
Completed Theses

Bachelor Theses (Status: 01-20-23)

Last Name First Name Supervisor Topic Year
Nommensen Sönke Nils Runge Ein Editor für die Bearbeitung SVG-basierter Folien 2004
Reimann Clemens Brockmann Simulation eines Kletterroboters 2005
Sæther Øyvind Fjellang Pionteck Konzeptionierung, VHDL Entwurf und Simulation einer generischen Schnittstelle zur Anbindung von Hardwaremodulen an ein Network on Chip 2006
Brix Torben Pionteck Entwurf und FPGA-Prototyping einer kachelbasierten Architekturschablone für partiell rekonfigurierbare System-on-Chips 2007
Hartmann Jan Litza Health Signal Generierung und Monitoring einer sechsbeinigen Laufmaschine 2008
Finck Niklas Litza Implementierung einer Steuerung für den Unterwasserroboter „Monsun“ mit Fähigkeit der vollständigen Fernrekonfiguration 2009
Dudek Nico El Sayed Auf Adaptive Reflexbasierte Kraftverteilung eines Hexapoden Roboters 2009
Sammann Steffen Albrecht Untersuchungen zur Güte von Rekonfigurationsübergängen auf einer adaptiven Plattform 2009
Gramberg Ludwig Sobe Webservice-basierte Infrastruktur zur Verwendung ausfalltolerierender Codes für verteilte Speichersysteme 2009
Pietsch Wolf Pionteck Entwicklung eines Frameworks zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Single-Event-Upsets im Konfigurationsspeicher von Virtex-4 FPGAs 2009
Frahm Olof-Joachim Sobe Parametrisierbarer LINUX-Kerneltreiber für ein ausfalltolerierendes Speichersystem 2009
Meyer Benjamin Litza Klassifizierung der Health Signale der sechsbeinigen Laufmaschine OSCAR 2010
Meyer Tobias Litza Entwicklung einer zustandsbasierten Steuerungssoftware für mobile Roboter 2010
Klüssendorff Jan Helge Litza Gegenseitige optische Erkennung von Unterwasser-Robotern 2010
Ammann Nikolaus Alexander El Sayed Auf Physikalische 3D Simulation eines hexapoden Roboters 2010
Hegen Peter Sobe Erasure-tolerant coding on parallel computer systems 2010
Witt Tobias El Sayed Auf Reaktives Lückenüberwinden mit sechsbeiniger Laufmaschine 2010
Kalis Florian Pionteck Erstellung einer hardwarenahen C-Beschreibung eines Videokodierers nach dem H.264-Standard mit Synopsys System Studio 2010
Goronzy Grigori Hampel Implementierung und Evaluation einer GPU-basierten Anwendungsbeschleunigung mit OpenCL am Beispiel eines Raytracers 2010
Gaifulin Yuriy Sobe GPU beschleunigte Bildverarbeitung für Unterwasserroboter 2010
Fischer Tilo Litza Integration einer zustandsbasierten Onboard-Steuerung des e-puck-Roboters in die ZUSMORO-Software 2011
Schmidt Lukas Osterloh Physikalische 3D-Simulation für den autonomen Unterwasserroboter MONSUN 2011
Ewert Dietmar Osterloh Integration eines kalorimetrischen Messsystems zur Geschwindigkeitsbestimmung in strömenden Medien 2011
Zenker Patrick Weiß Implementierung einer Motoransteuerung mit visuellem Feedback und Reibungskompensation für den Einsatz in der Schlaganfallrehabilitation 2012
Hoffmann Julian Maas LogicEasy – Ein GUI basiertes Werkzeug zur Unterstützung des Entwurfs von Schaltnetzen und Schaltwerken 2012
Schlatow Sebastian Mietz Android-App für die Suche im Internet der Dinge 2012
Stamer Dennis Römer/Mietz Entwicklung einer Software zum Management und zur Visualisierung einer Monitoring-Anwendung für Sensornetze 2012
Isokeit Cedric Kevin Osterloh Entwicklung eines Brushless-Motor-Reglers für den autonomen Unterwasserroboter MONSUN II 2012
Mühlfeld Maximilian Osterloh Implementierung und Integration einer Lichtschnitt-basierten Hindernisdetektion in den Unterwasserroboter MONSUN 2012
Hamann Bent Marten Meyer Ein autonomer Unterwasserroboter auf Basis des kommerziellen Modell-U-Boots Neptune 2012
Voogd Jochen Weiß Weiterentwicklung eines haptischen Handschuhs mit Fokus auf der Implementierung einer Rehabilitationssoftware 2013
Rosenthal Fabian Römer Accuracy-Driven Time Synchronization of Sensor Nodes 2013
Schreiber Frederik Römer Implementation of the Generic Role Assignment for the Sensor Network Operating System Contiki 2013
Weiß Julian Hartmann 3D Scene Reconstruction Using Multiple Depth Image Cameras 2013
