Procurement Processes
This instruction refers to the procurement of items that are not paid by Auslagenrechnung (reimbursement of expenses).
The basis for procurements is generally always the "Richtlinie über die Vergabe von Lieferungen und Leistungen" (Directive on the award of supplies and services (procurement regulation))!
Abbreviations for saving documents (filename: „abbreviation“_year-xxx-iti, if there are several copies, attach a consecutive number: „filename: „abbreviation“_year-xxx-iti_„cons no“, e.g. LS_2018-001-iti_1):
• AN (Angebot - offer)
• AB (Auftragsbestätigung - order confirmation)
• LS (Lieferschein - delivery note)
• RG (Rechnung - invoice)
• AR (Auslagenrechnung - reimbursement of expenses)
• GS (Gutschrift - credit note)
• BS (Bestellung - order)
• If necessary, develop your own abbreviations!
• The employee selects the items to be procured.
• Rule: For procurements up to a total value of 500 € net (i.e. the price WITHOUT the VAT), the order can be given directly to the company. EXCEPTIONS: books (order via ZHB (central university library)), IT items (order via Webshop or ZUV (Zentrale Beschaffungsstelle – central procurement office)), print products such as flyers (order via Stabsstelle Kommunikation (communication department, Marketing), and office supplies (order via Webshop, except copy paper and toner).
500 € (net) procurements:
• The purchaser compares the prices (if possible/required) and fills in the form Vordruck Direktkauf. This form is then submitted to the person responsible for the budget for signature. After signing, the form including attachments is scanned and a transaction (Vorgang) is created. For this purpose, the next free consecutive number is allocated in the account overview (shared\Administration\Procurement\LAUFENDE_MITTEL_year). Now a new folder with the generated transaction number is created in the folder shared\Administration\Procurement („year-xxx-ITI“) and the scan is saved therein.
• The purchaser orders the articles from the supplier.
• When the articles are delivered and delivery notes are attached (please imprint inbox stamp), the delivery notes are scanned and stored in the respective transaction folder (see above) (filename see above).
• After receipt of the invoice (please imprint inbox stamp and "Sachlich richtig" stamp), the customer signs next to the "Sachlich richtig" stamp, so that the budget manager knows that the bill is correct. Then the bill goes to the budget manager.
• After the budget manager has signed the invoice, it is scanned and the original is forwarded to Dez. II/Finanzen. The scan is saved in the corresponding transaction folder (see above) and the entry is added in the list „LAUFENDE_MITTEL_year“.
Procurements of more than 500 € (net):
• Procurements worth more than € 500 (net) must be made through the central procurement office (Zentrale Beschaffungsstelle). For this, there is the form "Beschaffungsantrag".
• The next free consecutive number "year-xxx-iti" is generated in the account overview (Workspace\Seafile\administration (still in progress)\Procurement\LAUFENDE_MITTEL_year) (by entry of the transaction) and is entered in the form shortly before the end in the field "Anmerkungen".
• The form is completed and signed by the purchaser. If available, offers etc. are attached. The more accurately the item to be procured is described/specified, the lower the surprise in delivery!!!
• The form goes to the budget manager for signature.
• After signing “sachlich richtig”, the form is given to the secretariat.
• The original is scanned by the secretary and sent to beschaffung(at) by e-mail.
• The scan is stored in the corresponding folder (shared\Administration\Procurement\year-xxx-iti).
• When the articles are delivered and delivery notes are attached (please imprint inbox stamp), the delivery notes are scanned and stored in the respective transaction folder (see above) (see filename above).
• After receipt of the invoice (please imprint inbox stamp and "Sachlich richtig" stamp), the customer signs next to the "Sachlich richtig" stamp, so that the budget manager knows that the bill is correct. Then the bill goes to the budget manager.
• After the budget manager has signed the invoice, it is scanned and the original is forwarded to Dez. II/Finanzen. The scan is saved in the corresponding transaction folder (see above) and the entry is added in the list "LAUFENDE_MITTEL_year".