle, E.; Pataricza, A. (Eds.): Dependable Computing - EDCC-3, Third European Dependable Computing Conference, Fast Abstracts, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague 1999
[WaK99a] Walthelm, A.; Kluthe, R.: Active Distance Measurement Based on Robust Artificial Markers as a Building Block for a Service Robot Architecture. Interner Bericht, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1999
[WaK99b] Walthelm, A.; Kluthe, R.: An Architectural Concept for the Distributed Integration of Perception and Action. In: Imre J. Rudas, Ladislav Madarász (Eds.): INES, 189-194, ELFA Ltd., Kosice 1999
[WaK99c] Walthelm, A.; Kluthe, R.: Aktive 3D Positionsbestimmung und -verfolgung von Aufmerksamkeitspunkten durch Fusion von Laserscans und Kamerabildern. Interner Bericht, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1999
[WKM99] Walthelm, A.; Kluthe, R.; Madany Mamlouk, A.: Ein 3D Weltmodell zur teilaktiven Positionsverfolgung in komplexen dynamischen Umgebungen. Proc. 15. Fachgespräch Autonome Mobile Systeme 1999, 272-281, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1999


[BeP98] M. Berekovic and P. Pirsch: An Array Processor Architecture with Parallel Data Cache for Image Rendering and Compositing. CGI `98: Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International 1998, IEEE Computer Society, 1998
[BeP98a] M. Berekovic and P. Pirsch: Architecture of a coprocessor module for image compositing. Physica Medica, 1998
[BFP98] M. Berekovic, R. Frase, and P. Pirsch: A flexible processor architecture for MPEG4 image compositing. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1998
[BGG98] Bode, A.; Ganz, A.; Gold, C.; Petri, S.; Reimer, N.; Schiemann, B.; Schnekenburger, T.: Anwendungsbezogene Lastverteilung - ALV '98. SFB-Bericht Nr. 342/01/98 A, Technische Universität München, Institut für Informatik, München 1998
[BHP98] M. Berekovic, D. Heistermann, and P. Pirsch: A core generator for fully synthesizable and highly parameterizable RISC-cores for system-on-chip designs. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, 1998
[BiM98] Bieker, B.; Maehle, E.: User-Transparent Checkpointing and Restart for Parallel Computers. IEEE Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1996. In: Avresky, D. R.; Kaeli D. R. (Eds.): Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, 385-399, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 1998
[BMG98] M. Berekovic, G. Meyer, Y. Guo, and P. Pirsch: Multimedia RISC core for efficient bitstream parsing and VLD. , 1998
[BPK98] M. Berekovic, P. Pirsch, and J. Kneip: An Algorithm-Hardware-System Approach to VLIW Multimedia Processors. Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, 20, 1998
[BrH98a] Brockmann, W.; Huwendiek, O.: Rating the Handiness of Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. Internal Report, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1998
[BrH98b] Brockmann, W.; Huwendiek, O.: From a Pneumatically Actuated Robot-Arm to a Pneumatically Actuated Walking Machine. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. Climbing and Walking Robots - CLAWAR`98/VR Mech, 203-208, Brüssel 1998
[Bro98a] Brockmann, Werner: Flexibilisierung der Verarbeitung in dekomponierten Fuzzy-Systemen. In: Computational Intelligence, VDI-Bericht 1381, 101-114, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1998
[Bro98b] Brockmann, Werner: decide! - A Tool for Designing Fuzzy, Crisp, and Hybrid Crisp-Fuzzy Systems. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems - INES, 181-184, Wien 1998
[DLM98] Döring, A. C.; Lustig, G.; Maehle, E.; Obelöer, W.: Fault-Tolerant Routing for Embedded High-Performance Cluster Systems. Proc. of Workshop on Embedded Fault-Tolerant Systems EFTS, 106-111, Boston University, Boston 1998
