
Andrija Neskovic, M. Sc.

Photo of Andrija  Neskovic

Research Assistant

Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Building 64, Room 115 (2nd Floor)

Phone:+49 451 3101 6339
Fax:+49 451 3101 6304

Research Interests

As a member of the Trustworthiness Lab, I work on the modelling of trustworthy AI accelerators. System-level-modelling of hardware accelerators can provide insight into the security and safety of hardware in early design stages.

Together with Dr. Saleh Mulhem, I supervise the bachelor seminar “Trustworthy Electronics”, which is offered each semester.

If you are interested in writing a bachelor or master thesis at our institute, feel free to contact me.

For further information, please visit our lab page.

Curriculum Vitae

Since July 2021:

Research assistant at the Institute of Computer Engineering, University of Lübeck, Germany

April 2019 - March 2021:

M.Sc. Informational Technology/Computer Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany

October 2015 - March 2019:

B.Sc. Informational Technology/Computer Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany


[MEN24] Mulhem, S.; Ewert, C.; Neskovic, A.; Poudel, A.; Hübner, C.; Berekovic, M.; Buchty, R.: Secure Software/Hardware Hybrid In-Field Testing for System-on-Chip. 2024 IFIP/IEEE 32nd International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), IEEE, Tanger, Morocco 2024 [Paper]
[HHN23] Hirsch, D.; Hoffmann, F.; Neskovic, A.; Thermann, C.; Buchty, R.; Berekovic, M; Mulhem, S.: Efficient AI-based Attack Detection Methods for Sensitive Edge Devices and Systems. Book: Advancing Edge Artificial Intelligence System Contexts, 177-196, River Publishers, 2023 [Abstract] [Paper]
[NMT23] Neskovic, A.; Mulhem, S.; Treff, A.; Buchty, R.; Eisenbarth, T.; Berekovic, M.: SystemC Model of Power Side-Channel Attacks Against AI Accelerators: Superstition or not?. in ICCAD '23: Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, IEEE/ACM, 2023 [Paper]