Contact us
Institute of Computer Engineering
Building 64, 2nd floor
University of Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Phone: +49 (451) 3101 - 6301 / 6302
Fax: +49 (451) 3101 - 6304
EMail: sekretariat(at)
On the list of employees you find contact details of all of our employees.
a) Coming from Mönkhofer Weg turn left at the sign "Notaufnahme". Before the barrier turn right to enter Marie-Curie-Straße. Follow the street nearly to the end. On the right side you can see building 64. The Institute of Computer Engineering is located on the 2nd floor.
b) Coming from Ratzeburger Allee, use the main entrance of the university (Entering by car only allowed with approval). Follow Universitätsstrasse until you reach the barrier. After the barrier turn left to enter Marie-Curie-Straße. Follow the street nearly to the end. On the right side you can see building 64. The Institute of Computer Engineering is located on the 2nd floor.
To reach Mönkhofer Weg by car from Ratzeburger Allee use the street Stadtweide.
Please notice: Marie-Curie-Straße is often not available in route guidance systems. Use "Mönkhofer Weg 237" instead and follow the description a) above.
Arriving by Public Transport
Use the timetable service of Deutsche Bahn and use "Fachhochschule, Lübeck", "UKSH West, Lübeck" or "Universität, Lübeck" as your final destination. Follow the instructions a) respectively b) above when you arrive at the bus stop.
Note: The stop "UKSH West, Lübeck" is located in front of the former main entrance of the hospital. From there, please follow the footpath to the right. You will then reach Marie-Curie-Straße. You will see building 64 on the left on the opposite side of the street.
Arriving by Airplane
The best destination for arriving by airplane is Lübeck Airport or Hamburg Airport.
From Lübeck Airpot take the bus line 6, direction "Hamburger Straße". Leave the bus at the bus stop "Universitätsstraße" and follow the description b) above.