[DOL98a] Döring, A. C.; Obelöer, W.; Lustig, G.; Maehle, E.: A Flexible Approach for a Fault-Tolerant Router. In: Rolem, J. (Ed.): Parallel and Distributed Processing - Proceedings of 10 IPPS/SPDP, 693-713, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1998
[DOL98b] Döring, A. C.; Obelöer, W.; Lustig, G.: Programming and Implementation of Reconfigurable Routers. Proc. Field Programmable Logic and Applications. 8th International Workshop, FPL, 500-504, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1998
[DOL98c] Döring, A. C.; Obelöer, W.; Lustig, G.; Maehle, E.: Flexibility for SCI-Networks with Rule-Based Routing. In: Hermann Hellwagner, Alexander Reinefeld (Eds.): Scalable Coherent Interface: Technology and Applications, 5-11, Cheshire Henbury, Macclesfield, UK 1998
[GOP98] Grewe, C.; Obelöer, W.; Pals, H.: Kombination von anwendungs- und systemintegrierter Lastverwaltung mit Mobilen Agenten. Proc. 17. PARS Workshop, Karlsruhe, PARS Mitteilungen Nr. 17, 98-107, 1998
[GOP98a] Grewe, C.; Obelöer, W.; Pals, H.: Lastverwaltung in Workstation-Clustern auf Basis Mobiler Agenten. Proc. Workshop Anwendungsbezogene Lastverteilung (ALV, 111-122, Technische Universität München, Institut für Informatik, München 1998
[GOP98b] Grewe, C.; Obelöer, W.; Pals, H.: Parallelverarbeitung in heterogenen Workstation-Clustern mit Java-basierten Mobilen Agenten. Interner Bericht, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1998
[GOP98c] Grewe, C.; Obelöer, W.; Petri, S.; Boosten, Marcel: Network Interface Software Developement for Medical Applications. Deliverable 3.4.1 of ESPRIT Project 20693 "ARCHES", Internal Report, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1998
[GrM98] Großpietsch, K.-E.; Maehle, E.: Fehlerbehandlung in komplexen nebenläufigen Systemen. Informatik-Spektrum, Themenheft, 347-355, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1998
[HRH98] Hager, A.; Roßmanith, C.; Handels, H.; Brockmann, W.; Huwendiek, O.; Laqua, H.; Maehle, E.; Pöppl, S.: Macula pucker: Analysis of pre- and postoperative fundus fotographs. Investigative Ophthamology and Vision Science - IOVS, Vol. 39, No. 4, 591, 1998
[HRH98a] Hager, A.; Roßmanith, Chr.; Huwendiek, O.; Handels, H.; Brockmann, W.; Laqua, H.: Macula pucker: Analyse prä- und postoperativer Fundusbilder zur Bewertung des OP-Effektes. Ophthalmologe, Suppl. 1, 95, 52, 1998
[HuB98a] Huwendiek, O.; Brockmann, W.: Multi-staged Neuro Fuzzy Control of a Pneumatically Actuated Robot Arm. Proc. 4th Joint Conf. on Information Sciences - JCIS, 68-72, Association For Intelligent Machinery, Inc., Durham 1998
[HuB98b] Huwendiek, O.; Brockmann, W.: Strukturierte Neuro-Fuzzy-Systeme zur adaptiven Regelung eines pneumatisch betriebenen Roboterarms. 8. Workshop Fuzzy Control, Forschungsbericht Nr. 0298, 109-124, Universität Dortmund, Dortmund 1998
[KOG98] Kluthe, R.; Obelöer, W.; Grewe, C.: Agenten-basierter Ansatz zur Ausnutzung von Systemressourcen in Wahrnehmungssystemen von mobilen, autonomen Robotern. Interner Bericht, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1998
[MaM98] Maehle, E.; Markus, F.-J.: Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Task Scheduling Based on Dataflow Graphs. IEEE Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, Geneva, Switzerland, April 1997. In: Avresky, D. R.; Kaeli D. R. (Eds): Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, 357-371, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 1998
[MaP98] Maehle, E.; Pöppl, S. J.: Beherrschbarkeit komplexer Systemarchitekturen in der Medizinischen Informationsverarbeitung. 5. Interdisziplinärer Workshop KIS/RIS/PACS - Informationssysteme und Bildnetze in der Radiologie, Universität Gießen, 1998