Hüske Stefan Tosik Android-App to control and monitor ROS-based robots 2013
Lührig Jan Philipp Römer Statistical analysis and evaluation of the characteristics of sensor data 2013
Wattenberg Maximilian Gabrecht/Weiß Visual Feedback Distortion on Robotic Stroke Rehabilitation 2013
Al Msalma Momen Römer/Boano Design and Implementation of a Wireless Pedometer 2014
Jelonek Bernward Römer A Wireless Sensor Network Testbed with Temperature Control 2014
Männel Georg Weiß Further development of a haptic glove for the rehabilition of handfunction after stroke 2014
Vollmer Felix Tosik/Frost Design and implementation of a low cost robot for research and teaching applications 2014
Lindenberg Marvin Tosik/Frost Implementation of software interfaces and controls for a low-cost robot for teaching and research 2014
Heitmann Jan Meyer Integration of a ROS-based control system into the autonomous underwater vehicle Neptune 2014
Golkowski Alexander Julian Frost Comparison of Structured Light and Time-of-Flight 3D cameras for SLAM 2014
Feldvoß Mandy Jane Tosik Extension of the MARS simulation environment to fish schools according to Craig Reynolds 2014
Schacht Jannik Renner Energy Harvest Prediction for Solar-Powered Sensor Nodes Using Weather Forecasts 2014
Brech Arne Tosik Rendering of vegetation with a paging system for the simulation environment MARS 2014
Andresen Sven Renner Regenerative Energy Sources for Sensor Bouyes: Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation 2014
Nguyen Phu Anh Tuan Renner Efficient Distribution of Weather Forecasts for the Optimization of Adaptive Load Adaptation in Wireless Solar-Powered Sensor Networks 2014
Nguyen Mai Linh Edith Gabrecht/Weiß Integration, Optimisation and Evaluation of Sensors of a Parameterisable Exoskeleton 2014
Mey Morten Tosik Android-App for creating finite state machines for ROS based robots 2014
Jonte John Paul Tosik Improved water effects for the simulation environment MARS 2014
Friedrich Christian Tosik Porting RTeasy to the NetBeans Platform 2014
Maas Jan Pascal Himstedt Environment Mapping For Mobile Robots Based On NDTMaps 2014
Maier Kolja Cornelius Meyer Development of a hardware-modul to collect water samples with the autonomous underwater vehicle MONSUN 2014
Drewes Tobias Renner Prototype to Enable Comparisons of Solar Harvesting Technologies for Wireless Sensor Nodes 2014
Schild Katrin Gabrecht/Weiß Merging and extending of the GUI for the m·ReS-project for robot-based stroke rehabilitation 2015
Ehleben Ira Gabrecht/Weiß Modularization of the control unit for a haptic glove used in rehabilitation of handfunctions after stroke 2015
Uken Fabian Tosik/Meyer Development of a control unit for a semiautonomous remotecontrolled underwater robot 2015
Iversen Jonas Frost Dreidimensionale online Objekterkennung für mobile Roboter 2015
Woytaszek Rick Tosik/Frost SmartTile - An Intelligent Floor for Assisted Living 2015
Olbrich Michael Frost Extraction of semantic information from RGB-D images and application in mapping of office environments 2015
Schwinghammer Jasper Tosik Simulation and visualisation of acoustic underwater communication in MARS 2015
Traupe Immo Albert Meyer Development of a visual feedback and communication module for the underwater robot MONSUN 2015
Queßeleit Philip Sören Pionteck/Blochwitz Analysis of patricia tries and design of hardware schematics to perform dictionary generation 2015
Busse Fabian Tosik Communication interface for the simulation environment MARS 2015
Podstawa Friedrich Renner Hybrid Power Supply for Sensor Buoys Based on Solar and Wind Energy 2015
Wolff Julian Pionteck Design and Implementation of a FPGA Based Triple Store 2015
Winker Tobias Pionteck Generating a Hardware Implementation of a Hand Tracking Algorithm on a Xilinx Zynq using High Level Synthesis 2015
Andersen Bjarne Gabrecht Implementation of a telerehabilitation application for the rehabilitation robot m·ReS-R 2015
Zell Fenja Gabrecht Implementation of a Qt3D visualisation for a rehabilitation-robotserie m·ReSX 2015
