Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, and Hardware Design
Lab: Intelligent Systems
Beside the advancements around the interconnectivity of digital systems, there are more data and resrources are available to apply the machine learingni in various levels of the digital systems. The main research objective of researcher in intelligent systems lab is to boost the adaption and integration of machine learning methods into these domains. This objective covers the smart prodicution systems, smart cities, smart healthcare sytems and systems based on their architectures.
Running Projects
Research Activities
We focus on the following advance and hot topics in the field of smart X:
- Designing and Developing of cognivite systems
- Software methods for integration of Machine learning methods
- Automation of Industrial IoT systems
Bachelor and Master Thesis
If you are looking for a Master's thesis, Bachelor's thesis, or research internship in the fields of Cyberphysical Systems, Software Architectures, Industrie 4.0, and utilization of Machine Learning in these domains feel free to contact me.
The following topics are also open :
Student Jobs (HiWi)
We are looking for a bachelor/master student to work in our lab as a student assistant (HiWI). The student will work for The Arrowhead Tools project, and investigate the state-of-the-art in smart production systems, smart cities and smart healthcare systems. Arrowhead Tools project aims to digitalise and provide automation solutions for the European industry. Read more...
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Gebäude 64, Raum 118 (2.OG)
Email: mladen.berekovic(at)
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Gebäude 64, Raum 118 (2.OG)
Email: javad.ghofrani(at)