[OGP98] Obelöer, W.; Grewe, C.; Pals, H.: Load Management with Mobile Agents. Proceedings of the 24th EUROMICRO Conference, Volume II, 1005-1013, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 1998
[PBL98a] Petri, S.; Bolz, M.; Langendörfer, H.: Migration and Rollback Transparency for Arbitrary Distributed Applications in Workstation Clusters. In: Rolem, J. (Ed.): Parallel and Distibuted Processing - Proceedings of 10 IPPS/SPDP, 159-170, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1998
[PBL98b] Petri, S.; Bolz, M.; Langendörfer, H.: Transparent Migration and Rollback for Unmodified Applications in Workstation Clusters. Informatik-Bericht Nr. 98-02, TU Braunschweig, 1998
[Pet98] Petri, Stefan: Lastausgleichswerkzeuge für Workstation-Cluster. Informatik/Informatique, Vol. 5, No. 3, Juni 1998, 23-26, Zürich 1998
[RHH98] Roßmanith, Chr., Huwendiek, O.; Handels, H.; Brockmann, W.; Hager. A.; Laqua, H.; Maehle, E.; Pöppl, S. J.: Analyse von Fundusbildern zur Bewertung des Erfolges von Operationen der Macula pucker. 2. Aachener Workshop Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, Informatik Aktuell, 154-158, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1998
[SPB98] Schnor, B.; Petri, S.; Becker, M.: Scalability of Multicast based Synchronization Methods. Proc. 24th EUROMICRO Conference, Västeras, Sweden, August 25-27, 1998, 969-975, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 1998
[WHK98] J. P. Wittenburg, W. Hinrichs, J. Kneip, M. Ohmacht, M. Berekovic, H. Lieske, H. Kloos, and P. Pirsch: Realization of a programmable parallel DSP for high performance image processing applications. DAC `98: Proceedings of the 35th annual Design Automation Conference, 1998


[BDM97] Bieker, B; Deconinck, G.; Maehle, E.; Vounckx, J.: Fault-Tolerant Routing, Reconfiguration and Backward Error Recovery for Parallel Systems. Int. Journal of Computer Science, Systems & Engineering, Vol. 12, 245-254, CRL Publishing Ltd., West Sussex 1997
[BHH97] Brockmann, W.; Hager, A.; Huwendiek, O.; Laqua, H.; Maehle, E.; Pöppl, S. J.; Roßmanith, C.: Using a Fuzzy Segmentation Operator in Rating of Epiretinal Membrane Peeling Operations. Computer Aided Surgery, Vol. 2 (1997), SY1-003, John Willey & Sons, Sussex 1997
[BKP97] M. Berekovic, H. Kloos, and P. Pirsch: Hardware realization of a Java virtual machine for high performance multimedia applications. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, 1997
[Bro97a] Brockmann, Werner: Hybride Crisp-Fuzzy Systeme. Fuzzy-Neuro-Systeme, 202-209, Infix, Sankt Augustin 1997
[Bro97b] Brockmann, Werner: Engineering von Neuro-Fuzzy-Regelungen mit decide!. Forschungsbericht Nr. 0397, 191-203, Universität Dortmund, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, ISBN 0941-4169, 1997
[DLM97] Döring, A. C.; Lustig, G.; Maehle, E.; Obelöer, W.: Aktuelle Aspekte regelbasierten Routings. Technical Report SFB 376, tr-rsfb-97-033, Paderborn 1997
[DLO97] Döring, A. C.; Lustig, G.; Obelöer, W.: The Impact of Routing Decision Time on Network Latency. Proc. of the 4th PASA-Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms PASA, 67-83, World Scientific, Singapore 1997
[DOL97] Döring, A. C.; Obelöer, W.; Lustig, G.: Architektur eines flexiblen Routers für Hochleistungsnetzwerke. In: Tavangarian, D. (Hrsg.): Architektur von Rechensystemen, 43-52, VDE Verlag, Berlin 1997
[GrO97a] Grewe, C.; Obelöer, W.: Lastprognose für eine flexible Lastverwaltung in Workstation-Clustern. Proc. GI-ITG Fachtagung Arbeitsplatz-Rechensysteme; Anwendungen, Architekturen, Betriebssysteme und Netzwerke, APS 97, 67-77, Koblenz 1997