Hennings Sönke Amory Energy Management System for AUVs 2016
Scharringhausen Kim Kristin Meyer Development and Integration of a sensor module for the purpose of an autonomous determination of water body quality with the use of the underwater robot MONSUN 2015
Lindenau Malte Meyer Development of a cost-efficient module for distance measurement via light sectioning method 2015
Lindenau Birte Gabrecht Statistical evaluation for the sensory data of a rehabilitation robot for progress monitoring 2016
Wagner Louisa Ehlers Evaluation of camera positions for hand pose estimation with multiple RGB-D cameras 2016
Tran Thuy Nuong Gabrecht Further development and extension of a haptic glove for the rehabilition of handfunction after stroke 2016
Bolze Philipp Renner Automatic gain control for acoustic underwater communication 2016
Petzold Julian Ehlers Combination of Two Methods for Real-time 3D Hand Pose Estimation 2016
Klink Raphael Blochwitz Live-Tracing on Field Programmable Gate Arrays 2017
Dreier Sven Gabrecht Revision of mechanics and sensors of m·ReS-X 2017
Pook Sebastian Gabrecht Development of a control unit for robotic platforms with an omidirectional drive 2017
Müller Tim Behrje Optimization of Reference Paths for Path Planning for Automated Guided Vehicles 2017
Günschmann Daniel Ehlers Fully Scalable Kinematic Model for 3D Hand Pose Estimation 2017
Laufer Manuel Blochwitz Runtime Reconfigurable Query Evaluation for Semantic Web Databases using a Network on Chip 2017
Wrieden Sven Blochwitz Comparison and Extension of Routing Strategies in 2D and 3D Networks-on-Chip 2017
Leonhardt Christina Haase Management of hospital rooms via microcontroller 2017
Bergmann Lucas Haase An interactive JavaScript based tool for the visualization and self-study of simple digital circuits 2017
Schmidt Jonathan Blochwitz Secondary power measurement in embedded systems 2017
Schnippenkötter Kristian Behrje/Maehle Management and monitoring of missions with a graphical user interface for swarms of autonomous underwater vehicles 2018
Stolze Ricardo Hamann 3D model reconstruction of natural plants using 2D low resolution image sensors 2018
Kluth Christopher Kaiser Adaptation of the minimal surprise approach for real robots 2018
Mueller Nick Isokeit/Maehle Sonar-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping - An Implementation for the Monsun AUV 2019
Philipp León Blochwitz Runtime reconfigurable Tilestructure for Semantic Web Database Queries 2019
Mohamed Ali Haase (über GUC) Real time Android live video streaming and camera remote access control via various communication channels 2019
Ramzy Ziad Haase (über GUC) Enhancement of an HTML5 Based Interactive Digital Circuit Simulator 2019
Rothmann Philipp Ehlers RISC-V Assembler - Feasibility Study for Education 2019
Aljnabi Waiel Blochwitz Development of a RISC-V Core for teaching 2019
Waldner Andreas Haase Automated classification and categorization of memristors with regards to a quality metric with focus on lifespan and formability 2020
Kolms Thore Haase Analog Hardware Implementation of Basic Arithmetics with Memristors for In-Memory Computing in Digital Systems 2020
Charles Christian Kaiser Implementation of Blind Bulldozing with Minimize Surprose 2020
Strunck Henrik Blochwitz Implementation and Unit Testing of Database Operators for Partial Reconfigurable FPGAs 2020
Brauna Larisa Hamann Parameter Tuning for Minimize Surprise 2020
Begemann Marian Johannes Kaiser Development of a Swarm Behavior ROS 2 Package for the TurtleBot3 Waffle Pi 2020
Busch Alexander Haase An Android App for Indoor Localization in Burning Buildings 2021
Hannawald Max Hamann Swarm Construction with Minimize Surprise 2021
Lang Christine Haase Programming Circuit for Real Memristors to Increase Reliability of Diagnostic Systems in Aerospace Applications 2021
Grossart Isabella Ehlers Automating the Coating of Gas Diffusion Layers (GDL) for Polymer-Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEM-FC) 2021
