Sommersemester 2024
Seminar Cyber Physical Systems
2nd preparatory meeting ("Vorbesprechung") for the presentation of subjects and to discuss all organizational issues on Oct 19, 1615, Webex:
With the term “cyber-physical systems” one usually refers to a network of many interacting embodied elements that tightly couple computational and physical aspects. Often these systems are also directly connected to the Internet (cf. Internet of Things). In this course, we want to focus on cyber-physical systems that related to robotics, in particular, collaborating robot groups and collective robot systems. Instead of an Internet-connection, these robots typically have only connections to other close-by robots. This way a decentralized system is formed, which is robust but also imposes challenges on how to control individual robots. Each robot has only access to local information but the group of robots is supposed to solve a global task. Thus, there are problems of how to autonomously partition the global task, how to assign tasks to robots in a decentralized system, and how to keep robots mutually within communication range.
Particular subjects of CPS, collective robotics, and social networks that we want to investigate in depth include:
- sparse swarms
- collective decision-making under uncertainty
- collective transport
- deep RL for shepherding
- ant traffic under crowded conditions
- blockchain-powered robot swarms
- shape formation in robot swarms
- etc.

- Lehre
- Abgeschlossene Abschlussarbeiten
- Wintersemester 2024/2025
- Sommersemester 2024
- Echtzeitsysteme
- Eingebettete Systeme
- Seminar Cyber Physical Systems
- Seminar Bio-inspired Robotics
- Mobile Roboter
- Evolutionary Robotics
- Rechnerarchitektur
- Systemarchitekturen für Multimedia
- Technische Grundlagen der Informatik 1
- Zuverlässigkeit von Rechensystemen
- Englischsprachiges Seminar "System Architecture"
- Praktika
- Oberseminar
- Abschlussarbeiten, Praktika, Projekte