[GrO97b] Grewe, C.; Obelöer, W.: Flexible Lastverwaltung für Parallelrechner und Workstation-Cluster. Proc. ARCS'97: Architektur von Rechensystemen, Vorträge im Rahmen der 14. GI/ITG-Fachtagung, 08.-11.09.1997, 255-265, Rostock 1997
[HMM97] Hoßfeld, F.; Maehle, E.; Mayr, E.W. (eds.): PASA`96 Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms. World Scientific, Singapore 1997
[HSS97] Heinze, F. H.; Schäfers, L.; Scheidler, C.; Obelöer, W.: Trapper: Eliminating Performance Bottlenecks in Parallel Embedded Application. IEEE Concurrency, Vol. 5, No. 3, 28-37, 1997
[HuB97a] Huwendiek, O.; Brockmann, W.: Der NetFAN-Ansatz als universeller Funktionsapproximator. In: A.Grauel, W. Becker, F. Belli (Hrsg.): Fuzzy-Neuro-Systeme'97, 324-331, infix, Sankt Augustin 1997
[HuB97b] Huwendiek, O.; Brockmann, W.: On the Applicability of the NetFAN-Approach to Function Approximation. Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE, 477-482, IEEE Press, Piscataway 1997
[KBP97] J. Kneip, M. Berekovic, and P. Pirsch: An algorithm-hardware-system approach to VLIW multimedia processors. Multimedia Signal Processing, 1997
[KBW97] J. Kneip, M. Berekovic, J. P. Wittenburg, W. Hinrichs, and P. Pirsch: An Algorithm Adapted Autonomous Controlling Concept for a Parallel Single-Chip Digital Signal Processor. Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, 16, 1997
[LOD97a] Lustig, G.; Obelöer, W.; Döring, A. C.: Ein Workstation-Cluster mit flexiblem Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzwerk für Workstation-Cluster. Internal Paper, Institut für Technische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1997
[LOD97b] Lustig, G.; Obelöer, W.; Döring, A. C.: Ein flexibles Hochgeschwindigkeits-Verbindungsnetzwerk. 1. Cluster Computing Workshop, Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte CSR-97-05, 203-214, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz 1997
[ObM97] Obelöer, W.; Maehle, E.: Integration of Debugging and Performance Optimization for Parallel Systems. Proc. Second Sino-German Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies APPT, 17-24, Koblenz 1997
[PFB97] P. Pirsch, A. Freimann, and M. Berekovic: Architectural approaches for multimedia processors. , 1997


[BDK96] Brockmann, W.; Döring, A. C.; Kosch, Th.; Lustig, G.; Maehle, E.: Rule-Based Routing for Fault-Tolerant Parallel Computers. Proc. EDCC-2 Companion Workshop on Dependable Computing, 63-72, AMK-Press, Gliwice, Poland 1996
[BDL96] Bieker, B.; Deconinck, G.; Lauwereins, R.; Maehle, E.: The influence of different backward error recovery techniques to parallel applications. Internal Paper, Institut für Technische Informatik, Med. Universität zu Lübeck, 1996
[DBL96] Deconinck, G.; Bieker, B.; Lauwereins, R.; Maehle, E.: A Scalable Checkpointing Tool for Parallel Applications: The User's Point of View. Internal Paper, Institut für Technische Informatik, Med. Universität zu Lübeck, 1996
[DLO96] Döring, A. C.; Lustig, G.; Obelöer, W.: Analysis of network behaviour in respect to different routing decision times. Technical Report SFB 376, tr-rsfb-06-025, Paderborn 1996
[DVL96] Deconinck, G.; Vounckx, J.; Lauwereins, R.; Altmann, J.; Balbach, F.; Dal Cin, M.; Silva, J. G.; Madeira, H.; Bieker, B.; Maehle, E.: A Scalable Implementation of Fault Tolerance for Massively Parallel Systems. Proc. Second Int. Euromicro Conf. On Massively Parallel Computing Systems MPCS, 205-212, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996
[Dör96a] Döring, Andreas C.: Deriving invariants for Cellular Automata. Proc. of the Seventh Intern. Workshop Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, 21-28, Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1996
