Mobile Robotics
Monsun is an AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) developed at the Institute of Computer Engineering to be used in robot swarms. Four watertight brushless motors in the fins allow for dynamic diving as well as rotations about the longitudinal and the transverse axis (roll and pitch). Two further motors mounted to the front fins allow for forward and backward motion as well as for rotations (yaw). With the aid of a camera, other swarm members can be identified resulting, for example, in the members following each other. An acoustic underwater module for the communication within the swarm is currently under development.
Meyer, B.; Renner, C.; Maehle, M.: Versatile Sensor and Communication Expansion Set for the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle MONSUN. 19th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR 2016), 250-257, London 2016
Renner, C.; Gabrecht, A.; Meyer, B.; Osterloh, C.; Maehle, E.: Low-Power Low-Cost Acoustic Underwater Modem. B. Zerr et al. (eds.), Quantitative Monitoring of the Underwater Environment, Ocean Engineering & Oceanography 6, 59-65, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 2016
Meyer, B.; Ehlers, K.; Isokeit, C.; Maehle, E.: The development of the modular Hard- and Software Architecture of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle MONSUN. ISR/Robotik 2014 - 41st International Symposium on Robotics; 6th German Conference on Robotics, VDE Verlag, München 2014
Amory, A.; Meyer, B.; Osterloh, C.; Tosik, T.; Maehle, E.: Towards Fault-Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Swarms of Underwater Robots. To Appear: 18th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, Boston, USA 2013
Meyer, B.; Osterloh, C.; Maehle, E.: MONSUN - A Modular Testbed for Swarms of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. ICRA2013 - Workshop on Many Robot Systems: Crossing the Reality Gap – From Single to Multi- to Many Robot Systems , Karlsruhe 2013
Osterloh, C.; Meyer, B.; Amory, A.; Pionteck, T.; Maehle, E.: MONSUN II - Towards Autonomous Underwater Swarms for Environmental Monitoring. IROS2012 - Workshop on Robotics for Environmental Monitoring , 1-6, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal 2012
Osterloh, C.; Pionteck, T.; Maehle, E.: MONSUN II: A small and inexpensive AUV for underwater swarms. 7th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK 2012), 325-330, München 2012
Osterloh, C.; Maehle, E.: Low-Power Microcontroller-based Acoustic Modem for Underwater Robot Communication. Joint 41th International Symposium on Robotics and 6th German Conference on Robotics, 262-267, München 2010
Osterloh, C.; Litza, M.; Maehle, E.: Hard- and Software Architecture of a Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Environmental Monitoring Tasks. German Workshop on Robotics 2009, 347-356, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Braunschweig 2009