Ruß Luca Marvin Hamann Implementation of the Turing Learning method for state-based behavior using the example of BEECLUST 2021
Nowak Jorge Berekovic/Blochwitz AXI Stream Network on Chips with credit based flow control 2021
Muuss Felix Mulhem Practical Machine Learning Approach for Hardware Trojan Detection 2021
Wolff Timon Hamann Evolving a neural network for control of a hyper-redundant manipulator 2021
Ebenfeld Martin Berekovic/Blochwitz Dockerized Hardware-Acceleration on MPSoCs 2021
Fleischmann Steffen Petzold Autonomous Parallel parking of a Lego Car Using a LIDAR Sensor and Artificial Neuroevolution 2021
Plattenteich Tavia Hamann/Kaiser Extending the ROS2 Swarm Behavior Package to the TurtleBot3 Burger and the Jackal UAV 2021
Krohne Kristen Hamann/Petzold Creating a Robot Controller with AdaBoost in the Use Case of the Foraging Problem 2021
Lüdemann Pia Hamann/Wahby A Scalable Approach for Full Plant Morphology Modeling in Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids 2021
Rabbel Tim-Lucas Hamann/Wahby An approach to classify external stimuli based on plant electrical responses  
Scheve Moritz Haase Efficient Pathfinding on a Digital Circuit Simulator Tool 2022
Witthein Morris Hamann/Petzold An Approach to Explain Deep Neural Networks through Visualization and Renormalization Groups 2022
Obermann Jannik Ehlers RTeasy-Online – A Redesign and Extension of RTeasy2 2022
Jansen Vincent Raphael Hamann/Petzold Plant Morphology Modeling Using a VAE-LSTM Model 2022
Adebahr Frederik Hamann/Wahby Real-time visualization of local states and interactions in robot swarms 2022
Groth Lukas Berekovic/Behrje Hardware Accelerated Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks on FPGAs using High-Level Synthesis 2022
Kasim Baiar Maehle/Isokeit Analysis of the time and energy consumption of complete area coverage for AUVs under various constraints 2022
Sehm Robin Mulhem Side-channel analysis of cryptographic functions 2022
Philipp Dominik Maximilian Haase Detection of People in Buildings using Sensor Fusion to Support Rescue Workers in Emergency Situations 2022
Poetschki Andra-Karina Mulhem NTT Hardware Acceleration for Homomorphic Encryption in Medical Applications 2022
Krebs Konstantin Mulhem FPGA-based AI Acceleration for Autonomous Driving 2022
Brauer Josephine Hamann/Kaiser Integrating Support for New Sensor Models in ROS2swarm 2022
Wolff Sven Hamann/Petzold Fault Detection in Robotic Swarm Aggregation using a Kalman Filter 2023

Master Theses (Status: 01-30-23)

Name Vorname Betreuer Thema Jahr
Forouher Dariush Litza Self-Localization and Mapping in an Underwater Environment Using Sonar 2010
Hartmann Jan Litza Visual Localization and Mapping using Stereo Cameras 2010
Sammann Steffen Pionteck Hardwarenahe Modellierung eines Network-on-Chip mit einer modularen Routerarchitektur zur Unterstützung semi-statischer Datenströme in OMNeT++ 2011
Meyer Benjamin Römer Ein Framework zur visuellen Erkennung von Umgebungsstrukturen mittels Sensorknoten 2011
Klüssendorff Jan Helge Hartmann Graph-based SLAM and Navigation for Mobile Robots using an RGBD Camera 2011
Widderich Joss Helge Osterloh Integration des autonomen Unterwasserroboters MONSUN II in das ROS-Framework 2012
Hegen Peter Römer Continuous measurement of core body temperature using Body Sensor Networks 2012
Hoffmann Julian Maehle/Maas LogicEasy – Ein GUI basiertes Werkzeug zur Unterstützung des Entwurfs von Schaltnetzen und Schaltwerken 2012
Schröder Yannik Maehle Simulation and Visualization of Muscle Forces in OpenSim Using a Haptic Glove 2013
Schwerdt Kris Erik Römer Monitoring lab mice with structured light sensor 2013
Hanesová Lenka Römer The impact of temperature variations on clear channel assessment operation in wireless sensor networks 2014
Goronzy Grigori Pionteck Analysis of Data Streams on an FPGA based Multi-Core Processor System with Network on Chip Interconnect 2014
Brama Konstantin Ehlers Human-Robot Interaction Interface for Mobile Robots 2015
