Mobile Robotics
Marine Robotics Simulator
MARS is a real-time HIL simulation environment for AUVs.
- modern GUI through NetBeans Platform (Modules, WindowManager, AutoUpdate,...)
- customizable graphics
- Cross-platform through java
- realistic and real-time capable physics (buoyancy, drag, ...)
- multi AUV support
- sensors like cameras and sonars
- actuators like thruster und servos
- noise and failures
- ROS Support
- data visualization (charts,...)
- FlowMap support
[ToM14] Tosik, T.; Maehle, E.: MARS: A Simulation Environment For Marine Robotics. OCEANS 14 MTS/IEEE St. Johns, St. Johns, Kanada 2014
[ATM14] Amory, A.; Tosik, T.; Maehle, E.: A Load Balancing Behavior for Underwater Robot Swarms to Increase Mission Time and Fault Tolerance. 19th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, Phoenix, USA 2014