

The goal of our work is to elaborate the integration of industrial automation framework of Arrow Head into the Infineon production environment. In order to achieve this, existing systems must be reused. Even more, the new network has to be set up next to the old one in order to be able to replace it without downtime if successful. PLCs are used to control the individual production machines. These have grown over the decades and older models are still in use. Depending on the complexity small models with ARM7TDMI up to PLCs with Intel processors are used or even whole PCs with graphic cards for image recognition.

Arrowhead Framework

Arrowhead Framework as a part of Arrowhead Tools, Productive4.0, and EMC2 is the pioneer of automation of European industry developed by university of Lulea in Sweden. It works as a middleware for interoperability of futuristic smart and interconnected cities, products, and healthcare systems.

This framework facilitates the communication and interoperation between heterogenous manufacturing systems. It consists of three main core services (Arrowhead Core System Services) namely

  1.   Authorization System
  2.  Service Registry
  3.  Orchestration System

AH Framework supports service oriented architecture (SOA)

Arrowhead Tools Project

The Arrowhead Tools project aims for digitalisation and automation solutions for the European industry, which will close the gaps that hinder the IT/OT integration by introducing new technologies in an open source platform for the design and run-time engineering of IoT and System of Systems. The project will provide engineering processes, integration platform, tools and tool chains for the cost-efficient development of digitalisation, connectivity and automation system solutions in various fields of application.

Contribution of University of Luebeck

Within this project, University of Luebeck as the project partner in WP9 is responsible for integration and analysis of migration of existing production systems to digitalized interconnected systems. In cooperation with Industrial partner Infineon Regensburg.

  •  Production and monitoring Data
  •  Controlling the production system using PLC(s)
  •    Improve Flexibility
  •   Improve modularity and extendablity
  •   Enhancing the anticipation of changes and new reuqirements

Funding institutions

This project has received funding from ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 826452. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Norway and Switzerland.