[Dör96b] Döring, Andreas C.: Deriving invariants for Cellular Automata. Informatik Fachberichte Serie A, Med. Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1996
[HuB96] Huwendiek, O.; Brockmann, W.: NetFAN - A Structured Adaptive Fuzzy Approach. Proc. Int. Conf. on Neural Networks - ICNN´96, 1079-1084, IEEE Press, Piscataway 1996


[BaM95] Bauch, A.; Maehle, E.: Reconfiguration in Octagonal Mesh-Based Multicomputer Systems with Distributed Checkpointing. In: Pradhan, D.; Avresky, D. (eds): Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, 169-180, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos 1995
[Bie95] Bieker, Bernd: A Practical Approach to Fault-Tolerant Massively Parallel Systems - Operator Site Software and User-Transparent Checkpointing. PowerXplorer User Report, 1st Edition, 198-202, Düsseldorf 1995
[BKM95] Brockmann, W.; Kosch, Th.; Maehle, E.: Regelbasiertes Routing mit lokaler Adaptivität. 14. PARS-Workshop Parallel-Algorithmen, -Rechnerstrukturen und -Systemsoftware, PARS-Mitteilungen, Nr. 14, 234-241, Erlangen 1995
[BOS95] Born, T.; Obelöer, W.; Schäfers, L.; Scheidler, C.: The Monitoring Facilities of the Graphical Programming Environment TRAPPER. Proc. EUROMICRO Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Sanremo, 555-562, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos 1995
[BrH95a] Brockmann, W.; Huwendiek, O.: Adaptive Regelung mit Neuro-Fuzzy Systemen. Berichtsband zum "Anwendersymposium zu industriellen Anwendungen der Neuro-Fuzzy Technologien", 63-67, Wittemberg 1995
[BrH95b] Brockmann, W.; Huwendiek, O.: Adaptive Fuzzy Control of a Batch Process. Proc. 3rd European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing - EUFIT ´95, 883-888, Verlag Mainz, Aachen 1995
[Bro95] Brockmann, Werner: Fuzzy System for Optical Position Sensing. Proc. IEEE Instrumentation/Measurement Technology Conference IMTC/95, 747-751, IEEE Press, Piscataway 1995
[HHM95] Herkersdorf, A.; Heusler, L.; Maehle, E.: Route Discovery for Multistage Fabrics in ATM Switching Nodes. Performance Evaluation 22, 221-238, Elsevier Science B.V., 1995
[HuB95] Huwendiek, O.; Brockmann, W.: Online Modellierung eines Bioreaktors mit Neuro-Fuzzy Techniken. Berichtsband zum "Anwendersymposium zu industriellen Anwendungen der Neuro-Fuzzy Technologien", 31-35, Wittemberg 1995
[KlB95] Kluthe, R.; Brockmann, W.: Neuer Fuzzy Umrichter für den Low-cost-Bereich. Antriebstechnik 34, 43-47, Nr. 1 1995
[KWB95] J. Kneip, J. P. Wittenburg, M. Berekovic, K. Ronner, and P. Pirsch: An algorithm adapted autonomous controlling concept for a parallel single-chip digital signal processor. Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing, 1995
[LMM95] Li, Y.-H.; Maehle, E.; Markus, F.-J.; Rost, J.: Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Task Scheduling with a Graphical Programming Environment. Proc. Int. Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies APPT'95, 231 - 238, Bejjing, China 1995
[LMR95] Li, Y.-H.; Markus, F.-J.; Rost, J.: Agency-Scheduling. Proc. Europar 95, Stockholm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 635 - 646, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1995
[ObG95] Obelöer, W.; Grewe, C.: Globale Zeitstempel für verteilte Messungen in nachrichtengekoppelten Parallelrechnern. Proc. 3. PARS Workshop, Stuttgart, PARS Mitteilungen Nr. 14, 176 - 183, Erlangen 1995
[TrM95] Trachos, K.; Maehle, E.: A Class Hierarchy Emulating Virtual Shared Objects on Message-Passing Systems. Proc. 3rd EUROMICRO Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems, San Remo, Italy, 174 - 181, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos 1995