Zenker Patrick Meyer/Gabrecht Development of a distributed organization and control software for autonomous robot swarms 2015
Wilhelm Carsten Behrje Implementation and evaluation of path planning algorithms for automated guided vehicle systems 2016
Stelljes Joscha Himstedt Environment-specific Obstacle Detection and Classification using 3D-Cameras 2016
Große Besselmann Marvin Himstedt Visual Localization and Mapping for Logistic Environments 2016
Isokeit Cedric Meyer Swarm behavior for the autonomous underwater robot MONSUN 2016
Krause Jason Ehlers Kinematic Body Skeleton for Real-time 3D Body Pose Estimation 2016
Mey Morten Joseph/Blochwitz Design and implementation of a hardware accelerated algorithm for gesture detection 2016
Heitmann Jan Renner WiFi-Enabled and Solar-Powered Sensor Nodes for Smart Ports 2016
Golkowski Alexander Julian Gabrecht/Behrje Implementation and Evaluation of modular actuators, based on motors and springs for the handexoskeletton m·ReS-X for stroke rehabilitation 2016
Weiß Julian Ehlers/Gabrecht Implementation of a 3D Scene-based Upper Body Pose Estimation Approach for Stroke Rehabilitation 2017
Drewes Tobias Joseph Implementation and Evaluation of Adaptive Selection of Default Paths in NoCs 2017
Hansen Lasse Ehlers Development and Evaluation of Algorithms to Improve Patient Care and Safety in an Intensive Care Unit 2017
Kammerlocher Thomas Ehlers Markerless calibration of depth cameras by detection of an industrial roboterarm 2017
Jonte John Paul Ehlers Real-time 3D Pose Estimation and Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction with the Humanoid Robot Pepper 2017
Nieß Michael Hamann Population coding robot swarms for complex tasks 2018
Andersen Bjarne Hamann Embedded-Sensor Filaments for a Braided Exoskeleton: Sensing and Shape Recognition 2018
Eschke Catriona Hamann Mobile Roboter errichten kollektiv komplexe Strukturen durch selbst-organisiertes Flechten 2019
Petzold Julian Hamann Extended study on the adaptivity to dynamic swarm densities and on-line fault mitigation in BEECLUST 2019
Winzek Florian Hamann An Organic Computing Approach to Collective Decision-Making in a Swarm of Simulated Robots 2019
Wrieden Sven Blochwitz Programming and Optimization of an I/O-Processor for Digital Communication Protocols in the Positional Encoder Domain 2019
Grothe Philipp Haase Memristors as Central Components for Implementing Classification of Medical Images in Hardware 2020
Dreier Sven Blochwitz FPGA-Based BLDC-Controller for the autonomous underwater vehicle MONSUN 2020
Schwarzat Julian Hamann Platooning of Autonomous Cars as a Multi-Armed Bandit Problem 2020
Krome Maximilian Hamann Design and Investigation of Robot Networks 2020
Günschmann Daniel Berekovic Automatic modulation recognition using deep learning 2020
Dallmer-Zerbe Stephan Haase Improving User Experience of Smart Home Control by Natural Voice Using a Raspberry-Pi-Based and Self-Adapting System 2020
Frank Timo Haase Robust detection of persons in emergency situations in public buildings 2021
Stocks Lena Jasmin Hamann Exploration by Empowerment in the Game Little Alchemy 2 2021
Osiik Alexander Isokeit Evaluation of Complete Coverage Path Planning for Collaborative AUVs 2021
Kluth Christopher Hamann Evolution of Complex Behaviors in Dynamic Environments by Minimizing Surprise 2021
Potten Tristan Hamann/Kaiser Evolving Robot Swarms in Collective Perception with Minimize Surprise 2021
Tao Liwei Hamann Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Pedestrian Trajectory 2022
Song Rui Hamann Solving Visual Navigation Tasks for Pedestrian Trajectory Generation Using Distributional Reinforcement Learning and Automatic Curriculum Learning in CARLA 2022
Buss Eduard Hamann/Wahby PhytoNodes: Energy-efficient Wireless Phytosensor Network for Electrophysiology of Natural Plants 2022
Muller Tim Mulhem Safe AI Hardware Accelerator for Autonomous Driving 2022
Hagedorn Steffen Hamann Artificial Intelligence for Processing of Event-Based Vision Sensor Data 2022
Pfister Kai Hamann Change Detection in dynamic Environments by means of a Robot Swarm 2022
Thermann Celine Mulhem Trustworthy AI Hardware Accelerator 2022
Strunck Henrik Mulhem Enabling Hardware Root of Trust for RISC-V Trusted Execution Environment 2022
Aust Till Hamann Collective Adaptation and Symmetry Breaking to Environmental Changes in a Swarm of Kilobots Monitoring a Dynamic Environment 2022


Last Name First Name Supervisor Topic Year
Huwendiek Olaf Maehle Function Approximation with Decomposed Neuro-Fuzzy Systems 2000
Markus Franz-Josef Maehle Distributed Dynamical and Fault-Tolerant Process Allocation for Multicomputers with an Integrated Graphical Development Environment 2001
Lustig Gunther Maehle Adaptive Rule-Based Routing in Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computers and Workstation Clusters 2002
Grewe Claus Maehle Application of Mobile Agents for the Efficient Utilization of Heterogeneous Cluster Systems 2002
Döring Andreas C Maehle Architecture of flexible Routers for Local Highspeed Networks 2002
Bieker Bernd Maehle Fault-Tolerance for Scalable Applications - Checkpointing Protocols for Parallel Message-Passing Systems 2003
Walthelm Axel Maehle Sensor-Based Localisation Algorithms for Mobile Service Robots 2004
Gönne Marco Maehle Conception and Evaluation of a Real-Time Test Platform for Wireless Periooperative Monitoring of Vital Data 2007
El Sayed Auf Adam-Pharaoun Maehle An Organic Computing Based Control for a Hexapod Walking Robot under the Aspect of Reactive Reliability and Robustness 2010
Albrecht Carsten Maehle Modelling and Simulation of Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures for the Example of a Runtime Adaptable Network Co-Processor 2010
Jakimovski Bojan Maehle Biologically Inspired Approaches for Locomotion, Anomaly Detection and Reconfiguration for Walking Robotsn 2011
Hampel Volker Maehle Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Hybrid Computer Systems on FPGA and GPU Base 2012
Osterloh Christoph Maehle An Acoustic Modem for the Communication in Swarms of Autonomous Underwater Robots 2012
Maas Raphael Maehle Adaptive Control Strategies for Mobile Robots Based on Organic Computing Principles 2014
Mietz Richard Römer Technologies for a State-Based Search in the Internet of Things 2014
Truong Cuong Duc Römer Routing and Sensor Search in the Internet of Things 2014
Klüssendorff Helge Maehle A Graph-Based Solution for Complete Coverage Problems with One and Multiple Mobile Robots 2015
Tosik Thomas Maehle Real-Time Simulation of Swarm-Capable Autonomous Underwater Robots for Environmental Monitoring 2015
Weiß Patrick Maehle Robotic Rehabilitation After Stroke - A Modular System for Training Distal Upper Limb Functions 2015
Al-Homsy Ahmad Maehle Biologically Inspired Approaches for Hexapod Walking Robots Based on Organic Computing Principles and Proprioception Feedback 2016
Frost Jan Maehle Robust and Scalable Visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping in Indoor Environments using RGBD Cameras 2016
Forouher Dariush Maehle Navigation of Autonomous Cleaning Robots using Depth Cameras 2016
Himstedt Marian Maehle Robust Localization and Mapping in Changing Environments using Semantic Perception 2018
Amory Ammar Maehle SEMBIO - An Energy Efficient Micro Underwater Robot for Swarm Applications 2018
Ehlers Kristian Maehle Realtime 3D Pose Estimation of Humans in Robotics: Methods and Applications 2019
Wahby Mostafa Hamann Autonomous Shaping of Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids 2019
Divband-Soorati Mohammad Hamann Adaptivity and Self-Repair in Robot Self-Assembly 2019
Meyer Benjamin Maehle The Swarm-Capable Underwater Robot Monsun 2019
Kaiser Tanja Hamann The Predicting Swarm: Evolving Collective Behaviors for Robot Swarms by Minimizing Surprise 2022


Last Name First Name Supervisor Topic Year
Sobe Peter Maehle Distributed and Parallel Mass Storage Systems - Techniques for Performance Enhancement, Failure Tolerance and Data Consistency 2009